More tremors rattle Song Tranh hydro-power plant in Vietnam

September 9, 2012 VIETNAM While attending a ceremony to see recruits off, many officials of Bac Tra My district heard big explosions in the earth and fell tremors. “After the explosion, the ground shook and my car was also shaken,” said Ms. Dung, a district official. Mr. Tran Van Anh in Phuoc Hiep commune, Phuoc Son district, where is very close to Song Tranh 2 hydro-power plant, said: “At 7.20am, when I was drinking tea with my neighbors, an underground blast exploded. After that the ground shook strongly. We had to run out of the house immediately.” In Hiep Duc and Nam Tra My districts, hundreds of people fled from their houses because of underground blasts and tremors in the early morning. The Geo-physic Institute verified that four quakes occurred near the Song Tranh 2 plant in the morning of September 6. The strongest tremor is 3.4 Richter and its epicenter was in Phuoc Hiep commune, which is very close to Song Tranh 2. According to the institute’s statistics, up to 58 tremors were recorded around Song Tranh 2 plant over the last year. From September 3-6, up to 12 quakes occurred. The strongest tremor was 4.2 Richter. Tremors may come from the Tra Bong or Hung Nhuong-Ta Vi faults, around 3km from Song Tranh 2 dam. According to a research work by the Geophysics Institute, Song Tranh 2 hydro-power plant is built on the weak layer of the earth’s crust. If strong earthquakes occur, they will cause danger for both the plant and people in the downstream area. According to the Institute of Science and Technology of Vietnam’s initial conclusion, underground explosions in the region were caused by reservoir induced earthquakes of 3-4 Richter scale from the fault on the left bank of Tranh River. The capacity of Song Tranh hydro-power plant’s reservoir is over 730 million of cubic meters, which is located over 100m higher than the downstream area. Experts worry that if the dam is broken, it will cause disaster to the downstream region. It is predicted that the reservoir can cause maximal earthquake of up to 5.5 Richter scale. Prof. Cao Dinh Trieu from the Geophysics Institute says it needs to set up five fixed quake observing stations around the Song Tranh hydro-power plant.
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7 Responses to More tremors rattle Song Tranh hydro-power plant in Vietnam

  1. Will people never learn that you don’t build a large, heavy dam and then fill a huge reservoir over a seismic fault? It’s flirting with disaster, literally.


  2. onthemark55 says:

    Why would they build a dam of this size/capacity at such a vulnerable sight? The dam was finished in 2010, so there had to be prior knowledge of existing faults and “weak crust” issues. It’s reported water is leaking through cracks along the base of the dam. Anybody downstream No(ah) boatbuilder??????


  3. SoSo says:

    Man just seems to never learn to let nature be, to blend in with earth. Keep messing with earth, building structures where we should not, drilling her, dumping into her and watch how wild she is going to get. You would think by now we would learn to live in harmony on this wonderful garden !!! But instead we act quite greedy and dumb and build homes where natural disasters occur throughout history, over and over and over. And, we tear earth apart. Since she is a living organism how long do you think she will allow it? Looks like we’ve done it again.


  4. Irene C says:

    I have to agree. Building a reservoir that holds 730 million cubic meters of water, on the weak layer of the earth’s crust, on or by a fault line, is dumb. Or maybe it’s greed. So many of these countries are trying to play catch-up that they’re taking short cuts and endangering the very people they’re “supposedly” wanting to help. And of course the government turns a blind eye to what the scientists are trying to warn them of.


  5. yettle says:

    Wow, I have finally found a new home. Thank you Alvin! I have been a study of the greats like Hal Lindsey, etc. But you finally put it all together answering the final questions that I had. I have read your first book, and I am reading 7th protocol now. How science and prophecy do come together. Thank you so much for this website.


  6. I wanted to comment on the sources of not sustainable life styles in Vietnam and their recent (relatively, post WWI, more or less). Only a condensed version makes no sense, and a history, even a recent one, requires thousands of print pages. Colonialization wrecked this country and made it vulnerable. Berlin, Korea type divisions, post WWII helped to finish it off, for a long time.

    All water courses pass through weak spots in the Earth’s surface. Path of least resistance. All dams are built in similar places. The new weight of accumulated water causes seismic adjustments of load bearing structures under all new or constantly changing water volumes.
    I feel it is is hubris on our part to suggest the victims are short sighted in their choice of geology. We who don’t live in such a ransacked, overrun, raped Eden, don’t know the difficlties encountered by the Vietnamese and their infrastructure. It is only and accident of birth that any one of us was not born downstream of this, or any dam, reservoir, or monster levees. I suspect many of us feel that the levees on the Mississippi are built on solid ground? Or that it is a sensible idea to live anywhere between the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers? Or that the Niagara electric generating plant is not built on a a fault ? Or that all of our nuclear generators are above the high water line, and not on massive fault SYSTEMS or in tsunami vulnerable zones?
    Or that all, most, or even a few, ports are built above the high water line, beyond the reach of tsunami, and not on top of major fault systems? None of the major cities and ports of the world are built on top of, downwind, or even in the shadow of large volcanoes? or super-volcanoes. And as the Knig of Siam woulds say (The King and I) “Etcetera etcetera etcetera.”

    The international proliferation of vulnerable and dangerous construction and structures is obviously spreading a miasma of dread among everyone, but the blaming of the victims and potential victims is a mistake. Those people are doing the best they can. There are plenty of “motes” in our own eyes. Especially mine.



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