Wildfire on the rampage in southern Ontario

July 23, 2012 – CANADA A wildfire raging at CFB Petawawa is not spreading into neighboring Algonquin Park, but officials Sunday feared that could change if the weather deteriorates. Overcast skies over the region were a sign that things could get worse for firefighters battling the blaze, which has burned up 210 hectares since Thursday in the far western reaches of the base’s training area. Environment Canada has forecasted a 60% chance of showers with the risk of a thunderstorm in the evening. Those storms might generate lightening strikes that could spawn more fires in the area. A second fire on the base, which was discovered Saturday, has grown to five hectares, base officials confirmed Sunday. “The fire is not considered under control but is growing slowly at this time,” said Capt. Sally Ann Cyr, public affairs officer for 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group. The main fire was largely contained within a perimeter established by firefighters with the Department of National Defense assisted by heavy equipment operators from 2 Combat Engineer, who used bulldozers to dig out fire lanes to contain the flames. The ministry of natural resources (MNR) also confirmed that the fire is situated south of Montgomery Lake, the site of an abandoned boy scout camp, and remains 100 metres from the Algonquin Park boundary. The area has largely been clear cut over the years so that the military could construct a Forward Operating Base (FOB) in order to train soldiers for overseas missions. “We’re in an extreme fire response situation,” MNR spokesman Doug Skeggs said. The fire is still classified as “not under control” due to the ever-changing wind and weather conditions. The possibility of thunderstorms is causing great concern for firefighters, he added. “There’s not a great deal of rain associated with those storms,” he said. “So we are looking at the potential for thunder strikes and new (fire) outbreaks.” A fire behaviour expert with the MNR is on the scene assisting the base fire department with developing fire suppression strategies, while the ministry continues to fly in helicopters to dump water on the flames. Meanwhile, the evacuation of five campsites inside the park is complete. Park wardens ordered up to 400 people to leave the area on Friday night. –Sun News
contribution Josh (the traveler)
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, Extreme Weather Event, High-risk potential hazard zone, Wildfires. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Wildfire on the rampage in southern Ontario

  1. Josh Baker says:

    Thank you for posting this Alvin. It’s beautiful country up there with amazing wildlife. To get back to civilization and read the stories that you have posted, was a fast track to what is going on and had been going since I had been out. I must admit, it was nice to get away from calamity for a while. But, it looks like calamity was just meters away.

    Thank you!



  2. James says:

    Poor Canada! We are sorry you caught our disease…


  3. suz says:

    Thank you James…..Canada’s forests are a fire-driven ecosystem. Every year 1/4 million sq klm go up in flames BUT this year is extremely hot and dry in certain areas….Ontario being one of them…we desperately need rain, that would help.


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