Erratic swings of jet stream leaves southern U.S. baking in record December heat
December 3, 2012 TEXASHigh temperatures in the Austin area have already broken records during December, after November also brought record high temperatures and, for the first time in decades, no rain in Austin for the entire month. Austin saw no measurable rainfall in November, according to reports compiled on the Austin-Bergstrom Airport Area by the National Weather Service Southern Region Headquarters. According to the report, this is the first year Austin has had only trace amounts of rainfall in the month of November since 1970, more than four decades ago. Record highs were set on Nov. 1 at 88 degrees and Nov. 3 at 87 degrees. High temperatures reached into the 80s on 15 days in November, and lows never reached freezing. The most days it has reached 80 degrees in the area in November was in 1931, with 17 days in the 80s. Temperatures Saturday hit 83 degrees, breaking the daily record of 82 degrees set in 1954. The high reached 80 degrees Sunday, and is forecast to hit 83 degrees Monday. Previous December highs were 84 degrees Dec 2. 2007 and 86 degrees Dec. 3 1995. As of the end of November, the Austin area and 81 percent of the state was in a drought classified as moderate or worse, the second of five classifications for drought severity, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. 54 percent of the state was in a drought classified as severe or worse, 25 percent was classified as extreme or worse and 8 percent was classified as exceptional. –Daily Texan
                                           Thousands stranded in Russia due to freezing temperatures
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Extreme Weather Event, Heatwave, Prophecies referenced, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration, Unseasonable Weather Event. Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to Erratic swings of jet stream leaves southern U.S. baking in record December heat

  1. Lyn Leahz says:

    Where I live is experiencing is unusually warm the past few days..particularly today…and then Wednesday, it is supposed to turn sharply colder. Strange weather we have these days.


  2. Pole is shifting & the Gulf Stream Ocean Current has been stopped or severely interrupted since 6/12/12. The latter has a great effect on the Jet Stream.


  3. sparrow59 says:

    Same here in Waco, no rain, high heat. Never seen anything like it!


  4. Me says:

    Central Oklahoma i am sitting here in flip flops, shorts and a tank top with the house windows opened up. Not good. As much i love warm weather, it’s December and should be cold. 😦


  5. massager2002 says:

    If people were to report and complain about the many Chemtrails visible in The Texas skies on any given day, you could ask yourselves about this recent phenomena that seems to be a common occurrence all over the world where some unknown entity uses aerosoles that are NOT normal to our enviornment on a daily basis to modify the weather??? What the heck? Just what result is deemed important enough to use aerosole chemicals to modify our weather and change the normal rain patterns over the United States and world wde???


  6. mark says:

    It won’t be long, the countdown has already begun.


  7. Kathy says:

    Did you see how far north the jet stream is today? The northern part of Canada?! We are in the UP and all the snow melted today, in the mid 50’s, just about short weather for us too.


  8. joemozden says:

    Here in Michigan I’ve got trees budding everywhere, and it was 55 degrees today. We skipped winter last year, looks like we’ll skip it again. Not good, not normal.


  9. xdrfox says:

    Nice here in Florida, ride with just a Tshirt !


  10. mommabhappy says:

    So not December here in East Tx. Either. All my windows open and fans running. Thinking of jumping in a lake!!!


  11. pkk says:

    in Montana we are having fifty to sixty degrees absolutely beautiful days and evenings- with gentle rain instead of snow… amazing.
    blessings to all beings,living on the brink, Paula


  12. onthemark55 says:

    Born/Raised in Pacific Northwest (Portland OR. area/58yrs) have never experienced such WARM weather this time of year. Haven’t needed the heat on or really need coats for warmth. Very,very,very moderate temps. with heavier rain cycles yet clearing/sun cycles, very odd. It seems to match raised jet stream with our area receiving the North California(Frisco area ) temperate climate. Way things are going the grain belt may shift to southern Canada, eh?


  13. lulu says:

    yeah these temps are ridiculous…i live in houston (used to live in austin) but the weather has ranged from mildly cold (60’s) to spring time weather (80’s). Austin is usually colder than it is here in houston during the winter but here they are breaking records. We never get a real spring but we are basically enjoying it now. The weather is sort of nice (albeit all over the freaking place) but the fact that it is so abnormal makes it impossible to enjoy completely. It’s so weird that our local weathermen just comment on how nice it is and even try to say that the variation in temps is normal like the temps aren’t 10-20 degrees warmer than usual.


  14. Belinda says:

    Its Dry,dry,dry….


  15. Fat Willie says:

    I live in the “Southern US” (N Central La)and we have cloudy,rainy,cool conditions forecast until at least Dec 10.Its always warm in Dec.
    It IS dry in Texas but the headlines need to be accurate.


  16. OakTinder says:

    In NorCal Moutians its been warm usally we have snow by now but just some lite rain is all we have had even with the big storm… its wasnt big here.
    I’ve put about 6″ of mulch on my garden hopefully that will help with water retention come sspring and summer because I think its gona be a HOT and dry one ;-(


  17. Bill X says:

    It was 60 here in NE Wisconsin yesterday. The normal high is 30.


  18. Brandon says:

    Are the shifting poles causing the jet stream to go nuts which is causing all the crazy weather worldwide or is it something else? NASA has said that a magnetic pole shift is normal and doesn’t have any negative civilization destroying impact. Thirdly, how much longer are these earth changes going to last? Are we at the end? Thank you my friend!
    God bless you,


    • E

      Shifting poles as in magnetic poles wandering or deviating. 3 out of the 5 extinctions in geolocial history have seen magnetic field anomalies, including reversals…so I would say its definitely a factor in what causes the planet to unravel. Climate change has also been a hallmark characteristic condition before these ELE events occurred; so preliminary evidence suggests we may be in another cycle. I think, in many ways, the changes are only just beginning.


  19. Texas Listening Post, Tony says:

    Here in Amarillo Texas the highs have been in the middle 70’s F instead of the 50’s. No rain for weeks we are five inches behind in rainfall, a lot when 15 inches is the normal for a year. Lake Meredith the source for water for 11 cities in the Panhandle is not useable so the water authority is pumping underground water depleting the aquifer at an increasing rate. When the water is gone the land is gone the people will be gone.


  20. Ken says:

    What about this??


  21. Dennis E. says:

    Right on Cue. All the comments are good comments but may I add that as a sign of the evolving earth changes, Alvin did warn us to expect abrupt or erratic changes to the weather patterns in his publications…………….. And it is coming to past………….


  22. Betsy Weggesser says:



  23. Kurt Michel says:

    Lord love a duck I should have ordered the double air conditioner in the 5th wheel


  24. Joe Nash says:

    Setting aside the contentious issue as to whether or not human activity is the cause, it is self evident for anyone middle aged and older that the planet’s climate is changing and has been changing for years. It was 78 degrees on December 3rd here in Atlanta GA. Extreme drought, high heat and erratic swings in temperature will one day lead to famine in the United States.`


  25. Joseph t. Repas says:

    Being that my 2012 yearly forecast for Philadelphia / South Jersey is right on target at this time [ made in Nov. 2011] I will offer the following for what I have seen for 2013….The last week and a half gets much colder with snow at the end of the year. Ther winter modulates back and forth between very warm in early January to very cold in the last week. February swings rather wildly in a very similar pattern to January. Big storm in early March and could bring snows. Temperatures swinging wildly from cold to very warm to cold and windy again. Warming again at the end. April plenty of rain [ floods?] and even snow faily late in April then warm towards May. Summer heat begins VERY EARLY in 2013. by the last week of May we will have temps in the 90’s with almost no rain. This trend will continue for June but with small breaks of cooler weather and a little rain. Just brought this up so people will see that there is a pattern and not chem trails or HAARP.


  26. Steve in Miami says:

    The erratic and wavy jet stream (which is causing the heat wave, and also caused the “summer in March” and the mega drought and the record hot August/July, etc.) is a direct result of the warming Arctic, which of course is a direct result of global warming.

    Global warming, unfortunately, is far far worse than most people realize.


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