One of Azerbaijan’s largest mud volcanoes erupts: creates cracks 2 km long in earth

April 8, 2013 AZERBEIJAN Akhtarma-Pashali mud volcano in Hajigabul region of Azerbaijan has erupted, head of the ANAS Institute of Geology’s Mud Volcano Department Adil Aliyev told APA.  He said the eruption was recorded on April 1. The scientists of the Institute of Geology have carried out research in the area: “This is one of the largest volcanoes of Azerbaijan. Volcano is located 35 km from Shirvan city – in the south-eastern Shirvan. The volcano erupted for the first time in 1948, this is the 7th eruption.” Aliyev said that along with mud the eruption also spouted a great deal of various rocks. “The volcano mud covered 18 hectares, the total area is 220 000 cu m. The average thickness of the spouted material is 120 cm. A lot of cracks have appeared as a result of the volcano. One of them is too big. It spread out over 2 km. The depth of the crack is 2 m, width between 30 – 80 cm. At present the volcano has calmed down. Usually flames are observed when mud volcanoes erupt. No flame is observed in this volcano,” he said.  According to the department chief, the diameter of the volcano is about 10 sq km meters: “Several volcanic areas separated from each other are located in the crater of eruption. Every time eruption occurs in a separated volcanic area. 21 percent of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan pull a lot of oil out of surface. This volcano is also spewing oil. Oil soaked into all wastes. It should be noted that there was also oil shale. All of them will be studied in the laboratory and concrete information about the oil and gas resources of the area will be obtained after the tests.” –NEWS.AZ
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Environmental Threat, Hazardous chemical exposure, High-risk potential hazard zone, Land fissures, cracks, sinkholes, Mud volcano, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Eruption, Volcanic gas emissions, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to One of Azerbaijan’s largest mud volcanoes erupts: creates cracks 2 km long in earth

  1. ross says:

    so your basicly saying thare a huge gas tank on top of this valcano or a oil fild is on fire under ground


  2. Irene C says:

    Okay, I actually had to look to see where Azerbeijan is located. Looks like a beautiful area. Also, there is something fascinating about mud volcanoes, but I wouldn’t want to live near one, especially one with an oil reserve on it.


  3. Dennis E. says:

    More reports of cracks in the earth from geological events….


  4. Bruno Luis says:

    Mud Volcano eruptions of this size must be very rare, it would be amazing to see it happen with your own eyes – but i would be reluctant to get too close to it


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