40 ton tree falls on driver, killing him instantly

July 18, 2012GREAT FALLS, Va. – One lane of Georgetown Pike in Great Falls is now open after a 40-ton tree crushed a 2008 Mercedes CL600, killing the driver Tuesday evening. Traffic is alternating directions. WTOP Traffic still recommends Route 7 as an alternative. Traffic along Georgetown Pike/Va. 193 between Springvale Road and Walker Road completely shut down after the tree came down around 6:45 p.m. Tuesday. Fairfax County Police identified the driver who died as Albert Carl Roeth III, 64. He was the only one in the car. Police say alcohol and speed did not factor into the accident. While it hasn’t been determined why the 100-foot tall, 40-ton tree fell at 9916 Georgetown Pike, it’s believed recent storms weakened the aging tree. One tree expert says the tree has been in serious decline for years. “That tree has been a problem waiting to happen,” Vic Price of Vic’s Tree Service of Great Falls tells WTOP. “It had no leaves. It had no root system to speak of. Gravity was going to take it down. In a busy area like that, I love trees as much as the next person, but sometimes they need to come down,” he says. –WTOP
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20 Responses to 40 ton tree falls on driver, killing him instantly

  1. suz says:

    I can see a lawsuit here.


  2. darmp says:

    what are the odds of this happening. Poor guy, wrong place at right time.


  3. Doc Oblivion says:

    What an incredible coincidence! Karma?! If more details surface about this story, please post them.


  4. sKeptical citizen says:

    Most red and white oak trees only grow 75 feet tall and live for about 75 years before dying. There is a tree boer that is killing many oaks in the Ozarks. I know of a big tree falling on a car and killing a college student in Conway Arkansas in 1976


  5. jose says:

    alcohol and speed???


    • He didn’t run into the tree. The tree fell on the car, just as he was passing. As someone said, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s one of those freak accidents that you probably couldn’t duplicate again if you tried. When your time is up…it’s up!

      Sometimes the weird and unbelievable does happen. Like the bizarre, single death of Marilyn Gates on March 28, 2006, in a car with 4 other people, who all survived.

      “The wife of a Fremont selectman died and two other people were hospitalized this weekend after a sport-utility vehicle plowed through an intersection in Texas and struck a car carrying five New Hampshire residents, authorities said. Marilyn Gates, 52, was pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, where she was taken after the collision. The accident took place about 10:30 p.m. Saturday in Denton County, northwest of Dallas. Gates was a flight attendant whose life was spared 5½ years ago when she missed an American Airlines flight hijacked by terrorists and flown into the World Trade Center. She was in Texas to attend a wedding, said her brother-in-law, Manchester resident Paul Porter. “She was a terrific person, kind of a take-charge individual. She was very giving of herself, particularly in family matters,” said Porter, a former Manchester alderman. The Sept. 11 tragedy upset her deeply, given the death of the airline passengers and her colleagues. “She knew them all, because that was her regular crew,” Porter said. Gates was in the back seat of a 2006 Mercury Grand Marquis struck while traveling through an intersection, said Lisa Block, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety.” Source: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1604477/posts


      • Korheg says:

        Yep, when it’s our time there is no getting out of it. Our lives are relatively short anyways, all of us will die of a tragedy or old age soon.

        Which is why we need to think in eternal perspective. We are as grass of the field.


      • sKeptical citizen says:

        One of my children died in a car crash 19 years ago. devasting tragedy something I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy If I had a enemy. One of those in the wrong place at the wrong time deals? I gave it a lot of thought & study over the years. and came to the same conclusion . When your time is up …..Its Up?


  6. Christine C. says:

    When God calls someone there is nothing they can do–strange and amazing, though–it’s just as amazing when someone escapes death by ‘the skin of their teeth’, as well–I know at least one story of that happening to someone in my family, who, if he had been wearing his seat belt, the policeman at the scene of the accident said he would have been cut in half–the car was “T-boned” on the driver’s side, and he was the driver–so, mysterious are God’s ways, to us, at least–but, I’m just glad He knows exactly what He’s doing, since so often we don’t.:) May that poor driver rest in peace.


  7. alex says:

    Alvin. One thing ive noticed today july 18 look at the weather in america almost every major city on the east coast got struck by random severe storms with new york city gettin hail? Extreme drought where iam at america is finally getting the sh*$ end of the stick.


  8. Dublintaff says:

    That sounds like the plot of final destination,


  9. tim says:

    wow. when your time comes, youre history. and the thing is, im sure this man was up and about planning his day without a passing thought that this would be his last day in life.


  10. Irene C says:

    Wow. Many years ago, the parents of a friend on mine were walking around the path of one of our lakes. It was one of those beautiful days with no wind. A tree came crashing down, out of nowhere. I believe he heard it, because he pushed his wife out of the way but was hit by the tree and killed. We all need to remember that tomorrow is promised to no one. All in God’s time.



  11. Now that’s the way I wanna go!

    No time to think about it, just….splat….and it’s over.


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