59 Responses to Syrian atrocity the final straw? Israeli defense minister calls for international military intervention

  1. In the last days, “love of many shall grow cold” and “violence shall increase.” How shocking but just is Netanyahu’s claim that Hezbollah and Iran play a part in this particular violence. I read a story just this morning of iranian troops going right into Syria now, not just delivering weapons. Remember the 12000 crack troops on the border of Jordan/Syria, waiting for orders if necessary.
    Which Biblical war might this become? Israel has said today that Obama’s reliance on diplomacy has not worked, so we can see what they are thinking.


    • IM

      There is no question very violent storm clouds are gathering over the Middle East for something stupendous that will change the course of human history. There are simply too many conflicts, and too many nations with cross-regional interest, and too many people fighting over dwindling resources. With each passing day, the world we once knew is slipping away from us and is passing into the chaos that is soon to become. May God help us all.


      • nickk0 says:

        Alvin ….. I really get the feeling, that it is 1938 again. 😦


      • No doubt. What’s happening in Syria will soon be happening across the globe. No region of the world will be safe from the plague of atrocities and civil chaos as the planet is overturned by violence, anarchy, economic collapse, and mayhem. This is going to get upclose and personal for many.


      • beck says:

        Thank you for your hard work. I enjoy reading your website each day. It keeps me up to date on what’s going on in our crazy world. You’re right. Things are about to happen that will change the course of human history. We have to lean on God more than ever before. He is the only one that can protect us. Thanks again!


      • You’re so welcome Beck. Thank you.


      • twin star says:

        we don’t know what’s going to happen. no one really does. i enjoy your website and appreciate what you do. what i seek more of is anecdotal work. speaking with certainty of impending doom adds to the collective anxiety and fear which is already overloaded. what if… we write the story as we go, and everything we say think and do plays a part in creating the future before is? should that be a possibility, then i encourage anyone reading this to experiment with options… from within the heart and imagination.
        what if we are the ones we have been waiting for? its worth a try. not much else to lose.


      • Collectively fear and anxiety is already in the world- this is not a solace or refuge from it. People have the power to change the world and their own destiny but most fail to do so. I think you’re confusing the warning signs on the road with the cliff at the end of it.


  2. yanta357 says:

    we are the country who save the democracy in the world , but this president he just don’t care about how many innocent people die there waooooooooooooo


  3. Betsy Weggesser says:



    • British realist says:

      Hmm, Syria = Genocide, Israel against Palestinians = defending democracy, Bahrain against majority Shia = stabilizing nation, Iran nuclear power = threat to take over world,
      US world occupation since 1945 = bringing freedom to the millions of deaths at a time.
      hypocrisy knows no bounds in the west.


      • M

        Countries colonized by the British: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_colonized_countries_of_Great_Britain

        hypocrisy knows no bounds in the west

        I would certainly agree with that statement.


      • British realist says:

        I am under no illusion to the extent my own so called democratic nation oppressed the innocents of this world. I just thought it went without mentioning as we are now the lapdog of Washington.


      • Man has a free-moral conscious. He takes great liberty in everything he does in his own life and proudly proclaims so but confesses utter helplessness when it comes to what happens in the lives of others. Why is the world the way it is? Because evil men feel they have their way with all power or because good people feel powerless to do nothing to stop them? Murder is a grevious offense in the eyes of God. I don’t care who perpetrates the killing. God will recompense the evil and He shall avenge the innocent on this planet who are made to suffer by the hands of vile men and He will do it speedily.


      • Garth Colin Whelan says:

        I think Indonesia was occupied by the Dutch, not the British. The USA (or at least the Eastern part of USA) should be colored in there also. The Spanish also were colonizers…


  4. here says:

    Well since no one has proven anything about where the attack came from,,it could’ve been an Israelie or a U.S./CIA attack, just for a cause to go to war. It’s funny when U.S. attacks kill dozens,,no one in the U.S. gov. reacts like this


    • If Israeli soldiers or the CIA could slip that deep inside Syria, why hasn’t anyone assassinated Assad? I don’t think you can honestly look in the mirror and say that with a straight face to convince your own self there is any truth to your statement. It doesn’t even reflect in your writing.


      • Beau says:

        But the thing any amateur sleuth would ask is “who gains” ?,certainly not President Bashar Assad.And its a known known (LOL,gotta hate that Rumsfield dribble ) that Syria is a back door to Iran.Isn’t the coalition of the willing arming the,eh,freedom fighters a la Libya.Is there not now ethnic cleansing of Taureg tribesmen in the news this very day.


      • How about some respect for the dead children rather than trying to politicize this issue with more circular rhetoric?


      • Beau says:

        @ The EP,granted most of my post was political circular rhetoric but the 1st sentence is still absolutely valid.
        Why is it that Binny feels so strongly about the health & well being of Syrians.I’m still having visions of WP being used on defenseless Palestinians so his hypocrisy here is suspicious to say the least.


      • There are inequities in every conflict and heinous crimes committed by all parties against the innocent and that is my paramount concern. It all needs to stop against all peoples, and races, and tribes. If the conflicts don’t stop, there won’t be much of a planet left for people to live on let along argue on.


      • Beau says:

        @ The EP,I hear & totally agree with your last reply,however I can’t see a solution short of Dec 21 2012.So much hate so little empathy & lack of understanding.
        Great site anyhow,keep up the good work.


      • ” How about some respect for the dead children rather than trying to politicize this issue with more circular rhetoric? ”

        I couldn’t agree more with this!!!


  5. Bigpac says:

    For global war!!!


  6. Artoro says:

    Where do we go from here? Everyone seems to want someone to do something about it, but no one really wants to get involved. Maybe they all know that it will be never-ending. Perhaps all are waiting for it to burn itself out as one would a relentless huge tire fire. It’s not an easy issue to resolve with all the different political and religious ideologies in play. I suppose that all the world leaders know that if they get in they will probably never be able to get out. I try to put myself in their shoes, and then ask myself, would I get into this mess? What would you do?


    • Aneriz says:

      I think that diplomacy always wants to give a country the opportunity to take responsability before outside intervention is considered. It is a very difficult situation to watch the citizens of the country in question suffer while the leaders come up with talks , truces and timelines. No one wants to be accused of “invading” Syria and having the world opinion fall against them. That is why so many time the leaders that can help resort to providing weapons to the opposition and let them sort it out.
      I think there is very little any outside country can do without engagin in full war.


      • Aneriz says:

        Oh, I forgot to say what I would do: I would pray for divine protection over the innocent lives, particulary children, while this murderous regimen remains in power. What is impossible for man, is possible for God.


  7. m c says:

    Stepping back and looking at the big picture….it is clear there is NO way (short of GODS intervention) that war will be avoided.

    Instead of people/countries joining together to help each other out and putting aside their ill feelings they are letting themselves be taken down the road of destruction and millions of innocent people will suffer.

    I just think its human nature to distrust, lie, and manipulate others and until that is removed it will always be this way.


  8. tonic says:

    There seems to be a massive build up of tension all over the world at this time. Be it Syria, national debt, austerity sit ins, Korea, Isreal, or simply parents worldwide wondering where the next mortgage payment will come from. Whatever the release of all this tension will be.. it must surely, at this stage, lie in the hands of God.
    Just feel that all this will be taken out of our control soon.
    34 children were reported killed yesterday during the massacre.


  9. Colleen says:

    I read some comments on this article earlier, and was shocked that only one person showed any concern for the dead children. The people kept ranting about the political aspect of the article and not a word about the human suffering. What is wrong with people today? I have never seen such human coldness in my entire life, and I have been around the block several times. My heart goes out to the dead children and thier parents. The pictures were hard to view. This world is in deep trouble. God have mercy on us all!


    • Betsy Weggesser says:



  10. Anolani says:

    With respect to the murdered children I can still face the very really possibility that our government was involved in this because they stand to gain a lot from occupying the region. The ONLY way to respect the dead is to investigate the truth and right the wrong. Stop it and prevent it from happening again. This IS a political issue. Could you honestly look deeply into your own eyes and say you don’t believe it’s at least a possibility that this is going on? We’re already all over the place in that region…they have already done this right next door.

    My husband is a two time veteran of the Iraq war as a USMC infantryman… it’s definitely a possibility if not a complete reality. He has described his time in Fallujah as “Genocide. Exactly what the Nazi’s did to the Jews.” Men, women, CHILDREN. There are many groups of veterans speaking out about the realities of their tours in the Middle East… and many just protested last week at the NATO thing in Chicago and even gave back their medals.

    See the Truth so you can stop the evil. We still have the power to do that, you know.


    • No one made them enlist. “Troubled in the head that wears the crown” as Shakespeare said. It’s easy to take up the sword; but it’s harder to live with the consequence of taking a life and having to give account of it in the Day of Judgment. The idea that you are more concerned with motive than crime reflects the degree your heart has already hardened by your own experience. Women and children are dead. It’s in the country of Syria. The leader is responsible for what happens in his country just as you would be responsible for what happens in your own house. Suppose I reverse the equation: If Canadian Nationals came to Hillsboro Oregon and killed people in your neighborhood and were still hold-up there, how would you feel if the police were more concerned about motives than going out and apprehending the perpetrators?

      Are we to believe Muslims in Afghanistan are smart enough to find fragments of the Koran burned by NATO troops in Afghanistan but too dim-witted to figure out who is killing their own people in Syrian neighborhoods?


      • Gill says:

        Your comments here surprise me Alvin, you seem very aggressive towards Anolani comments.As she said,. her husband has first hand experience of events we only get told about through,mainly the news media. I for one appreciated her telling us of them


      • The Earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence…And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the Earth.” Genesis 6:11,13

        Then let me make it plainer for you. This is not 60 minutes nor is it Meet the Press. This is not about atrocities going on in Iraq or Afghanistan nor is it about clandestine operations to topple vile dictators or the solider who fight for or against him. This is about what should be the human, compassionate response to atrocity, murder and killing on this planet which is a repulsion to God. If you’ve missed that point, you’ve checked in at the wrong blog.


      • John Durango says:

        I am having a difficult time trying to determine if Alvin is God fearing Jesus Love your neighbor or a shill for advocating bombing Syria and Iran which will cause hundreds of thousands in casualties men woman and children. SYRIAN REBELS CONSIST OF AL QUIDA OUR USA MORTAL ENEMY you propose supporting them with weapons and USA.lives. look at Egypt brotherhood Muslim taking control look at libia ethic cleansing by the brotherhood..al quida. It will come down to Christians vs Islam but at this time Israel is still anti Christian they will not recognise Christ unroll he appears on the Mt of olives.. until then we will kill and be killed because it is a Multics trillion dollar military industrial worldwide complex and we are pawns with no power to reverse this problem…the common family of the world wants food..shelter…clothing and peace. When a bond explodes many innocent people are killed that is not the answer from 100 killed to thousands killed in the name of peace?


      • You don’t have to wonder. I don’t support war or killing of any kind neither have I ever elected or voted for any earthly politician in office who has done so or thought of doing so. The story is about the death of children, plain and simple. This is not a political blog nor is it an essay on the ethics of Western motives for war and atrocities in hopes of triumphing for the greater good. The path is God, the way is Christ, and the trek is love. When the world deviates accordingly, war, brutality and violence mars the planet. It’s nauseating.


  11. ELFINSONG says:

    And China awaits the West making a move so they can launch their 200 million man army.

    Russia seems to be on our side on Syria but touch Iran and they will launch their armies as well.

    Armaggedon is just a few geopolitical missteps away.


    • SandroPixie says:

      how is Russia to be on our side on Syria??? If they were shipping weapons there not two days ago…and by the way define “our side”, goód ol USA? GB? Germany? PFFF!
      what is a fact indeed is that people should do is turn off the tvs and computers and go out to look at things with their own eyes, that i will assure you, is true


  12. ONTHEMARK55 says:

    Now, lets review todays ScoreBoard: SATAN 90(and counting) MANKIND 0. “And at that time many will fall away and will deliver up one another and HATE ONE ANOTHER”. Matt.24:10 May God bless the children and have mercy on our WRETCHED, ARROGANT, UNDESERVING Souls!


  13. buff24seven says:

    this will all be forgotten about in a week or two…so sad.


    • It will get lost in the political rhethoric like anything else and meanwhile the butchery on the planet continues.


      • AWM says:

        And who profits from this action/inaction? The real perps, that’s who!
        The killing should stop, period, Islam, like any other belief system needs to police itself.
        I thank God every day for the relative peace and prosperity we have, which could vanish in a millisecond. And pray for the children, every day, pray for the children.

        Thank you Alvin, thank you and God bless you and your family.


  14. Carpenter777 says:

    Several months ago I made several posts on many boards pointing out that someone, anyone should do something about Assad. All I got was blank stares or some conspiracy theory about some western nation carrying out all the massacres. I finally gave up. So sad and it’s not over yet.


  15. jenny says:

    We are born with nothing and we leave with nothing so why do so many want everything the only thing we all need is love and there not a lot of that around anymore!


    • tonic says:

      Jenny, if only it were that simple. When I look at an image of the crucifiction, the image of Jesus on the cross, I avoid the vile crown of thorns, and the distusting lable they placed above His head. Speak of any virtue Jesus guided us to, and you will get labled, in the world we live in today. Be it love, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and all the other guides He gave us. Try and live your life by them and you will get mocked, and this increases more and with each passing day.
      If Jesus were to appear in front of me today and granted me a question, it would be “Was it worth it?”
      Drive into a parking lot in a beat up car and nobody sees you. Drive in there in a 4wd, polished, and one day old, and you get attention.
      Jesus lived his life in meekness, he entered the parking lot not on a great white horse, but
      on a donkey.
      This is the world we live in, and maybe why the last message Jesus gave us was the lable and the crown of thorns. Anybody out there who stumbles on what I have said please understand that this is only MY interpetration of Jesus, and in no way disrepects yours.


  16. Nibikwe says:

    I just read an article by Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars.com who reports that evidence shows the BBC news used a 9 year old photo(see photographer Marco DiLauro’s Facebook page) of children massacred in Iraq as proof of the massacre in Houla, Syria. The report also indicates that evidence shows that deaths were not caused by tank shelling, but point-blank execution-style gun fire. He is implying that this is a psy-op brought to you by NATO…beating the war drums. I’m only passing this along as some sort of justice for all the precious children!


    • The justice will be when God metes out His own. If there is a repulsion for the act in dignity and respect for the innocent women and children brutalized and slaughterd by violence, then let it be for the act and not for the motive or for who perpetrated it.

      People similarly politicized the issue of the uprisings in Egypt when women were being raped on the streets by mobs.


  17. Selena says:

    I watch Good Morning America every day….it does not give news like I get on this blog. If it does, it is only for a second, then it turns to fashion or other things I do not care about as much…. Why is the mainstream news not giving more information that we need to hear?!


  18. May what ever god you believe in have pitty on your souls..for our souls are corrupt..The deaths of children are a reminder of the amount of innocence that is lost in the meaningless of conflicts and war…it doesnt matter if the children are muslim, jewish, christian, syrian, iranian, american or of any other cultur or state..The civil war in Syria is a continuence of the events that have shaken the foundations of the Middle East, sad it is that Syria cannot learn from its neighbors and give the country back to the people and live in peace…Peace was once a word of meaning that has become but a whisper on the wind of antiquity…War has ruled the world along side greed and selvrighteousness…I see a world falling apart where fear of losing money is more important that losing a life, where countries goto war for greed and resources instead of caring for people..

    I feel the world has forgotten itself, has left the bountries of the just for the shadows of a time long forgotten, only found in antiquities of old.. We have become a world of technology, money, greed, hate, disconnection from the realitys we live in.. We have become a world that is not capable of surviveing if something isnt done…

    The USA says give me your poor, your weak, your unfortuneate so they can become a part of a country of freedom, but now the poor are poor after years of makeing just a few rich, left to war and economic destruction..Where is the justice of the world when the poor of all nations sleep on the streets, beg for food, die of starvation, corruption or because of regional conflicts..Syria is no different than other countries as it kills it people because of the same greed and desires of other nations..And those left alive suffer while they see their loved ones die, their way of life stripped from them..Children are innocent no matter which country they come from, its the adults that create the missery of the world….and all becomes sadness..


    • ONTHEMARK55 says:

      When in Antiquity did mankind EVER act any different than now. The answer is NEVER!. This world, until Jesus comes back, IS SATAN’s DOMAIN, we murdered the Son of God! you can’t “lose” what you never had, there’s never been PEACE. As for Nostradamus, either way, he couldn’t express his thoughts openly for FEAR of being TORTURED/MURDERED for his thoughts. Peaceful Antiquity my a*$!


  19. Roger Aak says:

    There is nothing to be surprised about. This is propheciest in great detail in Dan 11,40-45. The king of north (USA) was attacked by the king of south (Al Qaeda). USA retaliated with fury and have since overrun most of the countries in the region. The situation have now come to a crusial point, where Russia (the North) and China (the East) are making problems for USA. As the tension builds, USA becomes more impatient, until she burst. This is what’s about to happen. It won’t be nice, but it must happen to fulfill the prophecy. Then comes the times of trouble before the Lord returns.


  20. ONTHEMARK55 says:

    Alvin, THANK YOU for not “tickling” our ears. Stay the course, THANK YOU, THANK YOU oh, and THANK YOU!


  21. suz says:

    Sometimes I think if I could turn back time and take away all this pain and sadness I might be taking the joy away also. So I try accepting life but it’s not easy living harmoniously among extremes.
    In each of us there is good and bad, light and dark, choice and regret, cruelty and sacrifice…we are struggling to understand what’s real. No one can live in the light all the time…..it’s a fine balance.
    I do feel we all need to take responsibility for ourselves though. We blame good things on God and bad things on the devil. We never take responsibility for anything that happens. It’s always someone elses’ responsibility.
    The madness of this planet is largely a result of our difficulty in coming to a moral balance within ourselves. We need to stop looking at the world through our head and instead look at it through our heart.


    • ONTHEMARK55 says:

      “And i set my mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly; i realized that this also is striving after the wind. Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain”. Eccl. 1:17,18. Hopefull this will help you as much as it has helped me when i “think” to much. May peace be with you 🙂


  22. tunerp says:

    I felt anger and sadness for those poor kids to come into this world and be snuffed out like this.If humans have to suffer,so be it but not these innocent kids.God rest their souls anyway.If there is life after death then I hope they go to a better world than this people.


  23. jake says:

    and now children are being targeted. despicable. those children weren’t killed by artillery. maybe some were, but the ones in the video were obviously shot with small arms. somehow, that seems to make it seem worse; knowing that it was done intentionally, and not by collateral damage. If God is vengeful, I can’t imagine what the scum responsible for this have coming.


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