West Virginia crippled by massive snow storm

October 31, 2012WEST VIRGINIAParts of West Virginia were digging out from up to three feet of snow dumped in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, a deluge that cut power to hundreds of thousands of residents and shut down main highways. The thick blanket of snow at higher elevations across the ridges of the Appalachian Mountains, including in parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania, also brought concerns that rivers and creeks in low-lying areas could flood later in the week as the snow melts, with temperatures expected to reach 60 degrees. Falling trees and storm-related traffic accidents claimed the lives of three people in Maryland, three in Pennsylvania and one in West Virginia, state officials said Tuesday. Close to 300,000 West Virginia residents were without power Tuesday afternoon, as high winds and heavy snow snapped branches and downed power lines, and officials expected the number to rise. Outages at several utilities had left some areas without access to water, and officials were sending out trucks to deliver bottled water. “West Virginia continues to be hard hit,” said Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, a Democrat. “Right now, my main focus is on life safety, power restoration and critical infrastructure.…We are doing everything we can to help the folks in need.” More than 30 of West Virginia’s 55 counties had snow, with the heaviest snowfall at higher elevations, said Liz Sommerville, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Charleston, W.Va. Bowden, above 3,000 feet, recorded 24 inches by early Tuesday, compared with 16 inches in Beckley, elevation 2,300 feet, and 9 inches in the capital of Charleston, elevation 980 feet. “Trees are coming down. I got a feeling that a lot of weaker structures are going to come down,” said Gary Berti, of Davis, W.Va., where 30 inches of snow had fallen by Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Berti, 54 years old, said all the stores along the main street of Davis were closed Tuesday and only pickup trucks with four-wheel drive were braving secondary roads. Restaurants without power were making food for rescue workers using gas stoves, he said: “They’re cooking everything they’ve got because they know they’re going to lose it.” Snow was expected to keep falling on mountainous areas through Wednesday, and blizzard warnings remained in effect in more than a dozen counties Tuesday. At lower elevations, snow was expected to turn to rain by Tuesday night. The West Virginia Department of Transportation reported accidents on three major highways in the state and said fallen trees and power lines were complicating efforts to clear roads. The agency urged residents to stay home. Marshall University canceled classes at various campuses around the state, and West Virginia State University closed for the day. –WSJ
This entry was posted in 2012, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Extreme Weather Event, High-risk potential hazard zone, Record snowfall, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to West Virginia crippled by massive snow storm

  1. John Williams says:

    This winter is looking like its going to be the coldest in years I live in west central Ga and already had a layer of ice on my car this morning. The last few years that did not happen until mid December. I can’t remember the last time its gotten this cold this early in the year.


  2. Mike UK says:

    We read recently on here that the Gulf Stream had shifted slightly, are we seeing more evidence that it has? No one really knows the climatic effects such a shift will bring and all we can do is be ready for worse case scenarios IMO.


  3. Irene C says:

    To be covering a blizzard from the same system that’s causing a hurricane and a nor-easter is unusual to say the least. Really makes me wonder what we will see next, not that I really want to see it. Changes are definitely happening.


  4. Tennessee Jim says:

    Things are getting very very bad


  5. — SEVERE STORMS (1 updated events, 1 new images) —

    In late October 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused severe damage in the Caribbean and along the U.S. East Coast.
    * http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=79574&src=nha
    *** VIIRS(Suomi NPP) image from Oct 31, 2012 (Posted on Oct 31, 2012 11:28 AM)


  6. Carla Giampaglia says:

    According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this is supposed to be a very cold winter for most parts of the US, especially the southern regions.


  7. These photos were taken yesterday around our house.. pretty incredible for October, hey!


    We had gotten a little more than 3 feet of snow here in Nicholas Couty, WV, as of yesterday morning with a slight thaw in the afternoon. ALL snow records have been shattered! However, it is snowing pretty heavily right now.. no mains power, no phone, losing mains water now, as the local water company’s back-up has failed. However, we were well prepped with 6 cords of wood split and stacked for the woodstove, chosen because of its heavy cook-top. We also have a 10 KW Photovoltaic array.. this provides power to the home and feeds back into the grid… and a large solar charged battery back-up system that runs critical circuits and gives us lights and laptops as well as plug-in stuff like a small microwave, coffeemaker and electric pressure cooker. The only PITA is having to sweep snow off the panels!

    We have 35 gallons of fresh drinking water for when the water goes off, and as we have an acre of spring-fed pond, we have a hand-operated Katadhin water filter which we COULD use to filter pond water if we suffered a prolonged outage (we’re looking at 2 weeks right now). I have also got a whole bunch of fresh and canned fruit and veg in the root cellar, a ton of venison and local pastured pork and lamb in the freezers so I think we’re doing OK. The next week will be an EXCELLENT time to finish The Exctinction Protocol and get going on “Hazard” :^)


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