Last call at the Oasis

June 1. 2012MOVIE – The world is running out of drinkable water, and if you don’t believe me, just go to the movies. Documentaries with names such as Tapped and Thirst are at the leading edge of the new genre – the eco-disaster film – that have become our main source of information about our collapsing environment. Last Call at the Oasis is a slick addition, a kind of report card on the state of what it calls the single most important element, although I don’t know what consideration they gave to air. Water is becoming a scarce commodity, and what’s left is becoming more and more polluted: by industrial waste, chemicals and the waste of a million farm animals. Droughts plague the world. Half of the hospital beds are taken up with people suffering form water-borne illnesses. As one of the film’s experts, Jay Famiglietti, puts it, “We’re screwed.” Eventually, Last Call at the Oasis does find reason for hope: We can use recycled water, for instance, if we can get people over their initial reluctance to drink something that started in the toilet (the film proposes an ad campaign for a product it calls Porcelain Springs water, “from the most peaceful place on earth” and even in the Middle East, traditional enemies are co-operating to clean the sad polluted trickle that is the Jordan River. –Canada
contribution by Emanni 
This entry was posted in Acquatic Ecosystem crash, Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Disease outbreak, Drought, Earth Changes, Environmental Threat, Famine Threat, Food chain unraveling, Human behavioral change after disaster, Mass animal deaths, Pestilence Watch, Rising tension between nations. Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to Last call at the Oasis

  1. spaceotteradam says:

    I’ve never really understood this scare. We live in a world that evaporates and then rains then does it again. We have technology to purify what is dirty so where is the problem? I live in the moisture rich midwest USA so maybe that is why I am confused. We get a fairly steady stream of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico where I am. My understanding of things is that all the water that has been still is due to the evaporative process. Am I wrong?


    • Less than 2.5% of the water on a planet that is covered by 70% water is fresh water. A lot of that 2.5% is contaminated just as droughts are increasing in many regions across the world while the planet’s population is growing. Agriculture accounts for 70% of all fresh water use. A typical nuclear power plant uses 35 to 65 million liters of water a day for cooling. 2.5 billion people lack access to proper santation and water-borne disease are the world’s number one killer. As a matter of fact, every 20 seconds, a child dies somewhere in the world because of illness from improper sanitation.

      We have plenty of water but almost no will to develop the resource on our planet as it should be…as you know, most of the planet’s finances go for war armaments. I’m not trying to sale the movie for anyone…I’m just saying, we have a big problem brewing.


    • ONTHEMARK55 says:

      Your not wrong, presently speaking. in the past circa 1930’s replace “moisture rich m idwest” to “dust rich midwest”. My GrandFather had a thriving wheat harvesting buisness in 1929 N. Dakota, they contracted work even into Canada. By 1933 the topsoil was gone, blown away from drought. In fact you could tell where the fence lines had been, they were rises/humps on the ground. Sage brush, other plant life had blown into and stuck on the fences which in turn allowed the blown topsoil to pile up. In essence, the fences acted as dirt dam’s. My Father talked about walking over them. He hoofed it out of there, went and worked in the San Jaoquin Valley CA. (farms). Finally landed in Oregon coast town working in a sawmill. Note: 1929 was family’s best year of buisness, Grandfather rode with harvest to Chicago, did well at auction, bought a Packard to drive home in “style” wired balance to bank in Tuttle N.D., got home, banks closed, no money, 3yrs later, no buisness. It’s hard to understand/believe what we haven’t seen/lived, but all the understanding we need is out there, it’s called HISTORY and HISTORY always repeat’s itself. God Bless


  2. Gail says:

    give me a break! I live in Canada and I do not see this.


  3. This is important enough to be at or near the top of all agendas. Get that water going! Here in New Mexico, the latest is that we have now had our largest fire on record, surpassing last year’s monster. Smoke is a very worrisome threat, dependent on which way the wind blows. And it’s due to drying, in large part. A drought. UV 12-14.
    People are wrangling over “social issues” like gay marriage. Whatever your opinion on that, isn’t water a little more important?


  4. Sam Beckett says:

    In my Discover magazine (science magazine) a few months ago, this was the main story of the month with it making the cover. The article had several world leading experts on this, pointing out how we are going to have “water wars”. Not today, not in a few years, etc…as it is a slow progressing crisis which nearly everybody is blindly ignorant and/or ignorant to. People label you “crazy” for stating we will be fighting wars for water…huh, just 20 years ago the population was just under 4 billion, by 2020 over 10 billion…we do not need natural disasters to bring about the apocalypse, with the population sky rocketing, water, food, space & natural resources going bye bye very fast…we will do just fighting & killing over those things to bring about the apocalypse


  5. wayne says:

    unfortunately most of the fresh water has already been bought and paid for by big business for big business use,,so when the reservoirs do eventually run low it is going to cost a pretty penny for potable water.


  6. Dan Sherwood says:

    It is hard to rationalize a water shortage when you see lush plush golf courses sprouting up in deserts. (waste not want not) Any way, I live in Florida, and we have lots of huge springs that flow millions of gallons of pure water down river and into the gulf every hour. Part of my preps have been to obtain maps to as many as I can, as well as develop my own desalinization plan. Water is just too important to go with out in a crises situation. And the time to plan is now, not after the panic starts.


  7. Tina Marie says:

    I have lived in both Michigan and Georgia and the water is awful in both places. When we lived in Savannah they got their water from the Floridian Aquafier but Florida started getting low so the cut them off and they were forced to build a water treatment plant on the Savannah, which for those of you who might be familar with, runs through the Savannah River Nuclear Site in South Carolina about 200 miles upstream. Since I had no desire to glow in the dark so I moved. Unfortunately I found the water inl Michigan to be less desirable for drinking as well. There is a strong smell of Sulphur (rottenl eggs eww) that comes from the tap water and if you boil it, it forms a nasty, greasy looking film on it. I read many years ago that the smell of sulphur indicates you are near the bottom of a well, aquafier ect. I’m not sure if that’s true but I do see effects that we’re running out of water and even if it isn’t happening where you live, doesn’t mean it isn’t a real threat.


  8. olden1936 says:

    A good idea would be to dehydrate water to powder form, stored ready for instant use; but then again how would you re-hydrate it, would you simple add water? Seriously, why can’t the planet’s fresh river waters be captured before they enter and mix with the oceans of the world. It could then be stored in vast underground catchments ready for purification and use as required. Always it’s money that no one is prepared to spend.
    The technology exists, the willingness of the money-controlling elite does not. The deserts could bloom. Money is found for continent-crossing oil pipes, so why not similar to transport fresh water to where it is needed? Worse than the lack of water is mankind’s lack of firm control of its leaders.


    • ONTHEMARK55 says:

      That’s it, we’ll regain control of the water by dehydrating the leaders. We can always rehydrate them by adding money!


  9. Carpenter777 says:

    I was drawn into the trailer, but was dismayed that the producers of this movie are the same ones who produced “inconvenient truth” which the public bought hook-line-and-sinker. That movie was filled with many many outright lies and distortions to propagate Al Gores theories. Having said that; there is no doubt that as the magnetic north pole continues to move, population continues to grow, water is polluted and weather patterns change many areas of the world will be facing water shortages.
    One day, not to distant from now, a future war will be about water/food and not religion or oil.


  10. k says:

    I came across this pdf of the 2012 UN Water Report “Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk”, and thought some of you might find it interesting. Personally, I was amazed.
    “Just as water is central to every aspect of life on earth, it must lie at the heart
    of the new vision we forge for sustainable development for the century ahead.”
    by Ban Ki-moon
    Secretary-General of the United Nations

    Click to access 215644e.pdf

    every drop is precious..


  11. Joseph t. Repas says:

    Much fresh water is in the form of ice. if we could just warm up the earth enough to melt these glaciers… but seriously, parts of the world already recycle water and that includes agriculture, of course God himself already recycles it which is where we got the idea. A bigger problem as far as water will be when we are attacked with tactical nuclear warheads that will breakdown the infrastructure of cities that do recycle water and sewage will be everywhere as well as radiation entering the waterways.


  12. omgsianz says:

    i live in singapore where we are already drinking water recycled from our own waste


  13. Emanni says:

    Safe Levels of Arsenic in Drinking Water Found to Compromise Pregnant/Lactating Mothers, Offspring

    xposure to arsenic in drinking water at the level the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently deems as safe in the United States

    The U.S. EPA recently lowered the Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic to 10 ppb in public water supplies — a regulated level that is considered “safe” for a lifetime of exposure — yet concentrations of 100 ppb and higher are commonly found in private, unregulated well water in regions where arsenic is geologically abundant, including upper New England (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine), Florida, and large parts of the Upper Midwest, the Southwest, and the Rocky Mountains.


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