Southern hemisphere rattled by wave of moderate seismic earthquakes

June 7, 2012SOUTH AMERICA A strong 5.8 (6.2 EMSC) magnitude earthquake shook Maule, Chile but there were no reports of damage, the Andean neighbors’ national emergency offices said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck 102 km (63 miles) from Maule and 282 km (175 miles) from Santiago, Chile. The earthquake was followed by a 4.7 magnitude earthquake in Coquimbo, Chile. A third earthquake, a 6.0 magnitude quake struck southern Peru with an epicenter 119 km (74 miles) WNW (298°) from Arequipa, Peru and 648 km (402 miles) SE (131°) from Lima, Peru. The earthquake in Peru struck at a depth of 99.7 km (62.0 miles). Seismic tension has been building along the Nazca tectonic plate bordering South America over the last few days.  Similarly, Fiji was hit by a deep 5.9 magnitude earthquake and Tonga was rattled by a 5.1 quake. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage in Chile,  according to a spokeswoman for Chile’s state emergency office (ONEMI). –The Extinction Protocol
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19 Responses to Southern hemisphere rattled by wave of moderate seismic earthquakes

  1. Dublintaff says:

    Hi Alvin, looks as though things are heating up again. Do you suspect a big quake soon?


    • Yes, I do Dublintaff. Time is slipping away from us before we’re in the midst of a full-blown planetary crisis. We must glean the wheat in the fields before the night is upon us.


      • Ellen Truax says:

        Hey Alvin, Just wanted to stop by and say Hi from Alaska, this is my first time posting, although I have been lurking in the background since finding your wonderful website a few week’s ago, needless to say I am an avid follower.. I Thank You for all that you are doing, keeping us informed on what’s going on across the globe. God Bless You and all of The Extinction Protocol family. Stay safe everyone!


      • Thank you, Ellen. It’s wonderful hearing from you…

        God bless


      • Dawn says:

        Welcome Ellen, Your first post sounded just like my first post when I found Alvin’s wonderful site! I’m happy to see another person join the Family! This is the best site, we all understand what is happening to our world, and Alvin has brought us all together! God Bless you and your family. Thank you for joining this wonderful family, thanks to a wonderful person Alvin! Stay safe my friend.


      • Thank you Dawn. God hath wrought a wonderous work in all of us and I’m grateful for you and that so many around the globe that have responded to the story of change unfolding on our planet. Thank you for the kindness and the raised awareness.

        Grace in Christ,


      • Ellen Truax says:

        Thank You so much Dawn, for your heartfelt word’s, I couldn’t begin to explain how much they mean to me. AGAIN, Thank You!

        You are such an awe inspiring gentleman, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.
        You have provided a much welcome sanctuary.
        God Bless You and all the other kindred spirit’s aka, The Extinction Protocol family, all over the world. Keep smiling.

        Kind regards


      • You’re so kind Ellen. Thank you and it’s a pleasure to be of service.

        Grace in Christ,


  2. FRANK says:

    Hi Alvin, your website is very insiteful and has given me some insite i did not have before. It is good to see someone has common sense and can see what is coming. What do you think will happen in the next six months?

    god bless


    • Thank you, Frank. I think change is accelerating in alarming fashion across the planet and sadly, I fear by the time the majority of the planet wakes up to this reality; we will be near a full-blown crisis. The days before us should us be a time of great preponderance, as great fear will began to settle over the masses from processes unfolding, which they will not understand and never invested the time to become knowledgable of. Trimming our lamps, preparing for the advent of the Master and embellishing our walk with Him, becoming intelligent and aware of the forces of nature around us- these things will bear fruit during a time of famine and will be as an oasis in a dry desert. Geophysical factors indicate shifts of acceleration in these processes are upon us. This will produce even more dramatic and pronounced change on a planet already reeling under the weight of climatic and thermal changes that is now disturbing land, sea, and air. I will be doing more in the coming weeks to prepare the readers as best I can for certain future inevitabilites.

      God bless you, friend


  3. John K says:

    Hi Alvin, am awaiting your book, the 7th protocol and can’t wait to see how it fits in with the Bible and all that is going on today, especially here in Australia. Thanks for your very informative site and God bless. John K


  4. Shelley says:


    been noticing a lot of activity in Fyr, Macedonia and SoCal lately….



    • Everything is changing.


      • Grace says:

        Hi Alvin, (From Arkansas)
        I have been a lurker since the first of this year. I do not usually post. I just wanted to say Thank you for all the work that goes into this site. It has information I had been looking for.

        God Bless all



      • Grace, you’re so very welcome. I’m glad you found the site. How fortunate on my part to have you in our midst! I’m glad you decided to peek in and say hello and let me know you’re out there. Thanks for the support and kind words.

        Grace in Christ,


  5. Stewart says:

    Checking in from South Carolina



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