‘We Need Food, We Need Clothing’ Staten Island residents launch desperate plea for assistance

November 2, 2012NEW YORK The residents of Staten Island are pleading for help from elected officials, begging for gasoline, food, and clothing three days after Sandy slammed the New York City borough. “We’re going to die! We’re going to freeze! We got 90-year-old people!” Donna Solli told visiting officials. “You don’t understand. You gotta get your trucks down here on the corner now. It’s been three days!” Staten Island was one of the hardest-hit communities in New York City. More than 80,000 residents are still without power. Many are homeless, and at least 19 people died on Staten Island because of the storm. One of the devastated neighborhoods was overwhelmed by a violent surge of water. Residents described a super-sized wave as high as 20 feet, with water rushing into the streets like rapids. Staten Island resident Mike Abuzzio’s home is completely gone, with only his floor boards remaining. He, his wife and their two young daughters have been staying with relatives. “My youngest daughter yesterday said, ‘Daddy, I want to go,’” Abuzzio told ABC News. “I told her, ‘It’s going to be awhile, hon.’ She doesn’t understand. She’s 6.” In the rubble that was once his home, Abuzzio found one clean, intact plate of Christmas china. He said that plate will be special at Christmastime and will be used specifically for his mother’s cookies. For 48 hours after the storm, search teams were hunting for two Staten Island brothers, just 2- and 4-years-old. They were swept out of their mother’s arms when waves caused by storm surges crashed into the family’s SUV. Their small bodies were found today at the end of a dead-end street. Their parents were at the scene where the bodies were discovered. Staten Island officials sounded increasingly desperate today, asking when supplies will arrive. They blasted the Red Cross for not being there when it counted. “This is America, not a third world nation. We need food, we need clothing,” Staten Island Borough President Jim Molinaro said today. “My advice to the people of Staten Island is: Don’t donate the American Red Cross. Put their money elsewhere.” The Red Cross and the National Guard arrived in the area late Tuesday and are distributing food, water and gas – and city officials say things are much better. Molinaro urged New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Wednesday to cancel Sunday’s New York City Marathon. The race’s staging area is on Staten Island and Molinaro said it would be “crazy, asinine,” to have the race after what has happened. “My God. What we have here is terrible, a disaster,” Molinaro said Wednesday. “If they want to race, let them race with themselves. This is no time for a parade. A marathon is a parade. Now is the time to put your shoulder to the wheel. If they want to prepare for something, let them prepare for the election, not a marathon. Do you realize how many police officers you need for a marathon?” he asked. “There are people looting stores on Midland Avenue. There is looting taking place in the homes on the South Shore that were destroyed. That is where we need the police.” –ABC News
                          Reality: 109 dead, $50 billion in damages: the 2nd costliest storm in U.S. history
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50 Responses to ‘We Need Food, We Need Clothing’ Staten Island residents launch desperate plea for assistance

  1. Like the old song said, “you ain’t seen nothing yet!” What is currently happening in the NYC area is merely a shadow of what is coming down the pike.


  2. Rosa Lopes says:

    My heart goes out to all of you but please remember that this has been a chastisement from heaven so that you may amend your lives.So please if you want to live bow down to your God .Go in your knees and beg God for Mercy and at the same time thank God for your lives and your family .More is comming so please repent.


  3. bobi becke says:

    Sounds to me like a lot of folks did not heed the warnings… Stock up on food, water and supplies for at least a week or longer. Those messages were loud and clear several days before the storm hit….and in particular, anywhere along the water front, all the islands and low lying areas. There were also many shelters set up for people to leave their homes . Sad sad mess in that whole area and my heart goes out to all suffering at this time. Blessed be to all.,..


  4. My heart goes out to all who are victims of this disaster. What I found most distasteful in this news release was the following comment:
    “This is America, not a third world nation. We need food, we need clothing,” Staten Island Borough President Jim Molinaro said today.
    What is Jim Molinaro saying here? people in the third world can suffer but we should not have to?


  5. Kathy says:

    I will never understand why they’re even considering running the marathon!!! Greed is everywhere, even in the middle of an epic disaster!!!


  6. Irene C says:

    This is Katrina all over again. I’d like to say that I’m speechless, and I really am, but there is so much going through my mind that it’s hard to put into words. First of all, despite what they say in this article, please donate to the Red Cross. They are doing the best they can. They are mostly volunteers. The second thing I want to say is prep, prep and then prep again. (This can happen to any one of us.) If you know a bad storm is coming your way, be ready. If you’re told to evacuate, then get out. A home and “things” can be replaced, a life can’t. And this article only gives one side to the marathon. I’m undecided. The other side of this discussion is saying they are trying to get things back to normal and bring money back into NYC. They are also hoping that more people will contribute to helping the people there. The last thing I want to say is, trust in Jesus. We have been given another warning shot. Things are going to get worse, a lot worse. I am still in tears watching this devastation. I am also praying and contributing what I can.


  7. Therese Denbeck says:

    This is a very surreal moment. A super-sized wave as high as 20 feet. FB page – “Superstorm Hurricane Sandy” has a picture of someone swimming underwater at Battery Park in Scuba gear next to a park bench.


  8. Rhonda says:

    After experiencing the blizzard of 93 and multiple tornadoes over the years you can’t depend on the government to rescue you. Everyone should have food and water stored if possible. Share with your neighbors and be ready to defend your family. That is why I love living in Tennessee. They are the first ones out with chainsaws and 4 wheeled trucks to help you. We are truly blessed. I wish more churches would establish emergency stations to help people. A bowl of hot soup means a whole lot more than which church has the tallest steeple..


  9. Noel Pamplona says:

    It would really be prudent to cancel the NYC marathon. Good thing i backed out of it a month ago. A blessing in disguise indeed. Even if I didnt cancel, I would still feel odd and guilty to try to have “fun” and run by areas wheree I know people got hurt, are starving or wondering when their next meal is gonna come, or if they’re gonna be warm that coming night. This would be a good test for your city mayor.


  10. onthemark55 says:

    Civilized society is not a “state of mind”, it’s a “state of condition”. FEMA needs to get control of this situation asap, enact martial law if needed or we’ll witness another Katrina nightmare x10. I’m amazed at the stupidity of people, i.e. John Stossel, who actually think the goverment should’t step in(read spend money) to help during disasters. This is a breeding ground for disease and death, a literal incubater for a pandemic. Politics/idealogy aside, what have we become when budget concerns come before desperate,devasted people, our neighbors, in harms way? We always have the means to wage war.


  11. Kwazai says:

    As much as they need food and clothing, they are going to need plywood and poly sheet in large amounts. Short term its Katrina in New York. It took a few days to a week to get supplies in to Louisiana. A lot of logistics involved.
    Kindof of topic but If I were there, I’d be wanting as many poly sheet sunspaces as I could get. How long before their electric grid is fully functional?


  12. Dawn says:

    I live here in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn in flood zone B where I only had to deal with my power being shut down but thankfully was put back on shortly after. My family live in flood zone A of Sheepshead Bay and stood with me during the storm. My mother’s home was flooded and car floated away and the only thing she keeps saying is thank god it could of been worse. It is still very dangerous to walk around anywhere because of the damage all around. We know people that lost everything living in Breezy Point and in Staten Island where I know 2 of the people killed in the storm, A father and son who stood at the home while the rest of his family evacuated. It’s so hard to understand and take in everything that has happened this week. Even to go to the store everything is gone. people here are going through alot. Even the police who one is my sister in law who almost lost her life working in Coney Island where it was really bad. Her police station had to be evacuated when the walls collapsed on them they had to swim out of building and fom a human chain because the water was so powerful and up to their necks. They went to a highschool which was made a shelter and had to leave there because the school was flooding as well. Things are really bad here in New York and New Jersey and I can understand their anger and frustrations people are homeless without power or food and its freezing. This was one storm and look what it did to a major city. It literally shut a city down. You see people waiting on lines that go on forever for gas. It’s something out of a movie. What if something worse happens which it will because look what is happening all over the world. It is going to get worse and we really are not prepared for any of it. Our mayor is making sure the marathon still goes on honestly who cares about the NYC marathon when all this is going on. Really, that is what matters I am so angry with this man because everything is a business. Everyone knows this is a distaster area and people need help and he is worrying that Wall street and the Marathon continues on thats why it is such a rush for Manhatten to get back because it’s a big business. They were hit hard as well but the mayor will make sure all this happens instead of just changing the date for a later time. The outer bouroughs are all suffering and people are going through so much and it is a shame what is going on here. I’m sorry for writing so much but I just needed to vent about the craziness that is going on around here and I’m praying for everyone.


    • hu6098 says:

      Thanks for your comments and insights. You give us a very clear picture of the heartbreak and devastation which doesn’t necessarily come across via mainstream media. I hope all goes well for you and yours and that you emerge safe and well from this tragedy.


  13. Dennis E. says:

    I have to laugh at the stupidity of some people who occupy positions of management and authority.
    I think it would be proper for New York to cancel its famed marathon when so many people
    are suffering and the law enforcement assets it is going to take away from safeguarding private businesses from looters and other criminal activity. Also, consider the fact that many of the subways are not working which increases road traffic.

    I think that there is a learning point here. if you read the comments by some of the residents of Staten Island and elsewhere, it validates the point of having a portable disaster ready kit. I realize that many homes were flooded and the people had to leave unexpectedly, but “sandy” was advertised as a super storm and many victims of this storm lived on the coastline. Perhaps the people of staten island should have evacuated. Was that possible?

    Lot of panic attacks and anxiety here by the residents and help will come. This was a huge event that covered 1/3 of the nation. My prayers go out to those who suffered lost of loved ones.
    However, with the earth in turmoil and considering what has been posted on this site and written, this could be just a taste of what is to come………….


  14. Skeptical Citizen says:

    Its sad and I feel for the victims. However It would be better if folks had selfreliance & know how rather than waiting for & demanding others solve their problems. these clatyclismic events likely will increase in severity & magitude. the Goverments and relief agencys wont be able to be everywhere & rescue everyone.


  15. Bundy says:

    Oh Alvin the part about the 2 little boys is so extremely sad,poor,poor family.


  16. steve kinkle says:

    I have been driving truck for 22 years. Alot of it has been up in the area effected by the hurricane. They are SOOO unfriendly to us truck drivers. They want out freight BUT they dont want us in their city other than that. They are giving us fines for parking somewhere so we can sleep. They charge us HUGE AMOUNTS to run the toll roads and bridges. They treat us like we are scum!!! I feel sorry for alot of the good people there BUT the law makers and law enforcement up there are very unfriendly to us truckers. There was an article posted not to long ago about parking in the bronx I think, and the law makers said they dont want our dirty loud trucks on there streets at ALL except to pickup and deliver, after that get out or get a huge fine. THAT is a bunch of you know what. I think we need to refuse to bring stuff in now and bring the law makers to their knees and force them to change their laws and lower the tolls toward us truckers!!! Thanks for posting this. The word really needs to get out how they treat us on the east coast.


  17. pst007x says:

    Money first … People second… if the Govt could just let these people die they would, it would be the preferred solution and cheapest. We live in a civilization where money is placed above human needs, these poor people will be left to suffer until the majority start to complain, then perhaps something will eventually be done.

    Sad times… unfortunately worse to come!


  18. A Quebecoise says:

    My heart goes out to them.


  19. Gary says:

    While I feel for the people that lost loved ones and homes to the storm, this is just a small taste of what a natural disaster such as an EMP, asteroid strike, mega-volcano, etc. would bring to a civilized society. Aside from those that either had their homes lost or destroyed, there is no reason for people to be screaming that they are starving to death a mere 3+ days after the storm. Even when we were told for up to a week that this may happen, we see people that had no extra provisions set aside for the worst case scenario. Personal accoutability and prayer is the only answer to surviving something of this magnitude. This applies to before, during, and after the event. It is a clear example of how we have become too dependant on the power grid, fossil fuels, and the government to live our daily lives.


    • hu6098 says:

      So which is it, Gary? Prayer or personal accountability? I guess those who don’t have the resources or finances to get out of the area or stock up on necessary provisions will just have to hope that their prayers will be answered. As for society’s dependence on electricity, we’ve also become far too dependent on jobs, of which there aren’t too may left. Get off your high horse and have some compassion. Not everyone has the same resources you do, despite trying.


      • Gary says:

        So do tell, how many resources are required to stock up on a case of canned goods? I have news for you, compassion will not feed an empty stomach. BTW, can’t one be personally accountable yet rely on prayer for spiritual strength? You are making alot of assumptions about me even though I have never met or talked to you. I am prepared to take care of my family and myself when the time comes, are you?


      • I agree with Gary’s message for the most part. Speaking of accountability…lets ask the parents of the small children who perished needlessly within the storm surge waves. What were these parents thinking to be out during this horrific storm?! To me the parents should be held accountable for their negligence! Negligence: “failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances.[1] The area of tort law known as negligence involves harm caused by carelessness, not intentional harm.”

        Most folks do have enough food to last at least 3 days…even if its a few cans of beans. It cost a lot of money to live in the New York areas. Food IS being supplied at multi shelters via the churches in the areas. At least that’s what I’m seeing on the news. Gary’s message to me is to be prepared for any event as this destruction event will not be the last mankind has to face. As far as jobs go… the jobs are increasing slowly. Its not easy to recover in only 4 years after the devastation to our country that Bush had created!


    • hu6098 says:

      Yes Gary. I’m prepared. But I have the resources now to buy food for a few days. I make no assumptions about you. I base my comments on your words. To believe that everyone has money to buy enough food for three days is naive. A case of food??? An assumption I might make from that comment, Gary, is that you have enough money to buy a case of food, enough space to store a case of food, and a means to carry it home. Good for you. Maybe you’ve never been in a situation where none of those things are possible. But you’re judging people who are in that situation, and there are plenty of them who don’t have enough money to buy their NEXT meal, let alone food for the next three days. You’re alright Jack — pull up the ladder! A lack of compassion won’t feed an empty stomach either. It’s good to hear that God’s taking of care of you. I guess your personal accountability and your prayers are working.


  20. molassis says:

    I read where they are pulling guns at gas pumps, throwing eggs at utility crews… and it’s been 3 days… when we have a hurricane here (Florida Panhandle)… it’s 2 to 3 WEEKS without power but we behave and are THANKFUL for what help we get…


  21. Anne says:

    Thank you for posting this. We now see the real story.
    We refuse to give $$ to the Red Cross some time ago when we found out about the exorbitant salaries our dollars were paying those in high positions, with only a fraction going for Emergency equipment, food and shelter.
    Much better to give to local churches that have Emergency help available in times of distress.


    • Oh wow….your statment about the American Red Cross is sooooo wrong. How about offering us some official proof to back up your tripe?! Shame on anyone who doesn’t take the time to “Fact Check” the info FIRST before spewing out misinformation! Who knows the degree of harm that you have caused to others due to your misconstrued beliefs. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/charities.asp

      As far as donating to charities…. I believe that the persons “INTENTION” and “ACTIONS” to help others is what God see’s within us period. Yes, we must trust that our donations go to where they are needed but if not…then let God handle that issue. At least I did something! It sure beats doing NOTHING and spreading lies so others are afraid to help as well. Talk about taking a major hit to the soul….eh?! This is just another example of evil manipulation.


  22. Joe says:

    With some regional exceptions, unfortunately the USA looks and still is a third world country


  23. Scott Kl says:

    I knew it. Each donation to your local Red Cross goes is taken in and never seen again! Thank you for your donation.


    • Irene C says:

      So, you’re going to base your assumption about the Red Cross on what is said in this article. Show me your own legitimate proof that the money is never seen again. I happen to know that most people who “work” for the Red Cross are volunteers, who leave the comforts of their own homes and families to help those who are suffering. Yes, they have paid administrators who do this full time. That is a necessity. Someone has to do the coordinating. But they are non-profit. I would rather give my money to the Red Cross than to some fly-by-night con artist. And if there is still any doubt, just ask those who have been helped by the Red Cross, like me.


  24. Sydney says:

    It appears things haven’t changed much since Katrina…..people are still being abandoned…..


  25. Moco says:

    We don’t know how to elect leaders except for their popularity. No one has a clue if someone is genuine, caring and can handle crisis. Up to now has been playtime.
    Playtime, is officially over.


  26. Phyllis Carlstrom says:

    I think all the ‘healthy’ people who would run the marathon should offer their services in stead to the Staten Island survivors and help them out. More honor in this than spending time in a race while those a few miles away are suffering … just an opinion.


  27. katnea says:

    How many days BEFOREHAND were people being warned that Frankenstorm Sandy was headed their way? The medias were screaming the same message both day and night that Hurricane Sandy is going to be “the Storm of the Century” OR “This is an historic and catastrophic storm,” OR “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen,” said Smerbeck, a meteorologist for more than 30 years. “It’s mind-boggling!” With that being said….
    In No-Way-No-How would I have ever kept my small children on Staten ISLAND when the storm of the century was bearing down on their very lives! Now that really IS mind-boggling to me! The people were warned to either get OUT or move their families to a safe zone. I made it through Hurricane Ike when it hit Houston but I had prepared for it. I was without power for approx 3+ wks. No power is no sewer system. Of course the outcome of Hurricane Ike wasen’t as devastating as Katrina or Sandy ended up being but still it was bad enough. This Donna Solli can count herself LUCKY if its ONLY been 3 days of ‘suffering’! Just ask the Katrina victims. People can die of Heatstoke just as well as Hypothermia! When its cold…you can pile on clothes and blankets but when its hot and you don’t have any access to clean cool water …you are screwed.

    Of course all our payers are with the victims of this horrific storm but storms such as this type will not be our last! Americans should of gotten away from being dependent on fossil fuels clear back in the 70ies! We must not let the oil cartels run our country. We must go GREEN for our children!


  28. Enash says:

    I am stunned and saddened when I see people like Ms. Solli who expect (and demand) someone else to take care of them in the wake of disasters like this. Please don’t think I am being cruel if I come off as sounding heartless, critical, or snarky towards those in need. I am not. My heart hurts for them, and I will give money, food, water, blood, whatever I can. However, the “It’s been three days” comment particularly strikes a nerve with me. Three days-worth is the absolute minimum amount of emergency supplies you should have on hand, impending disaster or not. In large scale disasters such this, we should not and cannot rely on the adequacy nor the speed of the response of government agencies, charities, and compassionate strangers to provide relief. Some have quickly forgotten the lessons of Katrina, a Category 3 storm (whereas Sandy was “only” a Category 1). We can blame FEMA, NOAA, the National Hurricane Center, etc, in the aftermath, but being prepared beforehand with supplies and a plan is a personal responsibility.


    • Granny says:

      In order to “lay in” extra supplies a person (or family or group) must a few prerequisites, such as:
      1. A safe place, secure from scavenging rodents, insects, water, heat, freezing, thieving people, direct sunlight, unsupervised children, and dirt.
      2. The means to acquire these nice haven that is so nicely safe for goods and people.
      3. The means to acquire the supplies… at all.
      4. The supplies have to be available at a time when they can be purchased and be transported to the waiting safe, secure home base. These supplies that are available at just the right moment must be packaged in durable long lasting containers obtained and transported to the safe place ahead of the expected or unexpected need.
      5. These preparations must all be left behind if one must evacuate on foot with only that which can be carried, without being arrested for vagrancy or loitering or panhandling (which might be expected as being street or homeless people have learned to expect.

      Homeless persons and other poor folk can only do #6. Even then to try and stay out of the way and mostly hidden might seem preferable than to have to accept the pity and contempt of those who are capable of prepping and maintaining the prepped status
      Such needy persons are always in a state of emergency. They already do without most of the comforts that most of us have come to think of as essential. There are some lessons to be learned from them about what it is that we really do need, and what we can do without.


      • Magenta says:

        Granny thanks for reminding people that it is usually the least of us who suffer the most. Those are probably the same people suffering the most now. People with resources can work themselves out of this mess. The big difference is those who are used to going without, will weather the storm better than those who are not used to being inconvenienced in any way. In these troubling times our love and compassion is being tested, pay it forward. Blessings to all.


  29. I live in Christchurch New Zealand and I understand how these people feel, nearly two years on we are still living in a ruined city, thankfully we have power, water and most of us have toilets. We have food and a city that have pulled together from all socio economic groups and neighbourhoods to help each other. My heart and love goes out to all living in the disaster areas, please be patient, I know how hard it is to live with uncertainty and ongoing trauma when you have lost so much. Spare a thought for the people in Japan, Thailand, and Peru etc. Some of these places 5 yrs on still have no reliable water, power or sewers and their infrasturctures are decimated. Be thankful you live in America, the help will come and your neighbourhoods will be rebuilt.
    Bless you all
    In Love and Light


  30. Well, after reading all of these posts it is becoming clear that a lot of people have seen that this storm was intended as a warning to all of us to wake up out of our 21st century complacency and start taking things seriously. My heart and my prayers go out to all of the people who are suffering through this disaster. But let it also be said that we have been warned for quite some time now by folks like Alvin and other alternative news outlets, but how many have really taken the warnings seriously? Apparently not many; the “it could never happen here” mindset is hard to shake. But seeing the outcome of one storm, and understanding what could have been a potential calamity if British Columbia’s 7.7 quake had happened in a place like Seattle, it should become clear to all of us that we are in for a rough ride and should be prepared to care for ourselves when our governments either can’t, or won’t. May God comfort and bring relief to all of you struggling in Sandy’s wake.


    • mary says:

      I was wondering what has happened to all the homeless people. I think there are many who live in the subway. Did they get out ? Does anyone care? I hope they are all right.


      • davidgreybeard says:

        I’ve been wondering about the same thing. Hopefully a lot of them were able to get to higher ground; with their strong survival skills/street skills a lot of them probably escaped the waters. But I haven’t heard of anyone in authority even bring them up – sadly, I don’t think most people would care.


      • Irene C says:

        Although it was not widespread news in the mainstream media, efforts were made to find the homeless prior to the storm coming. The Weather Channel had a report about that effort. However, many of these homeless have mental problems and are very wary of any authority, so great care has to be taken to get to them. But there are a great many organizations who do their best to take care of the people that society has forgotten about.


      • Anne says:

        Dear Irene, I usually always agree with your comments. In this case the homeless are the last on the list. In those cities, they are considered a nuisance. Today, and yesterday, helping these souls is not in the least a priority. As for shelters, there are very few considering the population.
        The Mayor for instance, appeared for a live photo op and couldn’t wait to leave the people begging for assistance yesterday. All they asked for was WATER.


      • Phyllis says:

        I have been seeing alot of peole asking about them,but it seems that no has mentioned them at all,I wonder,if the rats were drowning and running out of those tunnels, several hundred or thousand people that were living underground in those tunnels too,didnt they start drowning too?


    • Magenta says:

      We are so accustomed to a certain kind of reality that we expect life to continue under these conditions. When a storm like sandy turns your world upside down, you can’t prepare for that level of devastation psychologically. The victims are still processing their new reality, hopefully, recovering from the shock of it all. I think the mayor of NYC was still in denial, when he thought having the race go on would show resolve. This storm just shows how quickly the world can change. With all the accelerated EQ and volcano activity that we are seeing, we don’t know who will be next in the disaster arena. All your material possessions can be wiped out in the blink of an eye. If you are striped bare of all things, you are only left with whats in your heart. If all people’s hearts were filled with love and compassion we would be living in heaven on earth! Blessings and may your hearts be filled with a peace that surpasses all understanding.


  31. Tom says:

    Many of the worlds cities r built on the wrong place( too close to big waters, or where eq&volcanoes frequently hits the area)
    I live in a part of the world where a new iceage is expected(northern europe, scandinavia)Its like having a damocles sword dangling above the head. But where is safe haven? Israel, greece,spain,utah? We can only pray that the lord is merciful, but weather changes. Its normal with storms and iceages
    When the bowls of wrath hits mankind you dont want to live in a crowded city built on
    the wrong place. Ive moved from stockholm to a much smaller village high above sealevel partly because of that.
    I pray for everyone affected by sandy!


  32. Leah says:

    We need to stop depending on everyone else to save us when things go wrong. Take some responsibility for yourself and stop leaning on the government, because they won’t save you.


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