U.S. scientists probe beaching that killed 17 whales

September 2, 2012FLORIDAU.S. scientists are to investigate what led 22 whales to beach themselves in Florida—killing 17 of them—one of three such incidents in North America over the weekend. The dead whales will be “dispersed at different labs across Florida for necropsy,” or animal autopsies, Blair Mase, regional stranding coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told AFP on Sunday. Only five of the 22 pilot whales survived after beaching themselves Saturday morning at Avalon Beach State Park, on the east coast of Florida, despite efforts by volunteers and experts to save the group. So far, it is unclear why the whales swam ashore. Mase said experts would collect data to try to find out why the whales stranded themselves. The survivors, four juveniles and one calf, are “stable” and “swimming on their own,” Mase said. They are currently at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and will likely be transported later to SeaWorld in Orlando. However, two other groups of whales swam onto beaches in North America—one in Cape Cod on Saturday and another in Canada on Sunday—an occurrence that Mase said merited further investigation. “It’s very interesting that we’re seeing all these mass strandings occur in North America right now,” she added. Pilot whales are tightly knit and sometimes swim on to beaches as a group when one of them is ill. In those cases, Mase told local media, it does not help to push the whales back into the water, because they tend to quickly swim back to shore again. –Physics
16 whales die off Scotland coast: A total of 16 whales have died after being stranded on the east coast of Scotland. Ten others were refloated after being kept alive by vets from British Divers and Marine Life Rescue. The incident between Anstruther and Pittenweem in Fife involved pilot whales, each of them approximately 20ft (6m) long. The whales which survived will be monitored for the next 24 hours to see if they re-beach. Forth coastguard were alerted to the incident at about 07:00 BST on Sunday. Three of the whales which died were calves. The incident drew a large number of bystanders to the scene, prompting the coastguard to urge the public to stay away to allow rescue teams to carry out their duties. Coastguard teams from St Andrews and Leven, Anstruther lifeboat, and Fife Police assisted with the incident. A further 24 pilot whales, thought to be from the same pod, were spotted in shallow water about three miles away at Cellardyke. They have been monitored for signs that they are in danger of stranding. –BBC
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18 Responses to U.S. scientists probe beaching that killed 17 whales

  1. SupremeSiddha says:

    This might be a sign of a coming earthquake, just a heads up.


    • Duck says:

      Yes SupremeSiddha, it just could be.
      Also I get a feeling that the current beachings may also be indicative of current ‘disruptions’ to their senses by the many quakes occuring around the world. Mainly in the regions where there has been (and may be grumbling, yet to become obvious) much seismic/volcanic activity. They are such beautiful and ‘sensitive’ (to nature changes) creatures – their ‘responses’ should be well noted by ‘humans’ (as indicators that something can be or is wrong).
      Cheers 😉


    • Lisa says:

      7.6 off the coast of Costa Rica 9/5/2012 … I think there may be a connection.


  2. meredithpe@gmail.com says:

    United States Navy Sonar.


  3. Therese says:

    Very sad. I thought I remember an incident close to Cape Cod with Dolphins last year. They said the currents in that area had something to do with it. I am impressed with the 4 Juveniles and 1 calf. Interesting symmetry.


  4. Jennie says:

    16 pilot whales also died today, when they became beached in St Andrews, Scotland. 10 managed to swim out to deeper water. The last time this happened there was a volcanic eruption in Iceland. There is some thing going to happen. As I’ve said before……..always look to the animals, they will give you clues. Alvin, thank you for keeping us informed.

    Keep safe everyone.


  5. Jennie says:

    There was a 5.3 earthquake off the coast of Norway……………….. Did that ‘ spook ‘ the whales?


  6. “Current projections bring Isaac, now a strengthening tropical storm, to Florida’s neighborhood during the first part of next week,” writes Alex Sosnowski, an expert Senior Meteorologist there.
    So this is what they have forecast for next week to happen however, could this have some effect on the Whales beaching themselves???


  7. hellen says:

    another sonar attack. hellen


  8. Justin says:

    This is so sad. I was just on a whale watch off Cape Cod yesterday, and the whales are so majestic, as well as being close-knit groups. Thanks for the efforts of all the volunteers. At least a few were saved. Something in the magnetic poles that is causing mamals to behave this way. Very strange.


  9. Frenchy says:

    Very sad indeed. We can believe it’s related with the numerous earthquakes especially located in the polaire areas, so as the volcanic eruptions, of course. But there is another explanation, -I already said it, but here I repeat-, they are living earth. Volontarily. We polluted and poisonned the seas and oceans so much, they can’t live in anymore.


  10. Jamie says:


    Read the comments made by online guests. They contradict the official “inversion” theory.


  11. unifiedserenity says:

    Great work on your blog…. mine covers similar stuff, I will keep an eye on your work. So much is happening right now and msm won’t let the people know. Blogs are one of the best ways to find out what’s going on.


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