Italy’s Mt. Etna erupts for seventh time in 2012

April 24, 2012ITALY Mt. Etna volcano erupted for the seventh – and without doubt the most spectacular – time this year today, spewing forth molten lava hundreds of meters into the air. Residents living close by were covered in hot ash but Europe’s tallest and most active volcano didn’t seem to pose any threat to human safety. Local inhabitants of the Sicilian town of Catania were grateful that Etna at least didn’t close the local airport as it did last month, preventing a visiting Serie A football team from leaving the island. The highest active volcano in Europe has blown its top three times in the past month alone, depositing a surface of black ash on its snowy higher slopes. Standing nearly 11,000ft high, Etna regularly. Tunnels and ditches have been dug to  protect their villages from the lava flow. –Daily Mail
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7 Responses to Italy’s Mt. Etna erupts for seventh time in 2012

  1. I wonder why this mountain manages to put on such a great show without harming the audience.
    It seems they do have their protective tunnels and ditches, but no one even thinks of moving.


  2. Steve says:

    Haha, God forbid it would interfere with the football


  3. DamienInMO says:

    Thanks Alvin for keeping this site so up to date. I have been checking in here daily for months now and its always so full of new events/disasters. Is it just me or does it seem like these relevant stories are happening more frequently as we get further into 2012? I work for a big corp. and I have sent your website link to all my friends and co-workers and we all appreciate you very much!


    • Thanks, DamienInMO. I’ve been covering these stories since about 2009 and they have become more frequent with time but I’m thrilled you guys are seeing this firsthand and narrating with others what transpiring across the planet. Change is no longer deniable. Thanks for both getting the word out and tuning in.

      best wishes,


  4. Stefan says:

    There must be something big coming on our planet Earth this year. All these eruptions and earthquakes feel not OK to me. They are too many this early in 2012. Something strange is going on….


  5. poddys says:

    I agree with what Stefan said. More major earth tremors than normal, and a lot of volcanic activity as well. Mexico City’s Popocatepetl has been very active lately as well. Then add in the unusual weather patterns around the world…

    It doesn’t sound good. Maybe the Maya knew something after all.


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