5 earthquakes rattle Central Oklahoma

April 16, 2013 OKLAHOMAFive earthquakes shook central Oklahoma early Tuesday, with the highest 4.3 magnitude quake hitting at 1:56 a.m., Central time. The temblors began at around 1:45 a.m. near the city of Chandler, Okla., which is about 30 miles northeast of Oklahoma City, the US Geological Survey reports. An official answering the dispatch line for the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s office told the Associated Press that they have received no reports of damage or injuries. Jana Pursley, a USGS geophysicist, told the Associated Press that all the quakes were shallow, measuring about three miles deep, which is common for the area. She added that it is common for several earthquakes to occur during a short period of time. The most recent quake occurred at 5:16 a.m. near Luther, Okla., at a magnitude of 4.2. The quakes were felt in Oklahoma City, where the Oklahoma Zoo tweeted, “that was certainly wild.” “At this point, it looks like a main shock, aftershock sequence. There are even a bunch of smaller ones,” Austin Holland, a geophysicist at the Oklahoma Geological Survey in Norman, told the Oklahoman in Oklahoma City. He is collecting data from Tuesday’s quakes to see if there were more than five. The Oklahoma Red Cross tweeted that they “are not anticipating damage” from the earthquakes. And although earthquakes east of the Colorado Rockies are infrequent, the Red Cross advises people to know how to react during an earthquake event. Their recommended action:  Drop, cover, and hold on. It’s a message that is part of a larger regional campaign, ShakeOut, which the Red Cross has been advertising in several central US states including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, and Tennessee. “Oklahoma is not immune to earthquakes,” the Red Cross said in a statement in January. The strongest earthquake in Oklahoma happened in November 2011, a 5.6 magnitude earthquake during which 2 people were injured and 14 homes were destroyed. The Oklahoma earthquakes are small compared to the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred near the Iran-Pakistan border at 3:15 local time Tuesday.  Iran declared a state of emergency and dozens of people are feared dead. This is the second earthquake within a week that has caused severe damage in southern Iran. –CS Monitor
Seismic Watch 3
High risk seismic and volcanic watch extended for Indonesia
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12 Responses to 5 earthquakes rattle Central Oklahoma

  1. Me says:

    Seven recorded now: 4 p.m. Aftershocks continued Tuesday afternoon, with a 3.0 magnitude earthquake reported by the U.S. Geological Survey about 11:45 a.m., bringing the Tuesday total to at least seven. The quake was centered near Luther.

    I am concerned they may be foreshocks. :/ Is this possible, Alvin?


  2. chondram says:

    we are having “swarms” in Oklahoma. 13 yesterday and as of 5:10PM today, 38 of them…getting spooky, supposed to have tornadoes tomorrow!


  3. K80 says:

    Felt it in Tulsa, OK. rattled the house about 2:00AM not 5:30AM.


  4. Me says:

    KWTV – NEWS 9
    So far 32 earthquakes have rattled central Oklahoma overnight and throughout the day.
    Experts at the Oklahoma Geological Survey say this is a unique situation because of the number of earthquakes registering on the Richter Scale.
    Seismologists said the frequency and number of the quakes was unprecedented in Oklahoma.


  5. Texas Listening Post, Tony says:

    Are these earthquakes associated with the New Madrid Fault? If so is the New Madrid on the move to split the US into at the Mississippi River?


    • I

      Something is certainly going on with Oklahoma and its quite independent of the New Madrid fault system. Excluding factors like fracking, we’re left with an intriguing puzzle regarding the geology of the state that suggests fault systems within the ground are reacting to some stimulus of change. The question is what is that factor of “change?” Is it man-made or naturally geologic. If the latter, it could represent something we’ve haven’t seen on an intraplate level in eons. Perhaps the precusor to another crustal fracture. It’s much too early to make such an assessment. So we await more sesimic episodes and more data.


  6. SmallFarm says:

    This swarm is still ongoing, a 3.0 and a 3.6 in the last hour. Also a swarm of small earthquakes near the Yellowstone caldera that has been going on for the last couple weeks.


  7. John says:

    Could this be due to fracking?


  8. Shelley says:

    You’re right, 6.8 Near N Coast of New Guinea (PNG) 22:55:30 UTC


  9. Irene C says:

    Swarming in Oklahoma, swarming in Yellowstone, and there have been small warms on New Madrid. Just sitting here – waiting for the kaboom.


  10. romalynn says:

    Yes unprecedented is the word for a lot of things going on these days.


  11. barbara says:

    kind of weird april 19 is anniversary of oklahoma city bombing
    kind of weird oklahoma city is being mentioned over and over in the msm with regard to recent attack in boston


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