Russia halts imports of Monsanto GM corn over cancer fears

September 26, 2012 RUSSIARussian authorities temporary suspended the import and sale of Monsanto’s genetically-modified corn after a French study suggested it may be linked to cancer. ­The Russia’s consumer-rights regulator Rospotrebnadzor asked scientists at the country’s Institute of Nutrition to review the study. The watchdog has also contacted to European Commission’s Directorate General for Health & Consumers to explain the EU’s position on GM corn. The report prepared by France’s University of Caen and published last week, claimed that rats fed over a two-year period with Monsanto’s genetically modified NK603 corn, developed more tumors and other pathologies than a test group fed with regular corn. The NK603, sold under the Roundup label, is genetically engineered to withstand glyphosate weed killer. The company criticized the study, saying it “doesn’t meet minimum acceptable standards for this type of scientific research” and the data was incomplete. Monsanto also said Russia’s ban will have little effect on its business as the country import small volumes of corn from the US. Besides that, the Russian government doesn’t permit farmers to plant GM crops. “Russia is a net exporter of grain, so the actual impact of their temporary suspension, if any, is likely to be small,” the spokesman said in a statement. Meanwhile, France announced it will uphold the ban on genetically modified crops in the country. It has asked the national food-security agency Anses to examine the study of Monsanto’s corn. If other countries follow the examples of Russia and France it could be a severe blow to the major US biotech. In California, activists are fighting to have GM products removed from the food supply. They are also pushing to pass Proposition 37, a law that would legally require genetically modified foods to be labeled as such. Monsanto is opposing the law and it has donated over $4.2 million to lobby against it. Over 2,000 farmers have petitioned the US government to more thoroughly investigate the impacts of the genetically modified corn crop from Monsanto. –RT
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18 Responses to Russia halts imports of Monsanto GM corn over cancer fears

  1. skywalker says:

    when is this giant monster company of evil ruination going to face the music and stand trial for crimes against humanity . or maybe they believe they have enough money to buy themselves out of any trouble. i read this report over 9 months ago and still we hear nothing about these devils in white coats , who pollute our food chain and poison our bodies. MONSANTO have taken the word “corrupt” to a whole new level.


  2. Chris Gerber says:

    Now, the question is: If the GM corn is marketed here in the U.S. and is not labeled as GM, How do U.S. consumers tell if they are buying GM corn from Monsanto? I would recommend that U.S. buyers not buy it, at least until this issue is resolved.


  3. M.A.D says:

    What are they going to do next?


  4. The main question should be whether or not Roundup, used in raising the corn after it’s modified,
    is present on the corn when it reaches its market. Roundup kills plants by interfering with the plant’s porphyrin metabolism. The GM plants somehow are engineered to withstand this. But can humans withstand this when they consume the corn? I don’t know and we should see if there are real experiments to determine if human porphyrin systems are interfered with in this corn. Humans cannot be made Roundup Ready.


  5. Foxtrapper says:

    This has been along time coming..unfortinately, it is too late to stop the cross contimananation that these crops have already accomplished during their comercial use. Now the doomsday vault that Monsanto built will be put to Monsanto huge dividens of course..


  6. Paula says:

    Isn’t it horrific what this company will do for profit? Imagine a world where mad selfish scientists, cruel tyrants, politicians willing to be bought away from their principles did not succeed and wisdom, love and light prevail. We imagine and work for it to be so.


  7. merle says:

    Monsanto said, “The company criticized the study, saying it “doesn’t meet minimum acceptable standards for this type of scientific research” and the data was imcomplete.” This comment is typical and laughable. I SAY the same research they use does not “meet minimum acceptable standards!” The difference is that Monasanto bullies their way to accomplish whatever they wish to, with their deep pockets and large monopoly. The public is realizing how UNACCEPTABLE this company’s standards really are….but “calling them out” on it and fighting aginst it are entirely different standpoints.


  8. James says:

    I read this and can say “Yay!!!” for the Russian populace. I live in CA and am a supporter to our proposition 37 to get GM products labelled. Will it happen, we will see. It is amazing to see what big name companies are against labeling and the list of products that use GM materials. I guess amazing is not quite the word to use, but more like frightening.


  9. Lorili Jazz says:

    Scary stuff, but not surprizing.


  10. Susan says:

    I am with the farmers, all the articles I have read, from Natural News to others, including the FDAs own scientists from 1996 I believe all state that GMO frankenfoods are not healthy and have been rushed through the FDA approval process. You gotta look at it, the CEO that worked for Monsanto is now part of the FDA, how unethical is that??? I did a report for my school for sociology on GMO foods and I absolutely do not want this food. Monsanto is evil with a capital E!! They sue farmers if pollen drift goes from Monsanto farms to the neighboring farms for patent violations!!! They sue local farmers for saving seeds that have been done for millenia, they are suing these farmers and putting them out of business so big Ag companies and corporations can move in and monopolize and push out GMO crap!


  11. devlin says:

    it’s a shame that the GMO corn is everywhere in the nature now…even in europe.
    and it will continue to evolve and infect the rest of the corn…and now the studies show…
    but it’s way too late, and we are in contact with it everyday in one way or other.
    Humans have to remember that playing god only attracts misery


  12. El'sFriend says:

    We are all being experimented on without informed consent!


  13. We don’t get imports, here in the USA, either. We home grow the stuff.


  14. Granny says:

    Top 10 breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto’s GM corn:

    To help avoid some of it ………..



  15. yardley7 says:

    GM foods are banned in Europe and now Russia. US, what are you waiting for????? GM corn plants have pollinated and polluted heritage corn in Mexico and Central America….our food supply is in grave danger. Prop 37 in California is a good first step in requiring GM foods to be labelled….please vote yes–it is a step in the right direction.


  16. Anthony says:

    Best news I’ve seen in a while. Most countries do not allow Frankenfoods into their country, and with just cause. France studies aren’t the only one who sees the link between cancer and GM Corn, there are several. I think we’re the only country in the world that allows a thing like Monsanto to create something then test it (directly or indirectly) themselves. I grew up on a farm and have a farm now. We don’t do or believe in GM/GE anything here. Most would be amazed at how much food has changed since the 60s, and it ain’t for the better either.


  17. merle says:

    Monsanto said, “The company criticized the study, saying it “doesn’t meet minimum acceptable standards for this type of scientific research” and the data was imcomplete.” This comment is typical and laughable. I SAY the same research they use does not “meet minimum acceptable standards!” The difference is that Monasanto bullies their way to accomplish whatever they wish to, with their deep pockets and large monopoly. The public is realizing how UNACCEPTABLE this company’s standards really are….but “calling them out” on it and fighting aginst it are entirely different standpoints


  18. Lisa Wilson says:

    GMO corn is being sold by Wal Mart.I read this in another article.


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