Israel quarantines base in Golan Heights, near Syrian border, after outbreak of infection

July 25, 2012 ISRAELIDF chief medical officer Gen. Itzik Kreis on Tuesday ordered the Yoav base in the Golan Heights quarantined after several soldiers fell ill with a bacterial infection. Arutz Sheva has learned many soldiers at the base, including soldiers working in the kitchens, complained of itching all over their bodies. As a result, the base has been sealed and a full sanitization effort is underway. All equipment, personal belongings, textile goods, and even personnel files are being removed in order to be cleansed. Arutz Sheva further learned that all mattresses on the base were removed and will be replaced. Hazmat teams are spraying and disinfecting structures, vehicles, and grounds, as well. Meanwhile, IDF medical personnel are screening soldiers and isolating those affected to ensure the infection does not spread. The IDF spokesperson’s office has thus far declined to comment on the exact nature and full extent of the infection. –INN
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17 Responses to Israel quarantines base in Golan Heights, near Syrian border, after outbreak of infection

  1. Dublintaff says:

    Here we go……. Syria to be accused of using chemical or biological weapons, Israel will have a reason to attack.


  2. Dave H. says:

    Hate to think it is chemical warfare tactics.


  3. Jay says:

    Clear signs of Syria releasing some type of chemical at the Israeli border. This is a start of something much worse to come. It looks like there will be a full blown middle east war in before 2012 ends.


    • Dave H. says:

      I don’t know Jay… I’m thinking more like before July ends. I’m not Jewish but I’ve read up on a commemorative day for Isreal called the 9th of Av. In short, a lot of terrible things have happened to Isreal on this particular day throughout history. This year that day falls on July 28th. With tensions as they are I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they were in a full scale war with Syria, Iran and/or another country by the end ot fhis weekend.


    • son of man says:

      Could just be an outbreak of measles or chicken pox?


  4. Gina McCray says:

    Since this is in the Golan Heights, could this be a biological weapon from Syria?

    It is reported that Assad has moved chemical weapons to the borders, so perhaps some biological WMD’s were moved too ( and used).

    Pray for the children of israel as it appears that they are about to enter into the prophesied Time of Jacob;s Trouble. We are but days away from the 9th of Av, which may be when all this comes to a head, erupting into full scale war.

    May we also be praying to be accounted worthy to escape the soon coming wrath!


  5. Dearg says:

    I’d be willing to bet that it’s some sort of biological attack by Syria.


  6. MISH says:

    Or it could be a Black Flag event?


  7. Frank says:

    If it was by syria.. brace your selfes…


  8. Dennis E. says:

    My thoughts exactly, that this might be a biological or chemical action by Syria.
    The Golan Heights is very important to Israel’s security. If they had to leave, Syrian Forces could move in and threaten Northern Israel, to include The Sea of Galilee and Tiberus.


  9. Mrchillydoglives says:

    Are people sick of this garbage? I sure as hell don’t believe any of the BS the government puts out for any country including Israel, USA, Russia, China, etc. They are all full of it. Leave them alone. We do not need to be over there at all for any reason.


  10. kenny says:

    Skin itching from bed sheets and other cotton material is already present in many parts of the world. It’s definitely a bug too small to be seen with the naked eye. This bug is very resilient.


  11. Miriam says:

    Could this be a release of small pox from Syria? Please ep keep us updated.


  12. Aleister says:



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