6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes south coast of Papua, Indonesia

October 12, 2012INDONESIA A magnitude 6.7 earthquake has struck eastern Indonesia near the Aru Islands. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake was originally measured at 6.9. It struck at a depth of 33 kilometers, 80 kilometers north-northwest of Dobo on the Aru Islands. The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said a destructive widespread tsunami was not likely to be generated by the earthquake. However, it said there was a small possibility of a local tsunami. People in the northern Australian city of Darwin reported feeling the tremors. Today’s earthquake is the fifth 6.0+ magnitude earthquake recorded in the month of October. –Radio Australia
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11 Responses to 6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes south coast of Papua, Indonesia

  1. KP says:

    I only find 4 earthquakes 6.0 or larger in the month of October, so far… 6.0- Mexico, 6.3 – Indonesia, 6.4 – Balleny Islands region, 6.7 – Indonesia ….. where was the fifth?


  2. jeremy says:

    earth is just heating up for the big one i think pray im wrong


  3. Dennis E. says:

    It seems that there has been recent significant increase in 6.0 plus earthquakes and it seems that
    they are inching up the scale to 7.0 and who knows what after that.


  4. Scott Kl says:

    Ok, throw out the fear mongering. This is actual proof of a tremendous uptick heading toward the end of the year.
    Alvin, is this a bad sign or could this just stay on par for a while? It seems none of these big EQ’s are causing damage.


  5. Tim says:

    41 earthquakes 6.0 and above for 2012. That averages 3.9 per month for the first 10.5 months of 2012.


  6. tonic says:

    Outside of stats, I expect most of the people who visit this site, like me, have a “gut feeling” that all is not well. It’s awareness, like I have not seen one wasp this year. I hate wasps, but I like the hatred I have for them, and have been denied the expression of it this year.! (stupid I know) And if they fail to turn up again next year I will panic.
    They have always been there, and future generations should also experience the loathing or love, that we exibit towards them.
    Just in a panic moment.
    I used to think we can /could predict coming events. I do not anymore. And I never suspected my arch enemy ( Mr wasp) could teach me this lesson.
    The unravelling is happening now, subtle, un-noticed, quitely, but it is happening.


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