70% of Venice slips underwater in the worst flooding in 140 years

November 12, 2012VENICE Tourists attached plastic bags to their legs or stripped off to take a dip in St Mark’s Square in Venice on Sunday as rising sea waters surged through the lagoon city. High water measuring 1.49 metres (5ft) above the normal level of the Adriatic sea came with bad weather that swept Italy at the weekend, causing floods in historic cities including Vicenza as well in the region of Tuscany 250 miles further south. Venice’s high water, or “acqua alta,” said to be the sixth highest since 1872, flooded 70% of the city and was high enough to make raised wooden platforms for pedestrians float away. The record high water in Venice – 1.94 meters in 1966 – prompted many residents to abandon the city for new lives on the mainland. Venetians bombarded Facebook with moans about the city’s weather forecasters, who had predicted just 1.2 metres of water on Saturday, before correcting their forecast at dawn on Sunday. “How come the people from the council who put out the wooden platforms were predicting 150cm?” asked Matelda Bottoni, who manages a jewelry design shop off St Mark’s Square, which floods when water reaches 105cm. “Many residents and shopkeepers had gone to the mountains for the day and did not have time to rush back.” Bottoni is so used to floods she has installed waterproof furniture and an angled floor. “I cannot keep the water out, but at least I can make sure it goes straight back out when it recedes,” she said. Matteo Secchi, a hotelier and head of a protest group, who grew up in ground floor flat in Venice and recalls splashing into water on getting out of bed, said his hotel was only safe up to 140cm. “This morning the lagoon came right into the hotel entrance, and this is not clean water – you need to mop with disinfectant twice after it goes down,” he said. “The British tourists don’t complain but the Americans can’t understand how it’s possible.” Secchi complained that a running event around the city had not been cancelled on Sunday. “As Venetians were trying to fix their homes and shops, people were running down the flooded streets splashing everyone with water,” he said. Alessandro Maggioni, the city’s assessor for public works, defended the Venice weather centre, describing the high water as “exceptional and unpredictable.” The Moses flood barrier system being built to protect the lagoon, due for completion in 2015, would have kept the city dry, he said. “Meanwhile, there is no rise in the incidence of high waters,” he said. Bottoni disagreed. “My shop now has some form of flooding 100 days a year, up from 30-40 days when I moved in just 10 years ago.” But she does not plan to leave. “I was born and raised here and will stay here for the satisfaction of being in Venice.” –Guardian
Floods ravage Haiti: Flood waters inundated impoverished areas of Cap Haitien, Haiti’s second largest city, killing as many as 17 people, including three children, city officials said Friday. “The city has been struck by disaster. There are many dead and major damage. All the populous areas are flooded,” Cap Haitien Mayor Wilborde Beon told AFP by telephone. Beon said many people had to be rescued and given shelter from the high waters, which swept through the northern city Thursday night amid heavy rains in the region. “The entrance to the city is completely flooded, all the rivers and ravines are swollen,” he said, appealing for aid and support. Preliminary estimates put the number of dead at 17, most of them when their homes collapsed in the flooding and heavy rains, the city’s police chief, Kenel Pierre, told AFP. “Haitian police patrols found a number of bodies in the streets. We have seen the bodies of three children aged two or three,” Pierre said. Four members of a family of eight were found dead Friday morning by rescue workers. Three children were unaccounted for and their father was in the hospital, officials said. “There are effectively many victims that we have not been able to confirm because it is difficult to move around,” Beon said. The latest disaster to befall Haiti, which was devastated by a 2010 earthquake that killed some 200,000 people, comes just two weeks after it was hit by Hurricane Sandy, which claimed the lives of at least 54 people. “We ask the private sector to help us because it continues to rain,” said Beon. “All other sectors of the state have been mobilized.” –Space Daily
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Deluge from torrential rains, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Electric power disruption & grid failure, Extreme Weather Event, High-risk potential hazard zone, Infrastructure collapse, Strange high tides & freak waves, Time - Event Acceleration, Unprecedented Flooding. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to 70% of Venice slips underwater in the worst flooding in 140 years

  1. Qc, Canada says:

    This water is contaminated – I hope that tourists are aware of that.


  2. SOSO says:

    Earth is changing and those who do not adapt and move with the changes will not survive. Look if you are living at the base of a volcano – MOVE. If you live 2 inches above the sea water MOVE. You don’t sit still when a hurricane is coming ashore, you don’t stand in the middle of the road with a speeding semi truck coming at you…… People take off the blinders !!!


  3. eartheart says:

    Supercontaminated, that was where Katherine Hepburn got her permanent eye infection after insisting on doing her own stunt scene and falling in the water during a movie shoot.


  4. Liz says:

    The earth, not Earth.

    Changes are happening as the earth/creation is groaning for its Creator to return and set things right again.


  5. vicky says:

    why do so few realize what is really occuring?


  6. Irene C says:

    So many people are in denial of what is happening. NYC was in denial when Sandy came through. Change happens, natural disasters happen, and as SOSO said, we have to adapt. If someone lives in a hazard area, either move or suffer the consequences. I know that sounds harsh, and I pray for these people, but that is the truth.


  7. sisterpriscilla says:

    Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring….


  8. Ian says:

    The water in Venice must be very cold, it is November…. brave folk!


  9. AM says:

    I visited Venice over 30 years ago and it did not smell very good. It smelled like a bathroom that didn’t get a good cleaning in a very long time. Now you can imagine where the “contamination” comes from.


  10. Liz says:

    It is contaminated with sewage, dead rates, trash, etc. I was there later that day and spoke with shop owners. The city smelled terrible after the water receded.


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