10 Responses to U.S. deploys hazardous chemical unit in South; intercepts communiqué warning of missile launch

  1. C Millsap says:

    I still have a concern/feeling that North Korea has planned this out for quite a while. That they have statically made things look and appear to lure the eye in one direction, and will stike from under the radar. With his threat of hitting our actual home ground, well that’s pretty arrogant. . .
    What if North Korea has already shipped in bombs to the cities he has spoken of? This guy is out of control. He’s on a mission.


  2. Taffyduff says:

    He is on a mission and must be stopped! This man and his regime must end.
    For the sake of humanity, planet stability and the future of our environment.
    Iraq and Afghanistan have been red herrings. The real threat is from Iran, North Korea, China and Russia.
    Our future on this planet is measured in days – not the life time of cradle to the grave.


  3. beloved777 says:

    And yet,the masses are still asleep,thinking it is all but a charade.


  4. Wilhelm says:

    Someone please explain to the N. Koreans that April Fool’s Day is over after the 1st…


  5. Dorothy Rownfats says:

    I agree that it is quite possibly a decoy. Send a missile with a fake or dud bomb. We then retaliate before discovering the fake. Oh, my, look what the big bad bully had done to poor N. Korea. Then we pay to rebuild. OR… a ploy to stir up discontent and gain support from other power against the U.S. finally taking it down. Accomplishing what Hitler could not. We are rather arrogant after all. So sad that it all could end in total destruction of the world.


  6. White Dove says:

    This is all Karma, maybe there are some places in the world that are in need of some serious backlash for all the global unrest they have caused within the world, but we will see in time which way the mighty pendulum of cause and effect will swing………………


  7. Emanni says:

    US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is not the sharpest tool in the shed.


  8. Puma says:

    If it is the April fool’s day, Dictator Kim is on the moon!


  9. Chrysler13 says:

    I really can’t believe that we are this close to the New World Order’s agenda 21 plan. This is just insane. Be yes, it could possibly be a poly, because I head somewhere a few years ago that North Korea has a number of nuclear submarines on both the east coast and the west, ready to destroy Washington D.C., the greater New York metropolitan area, and many other coastal towns and cities. I hope to dear god this is not true, or we are history! North Korea= Canary Islands of military power!


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