1.8 million U.S. customers still without power: it could take more than a week for some utilities warn

July 3, 2012 WASHINGTON From North Carolina to New Jersey, nearly 1.8 million people still without electricity were asking the same question Monday evening: Why will it take so long to get the lights back on? Nearly three full days after a severe summer storm lashed the East Coast, utilities warned that many neighborhoods could remain in the dark for much of the week, if not beyond. Friday’s storm arrived with little warning and knocked out power to 3 million homes and businesses, so utility companies have had to wait days for extra crews traveling from as far away as Quebec and Oklahoma. And the toppled trees and power lines often entangled broken equipment in debris that must be removed before workers can even get started. Adding to the urgency of the repairs are the sick and elderly, who are especially vulnerable without air conditioning in the sweltering triple-digit heat. Many sought refuge in hotels or basements. Officials feared the death toll, already at 22, could climb because of the heat and widespread use of generators, which emit fumes that can be dangerous in enclosed spaces. At the Springvale Terrace nursing home and senior center in Silver Spring, Md., generators were brought in to provide electricity, and air-conditioning units were installed in windows in large common rooms to offer respite from the heat and darkness. Supermarkets struggled to keep groceries from going bad. People on perishable medication called pharmacies to see how long their medicine would keep. In Washington, officials set up collection sites for people to drop off rotting food. Others held weekend cookouts in an attempt to use their food while it lasted. And in West Virginia, National Guard troops handed out food and water and made door-to-door checks. When it comes to getting the power running again, all utilities take a top-down approach that seeks to get the largest number of people back online as quickly as possible. First, crews repair substations that send power to thousands of homes and businesses. Next, they fix distribution lines. Last are the transformers that can restore power to a few customers at a time. A Safeway supermarket trying to stay open with a limited power supply handed out free bags of dry ice. But after two days of temperatures in the 90s, the air inside was stale. Shopping carts with spoiled food, buzzing with flies, sat outside the store. –Durango Herald
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13 Responses to 1.8 million U.S. customers still without power: it could take more than a week for some utilities warn

  1. Dennis E. says:

    Just my observation:
    We are only required to have faith of that of a mustard seed.
    But, it is highly recommended to get Wisdom,knowledge and understanding, but most of all, get wisdom.
    This is wisdom and it is called “PREPPING:
    Whether its getting your soul ready to meet God or to meet a disaster, I think it is important to prepare and be aware. Laying aside provisions for your family during a time of crisis is not a display
    of a lack of faith in God’s capability to protect or provide for us. It is wisdom, doing what we should be doing for our families first and friends. It is not about horading..
    Many bloggers come to this site as I do. We learn from each other. We share experiences, beliefs and opinions and must keep in our minds the purpose of this site which serves as an early warning to pending earth change events that will effect us all in the future.
    If a person does not believe this, then why come, why blog? While it is true in most disasters, there is state/local support. Prepping gets you through that time until a response is mounted. There may be a day when that support may not be available.
    Personally, I am not afraid or losing sleep over any of this. But, I know I have to live through what ever occurs and although I confess in being a Christian, that does not exempt me or any person from having the desire to survive. It is a normal human instinct.
    I have always heard that when God wanted to get a wandering nation’s attention, he started with the weather…..
    Just my opinion………….Have a nice day………….


    • Desmond says:

      Hi Dennis, I and sure many thousand more appreciate your opinions and observations and please keep them coming. As I tell my family and friends if you don’t like it don’t let it worry you but don’t come crying when the BRIDE arrives and your lamps are empty as we will not have enough to share with the scoffers.

      Alvin thank you and may those that have an ear listen as the hour is upon us.


    • Christine C. says:

      It’s not the preparation itself, but when carried to extremes, as though seeming to be totally prepared somehow makes you invulnerable, and also more likely to feel so self-sufficient, that you do not rely on the Lord even close to enough–that’s all.


      • tonic says:

        Everything we do is done in His presence. We really do not know what God has in store for us. If it feels right, deep inside, do it.
        I have prepared a little, food, water, power, but it does not sit easy with me. I do not know how to prepare for people, and the bewilderment that will be in their eyes, when things finally reach a head.
        If I am alive to see it.


  2. Caroline in West Virginia says:

    Tuesday morning: Alvin, even out here in West Virginia’s Lakes and Mountains, the thin veneer of civilisation is starting to peel under the stress. We are personally blessed with a wonderful church family, which is a community in itself. Those who have resources are sharing them in whatever way they can. There is no cellphone service for most people. We have US Cellular modems for the laptops which ARE working, so we have been able to relay messages via Skype when communications have failed for others. The landline service is spotty as the batteries fail at the exchanges. The water company cannot keep up with demand using its back up generators so the water supply has now gone to thousands of people around here, including ourselves, but we already have 80 gallons of filtered water in containers and bottles. Summersville, WV sits on Route 19 which is part of a busy north-south through-state route so around 50% of the people in stores or restaurants at any one time are “out-of-towners” probably with no idea how to handle the State of Emergency that has been declared . Yesterday, women were quite literally exchanging blows in the local Walmart over the limited food available on the shelves. At one of the three gas stations that were open, our pastor, after waiting 3 hours to fill his gas tank, watched the woman in front of him scream at and threaten the women at the front, who was filling gas cans as well as her vehicle. We have been told that we MIGHT get power back by Thursday, and the water with it, but with resources disappearing as fast as they appear, this sort of unpleasantness is bound to accelerate exponentially if it goes on much longer. I cannot imagine how stressful it is for city folk. My next plan is to research atmospheric water generators for future emergencies. With the 10 KW solar array and back-up system in place, we are already weathering this emergency far better than most. Thanking you for your nice response to my previous post.. and may God always Bless You and Yours :^)


    • Thanks and same to you Caroline. I’m glad there is some solace admist the storm.

      Grace in Christ,


    • tim says:

      Caroline ,
      I have been thinking about this very thing .There must be alot of suffering going on in your neck of the woods that we in other parts of the country (Iowa ) are not hearing about . It has been in the 90s for days now and i cant think what it must be like to find no A/C to keep cool at night for sleeping . I work maintenance in a factory and there have been people there passing out from the heat . There is hardly any thing on the news about how people are acting towards each because of having no power there . it must be very scary when the sun goes down at night . stat safe .


  3. devlin says:

    This thing is going to teach us all a good lesson for the future…let’s hope it’s not gonna turn in some major looting riot, and that instead people will be compassionate, helpfull and nice, to each other…we need to start learning how to survive as human race, and it’s not gonna happen if we still continue acting on our primitive animal instincts, instead of thinking, like the big men do…stop trying to rule on others, and make them your slaves…instead, help them!
    but as long as there’ll be people thinking they’re better than others, it won’t work…well it will, but then it will be too late, and the human race will be on it’s knees



  4. Irene C says:

    I have a question that no one has yet been able to answer for me. I figured that either you or one of the bloggers would know. I know that one should never use a corded phone during a thunderstorm due to possible a lightening strike. (I have seen the bolt come out of the receiver.) I work at a job in a call center where I have to wear a head phone for 6-7 hours. Are we in any danger if lightening should strike us at our building?


    • Artoro says:

      @ Irene C: The odds are like hitting the lottery, it’s a slim chance, but bear in mind, someone does win once in a while.


  5. Dennis E. says:

    Irene C. According to some internet reports, lightning routinely enters the copper telephone cables during a lightning storm. About 4-5 per cent of people struck by lightning are from talking on a corded line. However, some think that have to do with how well the building is grounded also.
    it is recommended during a lightning storm, even in a house, to use a cordless if you have to.
    it is recommended not to use one at all during a lightning storm, why take the chance?
    Probably, if you are that concerned, and you should be, your company safety person should be making inquires.
    Have a nice day………..


  6. tellthetruth1 says:

    Wow. I remember in my early years of living in this village, the power kept going out during the week without any storms. The supply was incredibly temperamental. After someone reported it to the local radio station, there must have been a hive of activity somewhere and we couldn’t get used to the supply staying open! I’m blessed with having a gas cooker which will heat the bungalow on a low burn at night if needed.

    We’ve had a few October wind storms. One of them knocked our supply out for three days in total. When it came back, our village shop was able to resume business. The trains have their own supply so were not affected. Thankfully, our freezer kept our food cold for the time we had no power. One more day and we would then have had to begin cooking stuff up and would more than likely have lost food. I also thought of the sick and elderly whilst reading this and am so glad they were remembered and mentioned.


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