U.S. East coast prepares for ‘super storm’ as hurricane Sandy intensifies: 58 deaths linked to storm system

October 27, 2012 CLIMATETropical cyclone Sandy revved back up to hurricane strength on Saturday as it churned toward the U.S. northeast coast where it threatens to become one of the worst storms in decades. The late-season storm has been dubbed “Frankenstorm” by some weather watchers because it will combine elements of a tropical cyclone and a winter storm and is forecast to reach the U.S. coast close to Halloween. Forecast models show it will have all the ingredients to morph into a so-called “super storm.” Governors in states along the U.S. East Coast declared emergencies on Friday, with officials urging residents to stock up on food, water and batteries. The U.S. Navy ordered all ships in the Norfolk, Virginia, area, including a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, out to sea to ride out the approaching storm. “We’re expecting a large, large storm,” said Louis Uccellini, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Center for Environmental Prediction. “The circulation of this storm as it approaches the coast could cover about the eastern third of the United States.” Sandy battered the Bahamas southeast of Florida on Friday after causing widespread destruction in eastern Cuba a day earlier. The storm was expected to crawl northward on Saturday and Sunday and then turn toward the U.S. coast. Sandy’s powerful winds and rains were blamed for 58 deaths in several Caribbean countries, including 11 in Cuba. Most were killed by falling trees and building collapses. On its current projected track, Sandy could make U.S. landfall on Monday night or Tuesday somewhere between North Carolina and southern New England, forecasters said. The storm has the potential to cause widespread power outages and to unleash flooding and even dump snow as far inland as Ohio. It also threatens to disrupt air travel along the U.S. East Coast. At 8 a.m. EDT (1200 GMT), Sandy was about 335 miles southeast of Charleston, South Carolina, and packing top sustained winds of 75 miles per hour, the U.S. National Hurricane Center. It had earlier dropped just below hurricane strength but little overall change on strength was expected ahead of its anticipated U.S. landfall early next week, the Miami-based Hurricane Center said. The storm picked up a little forward speed overnight but was still moving slowly over the Atlantic at 10 mph. The massive storm has continued to grow in size with tropical force winds extending 450 miles from its center, government forecasters said. In New York City, officials were considering shutting down the country’s largest mass transit system because they were worried the storm’s impact could cause flooding or high winds that might endanger subways and buses. Much of Florida’s northeast coast was under a tropical storm warning and storm warnings and watches extended up the coast through most of South Carolina and North Carolina. Along North Carolina’s Outer Banks, which jut out into the Atlantic, vacationers in large camper trailers and motor homes streamed off the barrier islands. Many forecasters are warning that Sandy could be more destructive than last year’s Hurricane Irene, which caused billions of dollars in damage across the U.S. Northeast. –Reuters
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19 Responses to U.S. East coast prepares for ‘super storm’ as hurricane Sandy intensifies: 58 deaths linked to storm system

  1. Leon Cane says:

    I hope no nuclear power plants, are affected by this monster storm…. I keep having odd, vivid dreams about major disasters…. Sign of the times, I guess.


  2. niebo says:

    Ending the season with a bang?


  3. Irene C says:

    Half of the state if Ohio, including my area, is now on alert. We have a forecast of snow and wind. It’s going to be a nasty week here. And for those in our TEP family who live in the watch or warning areas, my prayers are with you. Please take this storm seriously.


    • elijahsmom3 says:

      Have been thinking about you. Stay safe. Don’t know if we’ll end up getting any of this or not, but I’m further south than you. I’m still getting ready just in case.


      • Irene C says:

        Thank you Ronni. We’re about as ready as we can be. Went grocery shopping yesterday and picking up Mom’s meds today. And I have a ton of blankets – just in case. The one nice thing about living in a urban area, next to the main high school, is that our power gets restored pretty fast.


  4. NJ declares State of Emergency


  5. Therese Denbeck says:

    There are a couple of dreams that are matching up with this – I had an odd one last night probably around the same time as the storm picked back up. We will see what happens.


  6. Brian says:

    This is going right over us in central PA. Latest from NOAA:



  7. sharilynne says:

    So glad I moved from New Jersey. I lived right on the Hudson River. Of course now I live in CA, so I guess it’s all relative.


  8. Adz says:

    Good Luck everyone in East Coast USA, stay safe.


  9. Mick says:

    Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station
    Oyster Creek is a single unit 636 MWe boiling water reactor power plant which first came online on December 1, 1969; it is the oldest operating nuclear power plant in the United States. Located 50 miles east of Philadelphia and 75 miles south of New York City,[8] the plant gets its cooling water from Barnegat Bay, a brackish estuary that empties into the Atlantic Ocean through the Barnegat Inlet.

    Oyster Creek was originally licensed for 40 years, but in April 2009 its license was extended for another 20 years by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “Based on the Atomic Energy Act, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issues licenses for commercial power reactors to operate for up to 40 years and allows these licenses to be renewed for up to another 20 years. This original 40-year term for reactor licenses was based on economic and antitrust considerations — not on limitations of nuclear technology. Due to this selected period, however, some structures and components may have been engineered on the basis of an expected 40-year service life.

    A week after Oyster Creek got its new 20-year license, workers found a tritium leak which came from two buried pipes that had not been properly insulated the last time they were worked on in 1991. A second tritium leak was discovered in August, 2009, from a pipe leading into an electrical turbine building. The tritium contaminated groundwater on the plant site and has been flowing into Barnegat Bay.

    In December, 2010, Exelon reported that Oyster Creek will close in 2019, 10 years earlier than planned and will not have to install cooling towers………………………………………..nothing to worry about


  10. robind333 says:

    I pray for all those in Sandy’s wrath but I also pray the spiritual eyes are opened to those who cannot see the Spiritual Warfare which is taking place the the US today…Be safe to all in her path…


  11. hilly7 says:

    They’re giving reports to be aware here in East Tennessee. We’re just now finishing repairs from the 2 storms that hit 2 years ago. Our temps here are expected to drop fast too. The Smokies areas got heavy rain, not sure if it is part of that system or not.


  12. Jaded Pickles says:

    I live in Massachusetts and have been prepping for this storm since Saturday. I have been buying non perishable foods, water and 100 gallons of gasoline (keep it far away from the house and garage) for my generator. I called all of my family and friends to see if they needed guidance on preparation for the storm. I only found resistance from the people I care about. In there minds, nothing is going to happen because the electric company and the government will save them.

    I do not know why people are so distracted now a days to the point they cannot see danger coming at them?

    Even if the storm doesn’t come what is the harm in being prepared? You can still eat the food you purchased and put the gasoline in your car.

    If the power goes out for an extended period of time, I rather be warm and comfortable with hot showers than be stinky, cold, hungry and in the dark.

    So who is nuts now!


    • Irene C says:

      I understand resistance, I get it myself, but you did all you could do by warning them. I will be praying for your safety, Jaded, and for all those around you.


  13. Dennis E. says:

    I hope everyone up North is safe. I live in North Carolina and am so glad this is by-passing us in that it is not a direct hit, just a brush……………


  14. Dennis B. says:

    Well, sitting here in central NJ with Sandy headed for us. We are prepared the best we can. All we can do is sit and wait for the onslaught. We will probably loose power and the internet. Alvin, I will miss seeing the comments about this as they are posted.
    God Bless and Good luck to all,


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