6.4 earthquake strikes Indonesia south of Java

September 3, 2012 INDONESIA A powerful 6.4 -magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia off the island of Bali in the wee hours this morning, but no destruction, injuries, or tsunami warnings have been reported so far. The epicenter was 172 miles south of Denpasar at a shallow depth of just 5 miles, AFP reports. Indonesia is located on the so-called “Ring of Fire,” where the clashing of continental plates leads to regular volcanic and seismic events. –Newser
This entry was posted in 2012, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Magma Plume activity, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to 6.4 earthquake strikes Indonesia south of Java

  1. Oggie says:

    Hi Alvin,

    There was another quake in the Philippines (5.8), this time in the Moro Gulf in the Mindanao area a day ago. This closely follows the 7.6 off the shore of Samar in the Visayas near the Philippine trench. I don’t know if this is in any way related to the renewed volcanic activity in neighboring Indonesia but it’s pretty hard to ignore the signs even if one chooses to relate the earth movements to better monitoring. The increase of birth pangs before the age draws to a close? With the backdrop of war (or rumors of war), we’re literally on the front row watching the prophecies being fulfilled.



    • Very true. As I have said, Indonesia is now on a seimic ignition switch. The day of reckoing is fast approaching and a gradual escalation of geological activity is now, regretably, underway. This is a very hot zone and we will soon see very dramatic changes taking place in this region of the world, including incessant quakes.

      Hope all is well, and good to hear from you as always,

      peace and blessings,


  2. Montana Jim says:


    I want to ask that you and your readers keep us in your prayers. My wife’s blood clots are still not any better and they are still having a hard time regulating her blood thinner levels. Also I would like if it y’all could be praying for my neighbors. One of my neighbors hung himself yesterday and now the people left behind are having to deal with his sin. I ask that you keep them and their children in your prayers as well. I posted more details in a letter for a prayer request from my mother on my blog if you want to check it out.



    • The power of prayer availeth much. Jim, thanks for putting in the request and consider it done by myself and I’m sure the readers will follow. I’m wishing you, your wife and the neighbor the very best.

      Love and peace in God,


  3. Wes says:

    Our prayers are with you and those families Jim, May GOD comfort them and heal your wife.


  4. rita says:

    Alvin, could you please comment on the major earthquake swarm in the virgin islands. I have not seen anything like this before. At least in the past few years. And i just saw one over 5.0. Is this a hot spot? Sorry if you covered this already.

    Thank you,


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