23: Large explosive eruption at Manam volcano sends ash plume to 45,000 ft altitude – Alaskan volcano shaken

January 13, 2013PAPUA NEW GUINEA – A large eruption seems to have occurred this morning around 05:30 GMT from Manam volcano north of New Guinea. VAAC Darwin reported an ash plume rising to 45,000 ft (approx. 14 km) altitude. A hot spot is visible on MODIS satellite data. For the moment, no precise other information about the nature of the eruption is available, as the island is remote and most of its population had been relocated after the last major activity in 2004. –Volcano Discovery 
Quake strikes beneath Alaskan volcano: A magnitude 4.6 earthquake struck deep beneath the Alaska Peninsula southwest of Cook Inlet early Sunday morning, triggering a tsunami warning that was quickly canceled, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The 3:45 a.m. shaker hit some 80 miles underground just across the inlet from communities along the western Kenai Peninsula. Data from the University of Alaska earthquake center pegged it 55 miles west of Nikiski but only a few miles from Mount Redoubt, an active volcano in Cook Inlet that last erupted in 2009. Despite its depth and distance it was strong enough to rattle dishware and trigger car alarms in South Anchorage, about 115 miles northeast of the epicenter, according to data from the earthquake center. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. –Alaska Dispatch
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Ash, Volcanic Eruption, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to 23: Large explosive eruption at Manam volcano sends ash plume to 45,000 ft altitude – Alaskan volcano shaken

  1. mike says:

    Does anyone know how many volcanoes erupted in 2012? I cant find any info on it on the web.


  2. archie1954 says:

    With a number of volcanos blowing their tops at around the same time, I wonder if there is a correlation either geologically, geographically or otherwise amongst them?


  3. Irene C says:

    Wow, 13 days into the year and we’re already at 23 eruptions. Along with weather going wild all over the planet. In the U.S. we’re having blizzard conditions, ice storms, severe thunderstorms, and tornadoes. I had a feeling that these events were going to increase, but this still amazes me.


  4. It seems that volcanoes all over the globe are becoming active. It makes me wonder what is next. I have a feeling something big compared to what we have ever experienced in the past. I feel like Jesus maybe coming for his bride soon too. I look for him and pray I maybe found worthy to escape all the things coming upon the earth and stand before the son of man! Maranatha!!!!


  5. Jenny says:

    sorry 23 in this case what does this number mean


    • The number of volcanoes that have erupted to this date, for this year…



      • Garth Colin Whelan says:

        Please can you list the ones which have erupted? Are some of them continuing eruptions from 2012?


      • Yes, some are on-going from 2012. Consequently, it gives us a glimpse into just how much change is beginning to stir across the planet, as gradient rises.


        Volcanic eruptions for 2013

        1. Sakurajima Volcano (Japan) eruption on-going
        2. Mount Etna Volcano (Italy) eruption on-going
        3. Nyiragongo Volcano (DR Congo) eruption on-going
        4. Erta Ale Volcano (Ethiopia): eruption on-going
        5. Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano (Tanzania) eruption on-going
        6. Sheveluch Volcano (Kamchatka) eruption January 1, 2013
        7. Plosky Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka) January 3, 2013
        8. Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico) January 3, 2013
        9. Fuego Volcano (Guatemala) January 3, 2013
        10. Copahue Volcano in (Chile/ Argentina) January 2013
        11. Kilauea Volcano (Hawaii) on-going eruption
        12. Santa María / Santiaguito Volcano (Guatemala) January 3, 2013
        13. Pacaya Volcano Guatemala – January 3, 2013
        14. Stromboli Volcano (Italy) January 3, 2013
        15. Submarine Volcano (Turkey) January 3, 2013 – Volcano Discovery
        16. Tongariro Volcano (New Zealand) January 4, 2012 – emits steam plumes, NZ Herald
        17. San Cristóbal Volcano (Nicaragua) strong explosions- January 3, 2013
        18. Paluweh Volcano (Indonesia) January 4, 2013 – Volcano Discovery
        19. Colima Volcano (Mexico) January 6, 2013 – Latin News
        20. Logon Empung Volcano (Indonesia) January 7, 2013 –Earthquake Report
        21. Nevado de Ruiz (Colombia) January 8, 2013, Volcano Discovery
        22. Kizimen volcano (Kamchatka) January 10, 2013 – Voice of Russia
        23. Manam volcano (Papua New Guinea) January 12, 2013- Volcano Discovery


  6. Wander Bardini says:

    the number 23 means , volcano that erupt in 2013 ?


  7. Oroborus says:

    The Danger is the ash drifitng across the planet causing many difficulties environmentally, also creating more magnetic disturbancces in our atmosphere so the more volcanoes erupting will casue more severe weather conditions for us all! Stay Aware and Stay safe.


  8. Mike W. says:

    Asteroid DA14 will be closer than our satellites on Feb15th, Then in march comet Pan-Starrs will be visible to the naked eye in the western skies of the northern hemisphere. Followed in Nov by a Hybrid solar eclipse and comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) which is supposed to be 15 times brighter than the moon and some scolars say they believe it will be as bright as the sun. This comet will be here until Jan 2014 meaning it could be what some perceive as a second sun when its visible in the daytime skies on Dec 21, 2013. Then will come comet Mcnaught which was discovered on Dec 30th 2012. I dont know when this one will be visible or if it will be. Now to see a comet in ones lifetime is a rare event to see 3 or 4 of them I would have to say that is biblical. I know another thing for sure, they will not be able to blame it on global warming caused by man. Lets face it how can global warming form celestial objects. I have been telling you for 3 years now that this is happening to all the planets not just ours. Unfortunately denial is a bitch and will be the cause for most deaths in the end. My bet is there will be martial law in this country by November before this real bright comet will be here and visible in both the northern and southern hemisphere’s. Everything I said can be confirmed at NASAs website and they even released about 30 seconds about these objects in the media. This will be something that happens that people have not seen since the 1600’s and the media believes it only deserves 30 seconds of air time. But yet the psychos get weeks on end of coverage. and the global warming gets years of coverage and everything that happens is some way blamed on this global warming scam. Now how did the Hopi say it would happen? First the two white brothers make their appearance and then the red dragon will come shortly afterward. Ever get the feeling that someone has been playing Chicken Little with you? Guess we will all be finding out soon enough.


  9. Dennis E. says:

    So much is happening. So many people unaware and unprepared.


  10. Chynna says:

    Birth pangs. The earth is in the throws of labour….


  11. Louise Page says:

    Some ‘say’ that humans are perhaps related by ‘6 degrees of separation……’, maybe the same can be said for our volcanoes.
    I am sure that most of the activity is related by degrees. Global pressures (below the surface) are being released in periodic moments in alternate locations.
    I tend to think ‘globally’, rather than locally, regarding these events. Combination of the plates shifting and volcanoes erupting, an ongoing – interrelated situation.


  12. Brandon says:

    I think once these irreversible earth changes reach its worst case scenario and the planet gives up trying to regain its equilibrium the movie 2012 will become reality. The only difference is that it won’t take place in 2012.


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