What’s hiding in reactor 3? Concern mounts over potentially hidden radiation exposure

September 14, 2012 JAPAN – Something is concealed in spent fuel pool of reactor 3 again. On 9/13/2012, Tepco released the photos of SFP3 but the surface of SFP3 is pixelated. Tepco investigated the inside of SFP of reactor3 for fuel removal from the Upper Part of Unit 3 Reactor Building. They released the pictures taken on 9/13/2012, but the surface of the pool looks pixelated as shown above. –FD
contribution Angelsong
This entry was posted in 2012, Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Electric power disruption & grid failure, Environmental Threat, Hazardous chemical exposure, High-risk potential hazard zone, Human behavioral change after disaster, Infrastructure collapse, Nuclear plant crisis, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to What’s hiding in reactor 3? Concern mounts over potentially hidden radiation exposure

  1. Montana Jim says:

    There is definitely a lot of radiation down there. They are not telling people the truth about anything. If the truth was released and well known, government as we know it would crumble over night and anarchy would begin, not a good scenario at all. I like the title of this post, my first thought was this would make a good title of a monster movie.


  2. keepinitreal says:

    Okay I just noticed the FD link after I confirmed it myself. never mind. 😀


  3. Philip Pixler says:

    There are things happening The Four Winds of Heaven have started to blow.The time told of from the beginning is here.


  4. squig says:

    Over the past 18 months radiation from short lived isotopes like Cobalt 58 has been detected which can only mean one thing re-criticality. Radiation is still being released from Fukushima and nobody is doing anything to stop it.


  5. Bone Idle says:

    I wouldn’t be over worried about the “pixelization” of the images. They could be just normal digital aberration.
    However in the overall scheme of things it doesn’t really matter.
    As has been mentioned on specialized Fukashima sites. Even if they do know what is in the spent pool fuels, they (Tepco – or any other nuclear industry specialists) have no idea how the pools are going to be able to be cleaned up and the residual material removed.
    You can cleanly see that the roof steel beams have fallen into the fuel pool in reactor 3. And then, where is the 30 tonne crane that was used to remove and replace the fuel rods? This crane has clearly fallen into the pool.
    Arne Gundersen – nuclear specialist has theorized that the explosion from reactor three blew fuel rod particles out around the site and into the sea.

    The fuel pools maybe one problem but the reactors in building 1 , 2 and 3 have had major meltdowns. No one has any idea what is going on inside the “containment vessels” of reactors 1 and 3. Radiation levels are at death zone in those two. Reator 2 has very limited accessibility.
    It’s a possibility that in 20 years or more the authorities may have an idea on how to deal with these problems. – But don’t count on it.

    And as an aside. The Russians threw far more money, men and logistics into containing the problem at Chernobyl than the Japanese have done so far at Fukashima. The Russians have even entered into agreements with foreign powers and companies to sort out the Chernobyl mess. – The Japanese have so far only paid lip service with foreign entities.


  6. Sheryl Minns says:

    There are several areas that appear pixelated. Couldn’t it just be an artifact of low res photography?


  7. Ed says:

    Below is a document that I came across and saved, but, I don’t remember who wrote it. It doesn’t look good.
    And the blame for this, at least according to Dr. Bill Deagle, is Fukushima radiation. Look at these hopeless numbers and make up your own mind:
    “A recent study was prepared for Greenpeace Germany by international nuclear safety expert Dr. Helmut Hirsch. Dr. Hirsch’s assessment, based on data published by the French government’s radiation protection agency (IRSN) and the Austrian government’s Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) found that the total amount of unstable radionuclides Iodine-131 and Caesium-137 released between March 11 and March 23 has been so high that the Fukushima crisis already equates to three INES 7 incidents.
    Release of radiation from the stricken reactors has reached 10,000 teraBequerels (10,000 trillion Bequerels) per hour, measured for radioactive Iodine-131.”
    “The uranium bomb which the United States dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II released 89 tera becquerels. It killed 140,000 people – many instantly, others within weeks of the blast as they succumbed to severe radiation burns.”
    So, a rough estimate is that Fukushima is spewing the equivalent of 112 Hiroshima-type nuclear bombs worth of radiation every hour, of every day.
    That’s 981,120 atomic bombs a year going off worth of radiation into our biosphere.

    Nuclear power “too cheap to meter”!
    On April 12, Japan’s nuclear safety agency raised the Fukushima meltdown to level 7, the highest category on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Level 7 was created expressly for the Chernobyl disaster, consisting of “a major release of radiation with a widespread health and environmental impact”.
    A recent study was prepared for Greenpeace Germany by international nuclear safety expert Dr. Helmut Hirsch. Dr. Hirsch’s assessment, based on data published by the French government’s radiation protection agency (IRSN) and the Austrian government’s Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) found that the total amount of unstable radionuclides Iodine-131 and Caesium-137 released between March 11 and March 23 has been so high that the Fukushima crisis already equates to three INES 7 incidents.
    Release of radiation from the stricken reactors has reached 10,000 teraBequerels (10,000 trillion Bequerels) per hour, measured for radioactive Iodine-131.
    YouTube: “President Obama: ‘We Do Not Expect Harmful Levels of Radiation to Reach the U.S.’”

    Radiation in milk in Hawaii is now at least 2,033% above Federal drinking water safety limits. The US safety limit is 3 pCi/l (picoCuries per litre). Note this is the minimum percentage found over EPA requirements. This figure is reached by adding together the Caesium-134 (800%); −137 (633%); and Iodine-131 (600%) levels found in milk.
    http://theintelhub.com/2011/04/11/japan-nuclear-radiation-in-hawaii-milk-2033-above-federal-drinking-water-limits/ .

    It should be noted the testing was performed on samples of organic milk.
    Increased radiation has been reported in the municipal drinking water of at least 14 US cities. These are not restricted to the west coast of North America but have occurred in the US midwest and east coast. Where measured, rainwater in every US state and Canadian province have elevated radioactivity. In California, Geiger counter activity has trebled, from 7.5 to 22.5 clicks per minute.
    Rainwater samples taken in San Francisco April 6 measured an increase of 18,100% above Federal standards and included measures of radioactive caesium and Tellurium-132. The west coast Canadian city of Vancouver ordered suspended all mobile radiation testing until further notice after levels of 10,000% safe levels of Iodine-131 were detected. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency refused to test British Columbia milk for radiation.
    On April 4, Japanese government also has requested the Japan Meteorological Society and Japanese universities not to release data from radiation measurement to avoid “public panic”. Rainwater samples have all demonstrated elevated concentrations of radioactive Tellurium-02, Ruthenium-04 and Technetium-04.
    280 sensors to measure radiation release from atomic bomb testing were established under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1996. These sensors are detecting levels equivalent to Chernobyl releases. One scientist, Gerhard Wotawa, noted, “I’ve never seen data like this in my career.”
    So how do we deal with disaster? Austria, Germany, Canada and Australia have banned eight episodes of Matt Groening’s US anime series, The Simpsons, dealing with nuclear crisis. The Simpsons, now in its 24th season with 480 episodes, has been one of the few outlets to show the greed of nuclear operators, grovelling toadies and a complacent public to a mainstream television audience. Meltdowns caused by jelly doughnuts! See http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Springfield_Nuclear_Power_Plant
    Kopp Online, Xander News and other non-English news agencies are reporting that the EU implemented a secret “emergency” order without informing the public which increases the amount of radiation permitted in food by up to 20 times previous food standards.
    According to EU bylaws radiation limits may be raised during a nuclear emergency to prevent food shortages.
    Japan itself has now restricted rice planting in soil with more than 5,000 Becquerels per kilogram of radioactive caesium, the first time maximum radiation levels have been set for soil anywhere. The Fukushima prefectural government announced on April 6 that rice paddies 20-30 kilometers from the nuclear plant have shown as much as 15,031 Becquerels per kilogram of radioactive caesium.
    It would appear TEPCO dumped 11,500 tons of radioactive runoff into the ocean, 100 times the permissible amount. Although the diplomatic corps was informed beforehand and the Japanese foreign minister stated the release does not violate international law, Iodine-131 was found in seawater at 7.5 million times and radioactive Caesium at 1.1 million times the legal limit. 60,000 tons of radioactive water remain.
    In fact, such dumping clearly violates 1972 international law, the ”Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter”. As Natural News puts it, “Fukushima has become the dirty bomb of the Pacific.”
    Fish in nearby waters are now being measured at 4,000% above the Codex Alimentarius limits for Iodine-131 and 447% of Caesium-137. Radioactive caesium has a half-life of 30 years. Radiation levels for the isotope are not considered “safe” for 10 to 20 times longer. The caesium released today will remain dangerous six centuries from now.
    When one takes into account the conveyor currents of the north Pacific, all seafood will become contaminated. Radioactive seaweed has been found in Puget Sound. Goodbye, sushi!
    We’re poisoning the mother of all life on Earth.
    The nuclear operator has offered $12 each in compensation to nearby residents. This paltry offer was refused. Economists at Tyler Durden has reported an inevitable economic collapse for Japan following a plunge from 52.9 to 46.4 in private mortgage insurance.
    However, what we’re seeing, according to the American NGO Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility is the application of new standards which will drastically raise the levels of radiation allowed in food, water, air and the general environment. Access to internal US Environmental Protection Agency communications has revealed a 1,000% increase for exposure to Strontium-90; a 3,000-100,000% rise for Iodine-131; a 25,000% rise for Nickel-63 in drinking water.
    Any radiation has no safety threshold for human exposure and the EPA’s own numbers state that 25% of people exposed to these “new acceptable levels” would develop cancers. The EPA is not required to make its deliberation public or debated by Congress; all that is required to make this Federal regulation is simple publication of the changes in the US government gazette, the Federal Register. http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/item/723-fallout
    This is being accomplished, of course, to protect the nuclear lobby and its stakeholders from threats to its financial health.
    In addition to cancers, any radiation exposure correlates to an increase in immune system disorders. Thyroid diseases, diabetes, asthma, AIDS, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis and a huge spectrum of non-specific neurological conditions are expected in the human population. Radioactive iodine attacks thyroid function while radioactive caesium mimics potassium uptake.
    The ‘Petkau effect’ for ingestion of beta and alpha particles, discovered by Atomic Energy of Canada scientist Dr. Abram Petkau in 1972, draws ominous conclusions for human exposure. Dr. Petkau found that lower doses of ionising radiation are actually more efficient at disrupting human cell activity.
    Uranium-234, previously unreported, has been detected in Hawaii, southern California and Seattle. This is likely to be a product of the alpha decay of the Plutonium-238 found in the Fukushima reactors but Plutonium-238, −239 and −240 have already been released into the atmosphere at Fukushima. Uranium-234 has a half-life 245,500 years, which means that radioactivity will be detectable for half a million years. There will certainly be no people to measure it! South Korea closed 130 schools starting April 7 due to radioactive rain at levels only 1/10 of California’s.
    A further Richter 7.1 aftershock on April 8 in Japan, the largest since the March 11 9.0 earthquake, negatively affected at least a further five Japanese nuclear power facilities to varying degrees but some with loss of power. Will Japan become a new Atlantis?
    International shipping has also already been affected with many shipping lines avoiding Japan to prevent radioactive contamination. However, further reports indicate that some irradiated ships have been found in European ports. Japanese cars imported into Russia have been found to have high levels of radiation.
    Some scientists have already declared northern Japan, including Tokyo, uninhabitable and recommended its evacuation. Radiation in Tokyo has been doubling every day since March 11. Video report: http://vimeo.com/22003275 and http://vimeo.com/22003021. Evacuated to where, exactly?
    On March 15, Germany bowed to enormous public protest and announced it will continue to phase out nuclear power and shut down, temporarily, seven of its oldest reactors. However, the final shutdown is not planned until 2020.
    On April 12, China announced it was suspending all nuclear construction for 20 months, until December 2012. China had been expected to become the world’s largest user of nuclear power, supporting 40% of new development.
    Thank you but this is both too little and, obviously, too late. Nuclear power must be legislated out of existence now or the robber barons and their politician friends will just be waiting until we get lazy and forget.

    Global Research Articles by Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT)

    The Japanese government has taken its time to release detail about the radiation generated by the nuclear disaster at Fukushima’s Daicha power plant.

    Initial inertia was caused by shock as Japan was overwhelmed by the scale of the earthquake and tsunami, and political reluctance to reveal the truth. In August 2011, however, the government revealed that around 15,000 tera becquerels of caesium-137 had been released since the three reactors were cracked by the earthquake and tsunami on 11th March 2011.

    That amount of radiation is equivalent to 168 Hiroshima bombs.
    The uranium bomb which the United States dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II released 89 tera becquerels. It killed 140,000 people – many instantly, others within weeks of the blast as they succumbed to severe radiation burns.
    The estimate of radiation released at Fukushima was made by Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan’s government.
    Radiation from Fukushima has, to date, not been officially recorded as resulting in any deaths. Radiation leaking from molten fuel inside nuclear reactors – as at Fukushima – does not affect human and animal life in the same way as a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb is, clearly, designed to cause mass destruction by creating blast waves and intense heat.
    At Fukushima, the problem of radioactive contamination is a longer term one. It’s certainly possible that residents in the immediate vicinity of the cracked reactors will suffer radiation effects as time passes. The workers who struggled inside the plant to cool the reactors and prevent meltdown are even more at risk. They were exposed to radioactivity at the height of the crisis.

    The Japanese government created a 12 mile no-go zone around Fukushima after the disaster and recent government figures revealed radiation readings inside the zone of more than 500 millisieverts per year. That level of contamination is 25 times higher than Japan’s official safety limit.

    There is also the problem of radioactive contamination of seawater and sealife since seawater was used in attempts to cool the reactors. Most of that water ran back into the sea – taking radioactive contamination with it. My note: they are still cooling the reactors with sea water that is running back into the sea with no thought to the conseaquences.

    Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/8722400/Fukushima-caesium-leaks-equal-168-Hiroshimas.html


  8. Meatplow says:

    I know what’s in there, spent fuel rods not covered by water, long since caught fire and melted and blasting off trillions of highly radioactive particles destined for our lungs and innards. The fish r gunna die, the animals are gunna die, and so are we. We are all undone.


  9. Carol says:

    My thought is that radiation is messing with the filming equipment causing pixelization…this is sad and scarry!


  10. Tim says:

    Zoom in and see it was doctored, Pixelization is commonly used to hide sensitive military areas.


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