5 Responses to U.S. Defense Secretary warns Japan-China territorial spat could lead to war; urges calm on both sides

  1. Brian says:

    Hey Alvin, thought id just drop you a note on the goings on in South Africa…
    We are in dyre straights regarding the ANC vs ANCYL ( Zuma vs expelled Malema )
    and threats of a financial war and even the mention of another Arab Spring for South Africa…

    38 miners shot dead by police and 78 wounded, strikers have killed 11 so far : two security guards
    two Police and civilians…

    News links to reference are :- iol news , Mail & Guardian & Times on line ( SA )


  2. Dennis E. says:

    I believe we are seeing the rise of the King(s) of The East, of course China.
    China, in my opinion, will be a far worst adversary than The Soviet Union ever was and that the time has come for their entrance onto the stage as a major world player, especially within the military power projection realm and execution.

    Hate to say this, but I keep looking at the USA continual demise and I think the damage has been done…….Without US leadership, the world becomes a more dangerous place.

    China has not forgotten the atrocities of World War II carried out by Japanese Forces.
    “Remember the Rape of Nanking 1937 or Nanjing Massacre 1” and other acts that were similar to the Jewish Holocaust done in Europe in World War II.

    Yes, it has been over 60 years, but remember, China has been a country for over 2,000 years
    and have exhibited a uncommon attribute of patience and awaiting their moment.
    Is this one of those moments about to occur?

    Just my opinion………..


  3. Jay777 says:

    And the Bible says ‘in the last days, there will be rumors of war’. The world is about to explode. From Iran to Israel to the US, Syria a mess, Russian troops in Syria, North Korea at the door step of South Korea, Lybia is the wild west, India at odds with Pakistian, England send ships to the gulf, and now China vs Japan over Islands. The world is going to sake soon.


  4. Irene C says:

    War, even a rumor of war, between these two nations is not a good thing. The second missile defense shield is making china nervous, although it’s meant to guard against N. Korea and I’m sure N. Korea is watching carefully what transpires between Japan and china. Add into that mix the 47,000 U.S. troups stationed there, well, if anyone makes a wrong move, it wouldn’t be pretty.


  5. Joseph t. Repas says:

    Sounds like the best thing that could happen is that an earthquake swallows up those islands and no one gets them.


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