Unprecedented events seen on Earth in first three months of 2012

This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Extreme Weather Event, Mass animal deaths, Mystery Boom & Shaking, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Eruption, Wildfires. Bookmark the permalink.

126 Responses to Unprecedented events seen on Earth in first three months of 2012

  1. Brandon says:

    I saw this video earlier this afternoon. I’m stunned at how fast it’s going down! I don’t know if you agree or not Alvin, but I think we may be meeting our Maker sooner than we realize. Those in the Lord have nothing to fear. I think we’re about to cross the critical threshold if not already there.


    • It’s a stunning amounts of events that have unfolded in 3 months and we just had our 47th volcanic eruption with the Santiaguito volcano in Guatemala. No doubt, this crisis is moving from the Funnies and Horoscope section of the newspaper to the Front page. In my thermodynamic model, the collapse will start becoming exponential, moving faster with each new event. It’s one thing to wake-up to the smell of smoke in your house; it’s entirely another to wake up to the fact that your house is engulfed in flames. We should remember the world and pray that people will wake up in time. One needs time to adjust to the velocity of this ride, to quell the fear factor.



      • RICH99 says:

        Just because there have been alot of disasters doesn’t mean the end……many other years have had alot of weather disasters too.


      • I
        Steady increase of volcanic eruptions

        If you can find a month were 6,000 weather records were broken and 47 volcanoes erupted in a 3 month period- you get to teach the class.

        March breaks 6000 weather records: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/25/10853227-march-has-meant-6000-weather-records-broken

        Yes…the Earth has always had cycles; you’re right. 5 to be exact. They’re called Extinctions and according to geologists, we’re millions of years overdue. They all have common threads…of the Earth convulsing characteristically of what we’re seeing now with a period of steady escaltion. And you right again, this may not be the end of the world; this could drag on, worsening for the next two decades.


      • Rosie says:

        I don’t get it why would Jesus and God want this to happen and all these innocent people die…


      • I

        “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” -2 Peter 3:9

        “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die? – Ezekiel 33:11

        “For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world; but that through Him, the world might be saved.” -John 3:17

        If we’ve missed the greatest love in life on this point; we’ve missed the greatest point of life on living.


      • mabrili says:

        Jesus and God do not want it to happen to us. These thing are going to happen anyway and it is due to our senseless behaviour toward ourselves. Do not cry and lamet for what all of us hve done during our life time on earth.
        What to do? change and ride the level of existance and conciousness as soon as you can. do nor spot thinking of you have not done and said, and whatever: hurry up and start changing quick before things get shape and nothing can be done


    • Whether or not our “Maker” is coming..this video also shows the huge part Humans are playing in bringing us close to our own demise.


  2. joworth says:

    Regarding the lack of winter we’ve had this year, I sure hope this doesn’t mean a big infestation of bugs of any sort this spring and summer, such as we had in Idaho a couple years ago of desert moths everywhere. These desert moths were the big fat heavy juicy kind that would dive-bomb onto everything and everyone, and were almost impossible to swat because of the crazy way they fly. I woke up one night with one buzzing around in my hair.

    Have you heard of anything like that coming this year? (I hate bugs)


    • Korinna says:

      I live in AUS and even though there is always a huge amount of bugs, I have in my house an infestation of pharoah ants. The pest guy said he’s never seen anything like it and they are impossible to get rid of. We have to move because of it. Apparently they are called pharoah ants because they were considered a biblical plague in ancient Egypt times. I’m right with you with the bug thing, man they creep me out so bad.


      • Yona-Ulanigida says:

        Try 2/3 maple syrup & 1/3 borax mixture and a 2/3 powdered sugar & 1/3 borax mixture. Scatter these around, near where you see ants & ant trails. The borax kills the ants. The workers eat the sugar mix & take the syrup mix back to colony.


      • margie says:

        I found a recipe for ants and it works. You take 3Tbs of boric acid, mix with 1 cup of sugar and melt on stove in 3 cups of water. Cool down and keep in incontainer. Take some cottonwool, soak in mixture, place in small flat contaier like a lid and put the saturated cottonwool in the lid. Put this where they are active and mess a few drops around the lid and they will smel it very quickly.
        They are going to pack around this but just leave them, they will drink and drink and then take it to the nest. It takes anything from a day to a week for them to disappear. Good luck


    • kelleelynn13 says:

      I am really sorry to say this.. but it was reported because of the winter we had the bugs not only survived, they thrived. I live in PA and the ticks and fleas are already becoming a problem 😦


  3. Korinna says:

    Very well done video. This must have taken ages. 🙂


  4. tonic says:

    Thank you for putting all this information together. A real wake up call.


  5. hollywoodtac says:

    Made Viral,hopefully wake some people up.Peace.


  6. cris says:

    Alvin,,,all I can say is this video is unbelievable. You never fully grasp the puzzle until our the pieces are placed. Who ever heard of a tornado on the sun? That blows my mind, because we know that the mixture of cold and hot air in our weather patterns have created some of the worse storms. However, the sun produces only heat. Go figure!
    Concerning the transportation of armor vehicles, I think they are strategically placed when pandemonium breaks out among the citizens. It will be complete chaos and the government is preparing to contain it by any means necessary.


    • It’s a stunning composition of events. I hope the young man who put it together gets his message out. Even the even the most ardent disbeliever would now admit something is wrong with the planet.

      As you said, God help us all


      • Brandon says:

        Unfortunately only a select few will wake up. It has been said that even during the Tribulation Period itself there will still be scoffers!!!


      • Well, it’s a natural human response to a threatening situation to be in first-stage mindset of denying that the ground you’re standing on is going to crumble under you. Scoffers should not discourage anyone seeking to ‘soldier on’ under the current state of affairs.


  7. mspat2 says:

    Getting more disturbing by the day. I do not have a bugout bag yet, but talked about it late 2011. Think it’s time to do NOW!! and stop procrastinating. Hope others are getting the word out to family/friends because these events cannot be coincidences. I may not comment much here, but I am truly on the site daily, love it!!


    • Beth L says:

      mspat2, there is no need to blame them. Scriptures are clear on this topic. They believe their wicked plans and schemes are of their own devise but they are being used for His purpose and He admits it. It is His judgement. It is just and I doubt you’ll find anyone who doesn’t think we deserve it. All prophesy in the bible has either been absolutely fulfilled or is yet to be. This tale has been told and written out in an instruction manual called The Holy Bible. Woe to those who don’t bother to read the instructions. Big mistake. I don’t understand people who spend time whistle-blowing and pointing at the bad guys. The bad guys have a purpose. Relax. It is all under control.


    • flko says:

      I was just discussing how, compared to most prior years in the past decade- 2012 has been extremely limited in catastrophic events. No I am not in denial, just not buying into small incidences endlessly hyped and magnified by the media echo chamber. A few months ago, we actually were in danger of the Canary Islands unleashing tsunami across Atlantic rim- that has now abated. Banking system has not crashed and war with Iran is being pushed back to 2013. For all the New Age “2012” publicity, its been a pretty good year. Thank God!


  8. dannrivera says:

    April 23, 2012 will be the beginning of the “SHOW” – a WORLDWIDE EVENT courtesy of THEIR VOODOO SCIENCES – HAARP, CHEMTRAILS, SATELLITES – THE BLUE BEAM PROJECT STARTS. December 21, 2012 – The Mayan Calendar End of the World – HOAX.


  9. Irene C says:

    Wow. I haven’t watched the video yet, since my computer is old and slow, so it will take me awhile. But, the list you put up is very impressive. I also believe that everything is moving much faster, like a woman having labor pains before the birth of her child. The pains also become more intense. I also pray that people “get it” and wake up. As the old saying goes, “we ain’t seen nothing yet”. O Lord Come.



  10. mrsotto says:

    Absolutely amazing! If you are not save, you should tremble in fear. Read The Bible, God tells us how it all goes down. If you are saved, how blessed are we to see prophecies coming to fruition in our lifetime? Maranantha, come Lord Jesus! \o/


  11. radiogirl says:

    My heart is hurting…………….


  12. Brandon says:

    It’s heartbreaking about the naysayers. How can mankind survive these changes when most are asleep at the wheel?


    • I
      Noah was met with ridicule and scoffing though he warned men a great calamity was coming

      And this is why there will be no excuses in the great judgment. People will only have themselves to blame for the choices they have made. The people of Noah’s day were swept away by the great flood for their wickedness. And though Noah preached for 120 years, he never convinced anyone outside of his own family to board the Ark. There were no impending signs that a flood would sweep away the world that they knew. Nothing stirred nature from its course. It had never rained on the Earth prior to this event. Some later accused God of being unjust, though they had more time to repent; there were no signs. Today, it’s reversed. People have less time and all the signs and they still won’t repent and change their ways. You see…it doesn’t matter in the final analysis if people don’t see and disbelieve or see and ignore…there would always only be a few either way. You can’t win with people so don’t even pull up to the table and play the game.


  13. Kathy says:

    God bless and keep us all. Thank you for sharing this amazing video.


  14. SLK says:

    Wow. What a video. Couldn’t help but cry at all the animals dying. It’s almost as if they are giving their lives for one chance to make us see…or it’s satan rushing into them just as his legion did the swine on the hill… speaking of the military vehicles on the move, have you seen the awful mural that depicts “the end” at the denver int’l airport? Looks like life is beginning to imitate art 😦


    • David Vogt says:

      I can’t imagine that anyone would get on or get off of a plane at the Denver airport. That “art” is an “in our face” collage of what the puppet masters’ plans for humanity are.


    • Columbine says:

      I fly in and out of DIA regularly, but through the International areas. The art we see is First American/Native American/American Indian (depends on what decade you were born in). I have yet to see this horrible art work everyone talks about. Either that, or most Americans have never really looked at First American art. Where is this stuff everyone complains about located????


  15. Wiseguy says:

    Thanks thousand times Alvin, we don’t feel alone in our search for the truth. A year and a half ago, the moon’s shape disturb me and tonight the moon is still unusualy in a strange position. After all those years, seeing the moon shining at night, looking at clouds and noticing their weird shapes lately, I know something is happening and I don’t care if some will or won’t wake up, after last week heatwave, I am fully awake.


  16. Melissa says:

    This was really well done. I have been digging online daily, but I didn’t realize so much has happened just in 3 months. If Noah was around, I would due on the Ark with my bug out bag and family.


  17. Neocene says:

    First off the author of this video gives little information trying to tie any of these events together.There is no scientific evidence presented whatsoever. Its just a bunch of random videos sliced together along with some bible verses prying on people’s superstitions and fears.
    I could go and make a similar video using natural disasters from any year and make a cockamamie video using bible verses trying to say they’re all connected.
    If the author had tried to make a more valid point, he could’ve done some research into what some of these events are happening or looked at other possible explanations. If you looked at this video objectively there would be little to warrant it to be taken seriously.
    One of the reasons I like coming to this site is the fact based reports and journals that are presented. This one simply falls sort of that.


    • Brandon says:

      Neocene, I’m sorry my friend. But you’re the only one that feels that way. Alvin documented all of these events taking place in just these three months. Sorry but this is Bible prophecy coming to pass. Have a great day my friend.


    • David Vogt says:

      Scientific evidence? Why would intelligent people look to science for answers when science, chock full of irresponsible practitioners, has almost laid this planet to waste all by its self. It should be illegal for scientists and politicians to keep company with each other.


    • Shusher says:

      I have to agree with you Neo. I’m not saying that the information given in the video isn’t shocking, but the basis that this is out of the ordinary isn’t presented. Are the events that happened the first three months of this year different than the first three months of 2011 or 2010? Have mass animal deaths never occurred before? Have weather patterns changed in the past? All these have and will continue to happen, the only difference is that we have World Wide Technology to bring the reports together – NOW. They aren’t hidden in the local news report or paper on page 5.

      Also, I’m not saying that climate change isn’t here along with earth changes. I am pointing out that the video does nothing to say what the actual and factual differences are now as compared to, well, anything.


      • Dee says:

        Seems to me the point of the video was to show people all the things that happened in the first 3 months of 2012 … hence the title: “Unprecedented events seen on Earth in first three months of 2012” … if you are concerned about statistics and comparing these events with the first 3 months of past years then hey … the info is out there on the Internet for you and anybody else that wants to dwell on statistics rather than the events themselves. As someone already commented … what if you’re wrong. You have everything to lose.


    • Artoro says:


      What if you’re wrong?


      • Neocene says:

        I’m not saying that I’m right either. I’m looking at this from an objective point of view and the first thing any rational minded person should do is look for the truth. Whether it’s scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth. The absolute scientific unbiased search for the truth not riddled with religious overtures or superstitious dogmas. Not believing every little video that is posted on youtube that is accompanied with bad editing, sound design, and production value. One of the things I hate most are false prophets and doom sayers trying to use media to play on people’s fears. The majority of these films/clips were taken completely out of contents and used to promote an agenda. For instance he has all the military stuff but nowhere did he try to tie it into the weather phenomenons. So why did he even include it? When I looked that up, I saw that a majority of that hulls were being sent to storage. You know how much money it would cost to refurbish all those tanks and fuel trucks? Millions if not Billions of dollars. That is why they were being transported.
        I’m not playing the skeptic card here, I’m playing the one where I want to see more evidence aside form a youtube video made in probably a few hours. Where are his documents, reports, possible alternative explanations? Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.


  18. Dan says:

    Perhaps Comet Lovejoy aught to be on the list…


  19. Batkiller says:

    May God bless you for all your efforts. Thank you for your wonderful site. I have been coming in 2 or 3 times a day for about 2 years now. Hope your efforts will awaken more people. Cheers.


  20. Tim M says:

    Well as the Chinese proverb / curse states “May you live in interesting times”…and it seems that we are indeed. It kind of makes you wonder with everything that is occurring all at the same time, what could possibly happen next ? I guess we’ll know when it happens as many fingers seem to be pointing in the same direction. I am concerned a bit for California but Im sure there are just as many other locations that are at risk with all the activity that seems to be popping up. The fact is, the earth is changing before our eyes and many are awakening to see it and do realize that not all of this is just a coincidence. Take care.


  21. Chris says:

    In the video they say that people are hearing it in Saskatoon, northern Saskatchewan. I live there and can definitely tell you guys that I’ve heard the sounds as well. I’ve never heard things like it before, the sounds are definitely similar to those we hear in the videos of these sounds. Almost like sounds straight from an alien movie or something. Enough to send chills down my spine just wondering… “What the hell is that sound?”. I imagine this is only the beginning of a very eventful year.

    I wish I knew what was going on, only time will tell I suppose. Yet seems like the entire world doesn’t really care, everybody still continues on as if nothing seems to be happening. Whether or not these events have anything to do with 2012, I don’t know, maybe the Mayans really could predict the end of the epoch, which is supposed to bring a lot of change to this world, which is obviously needed if we take a look at how badly things are going for humankind, the earth, and all it’s beings.

    Keep us informed Alvin, seems like this is the only site where I can get valuable factual information.


  22. K says:

    Thanks for that video! I thought I was a well-informed person but apparently not so much. I didn’t know half of the stuff on that video, no idea about the fires and the animal deaths (this year). No idea how I missed all that stuff but glad I know now. Cheers to you Alvin!


  23. Phyllis says:

    oh wow,Alvin,thank you so much for this,I have been visiting here for a couple of months now and been getting emails from others for a long while yet,but there were still some things in this video i had not known about,and this is awesome,and we are only at the end of march yet,I am stupified,wow,what a year this is going to be,I do believe in God and the Bible and have trusted in him ever since I got saved many years ago,but I cannot lie and say that I am not scared,because I am still scared,it is only human to be,i hope everyone wakes up but i realistcally know they wont.thank you so much for all your information,God Bless you,Phyllis


    • Thanks Phyllis.

      God Bless you,


    • Niebo says:


      Fear is “natural” but nothing to fear—think of Matthew 14:27; Jesus bids the disciples “Be not afraid”, which is followed by Peter’s steps from the boat onto the water, ON the water. When he becomes afraid, he begins to sink and cries out “Save me!” The very hand of Christ lifts him up. Sure, because he waivered, Peter receives a gentle reproof, but he walked on water, nonetheless, was headed in the right direction, and Christ was there to save him. Faith conquers fear; the Spirit it stronger than flesh. Otherwise, Peter might have remained in the boat.

      Aslo, keep in mind another 14:27, in John: “…My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you; let not your hearts be troubled nor let them be afraid.” As you head in the right direction, cling to the Word but, if you falter, cry out to Him (as a sheep bleets at the voice of the Shepherd). He is stronger than your weakness; His spirit overcomes the flesh; His peace is permanent, not transitory like the world: He will lift you up.


  24. Kim says:

    “There will be signs in the heavens and on the earth” I was raised to embrace the day it came… hope it ‘starts’ in my lifetime… bring it on!! We’re all sick of this evil world! God’s heart must be heavy when he looks down on this planet.


  25. Columbine says:

    Interesting video. I think it’s important to remember that although many of these things are new to us, we who live at this time period of history, many of the things in this video have happened before. The big freeze in Europe: “This can be seen in some of Pieter Brueghel’s sixteenth-century paintings of peasants skating on the canals of Belgium and the Netherlands, activities that were made famous in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales of Denmark.” Even where I currently live people used to drive their cars across the river on the ice in the winter, yet this winter is the first I’ve seen with any ice on the river except along the banks. As for the sun and the tornado on the sun: just because we haven’t seen one before, haven’t filmed one before doesn’t mean they haven’t existed and happened thousands of times throughout history – we only now have the technology to actually see it happening. And as for the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand – there are records for hundreds of years that list big earthquakes and tsunamis, there are even warning stones in Japan put up hundreds of years ago warning people not to build below those levels because of tsunami. People who live in Christchurch know they are living on the roots of a volcano that erupted violently in the past and that they live on the Ring of Fire and earthquakes are expected. Mount Etna erupts regularly – check Erik Klemmiti’s Volcano blog. Again, hundreds of years of records of eruptions. Some of the videos of strange lights in the sky look very much like the ISS going over – a sight I’ve seen several times in the past 3 or 4 years. There is even a website that will tell you when to go out and look for it to pass overhead. I urge people not to get all bent out of shape. These things have happened before, they are happening now and they will happen again. It doesn’t matter what is happening around us, we need to be prepared for Christ’s second coming at any moment of any day. I agree with you, Alvin – I also do not believe in a Rapture. Jesus Christ told us these things would happen and they have – all through history. are they increasing now – or do we just know about more of them now? that is the big question for me.


    • Roger says:

      Well put. That is exactly what I thought. I wish people, especially those who call themselves Christians, would be more discerning. Fish and mammals have washed up on shore before. There have been worse freezes before. The fact that we have technology that allows us to see tornadoes on the sun does not mean its a new phenomenon. What the Bible does say is that this may be the very precursor to what may come. Remember, there will have NEVER have been anything like what will take place happen before. We are also looking for things globally like we have never looked before. Don’t get me wrong, I was shocked at some of the things on this video but also thought some things were sensationalized. When the things mentioned in Matthew start happening, there will be no wondering. We will know.


      • Tlindemann says:

        It is understandable to say that these events have been experienced on earth and possibly in the heavenlies before.  It is equally reasonable and understandable to make the argument that because we have not had the technology to record these events that who’s to say they didn’t take place.

        Respectfully, this writer would like to submit another point of view.  Originally, there were outlined many points, if anyone cares to read these, it can be arranged.  However, after pondering, perhaps this one point is all that is needed.

        The argument that all these events that are said to have already taken place in the past, whether we realized it or not, whether more intense and frequent or not is SOMEWHAT irrelevant.  The fact is Israel was re-formed as a nation roughly 60 years ago.  This is very important to keep in mind.   Messiah could not have returned at any time in history, until in these days, because, besides the fact that was not His mandate the first time He appeared, there was no Israel from which to rule and reign not long after He left. If we understand what Messiah came here to do the first time, we can understand what may very well be unfolding today (personally, this writer does not believe it is a case of what “may be” unfolding, but what IS unfolding) in preparation for His mandate upon His second appearance.

        This writer has been reading this site for only a few months, but have been aware of what is blogged about on here for years.  This blog is tracking what this writer and many others have been seeing, hearing and sensing unfold.  We know a shaking like we’ve never seen before is coming (again, this writer feels it has begun).  Abba will deliver us, His people, but He has to get us out of “Egypt” and “Egypt” out of us.  Hence, judgment is coming to the House of Yah first, then to the unbelievers.  It is not Abba’s will that any should perish.  Hopefully and prayerfully, many will wake up, take notice and choose life.  Sadly though, even more will not.  There was and always has been but a remnant.

        Thank you Alvin for your hard work and dedication.  May Yah bless you and your family with even greater wisdom and understanding.  


      • SammySTH says:

        What about the rate of species dieing of increasing. Im just saying, yes you are right geologically, but what about the animals? They seem to be more in the know than us. If you have any information about the rate of species dieing of like this in the past then please do share.


      • Niebo says:

        Perhaps you might cross-refer Matthew 24 (the signs of the Coming) and 25 (what Christians should do in preparation) with Mark 13, Luke 17:20-37, and Luke 21:5-36, then cross-refer them all to Revelation 6, you will notice that the signs in Matthew have already started, some of them HUNDREDS of years ago (the first persecution by the Catholic Church), and you do not know…why? Because the media has not announced it yet? All of the events that are building (earthquakes, etc.) are leading to the opening of the sixth seal, to a sun “darkened” and a moon “turned to blood” (Rev. 6:12) by ash and debris from catastrphic volcanic activity, which will be preceded by a “great earthquake” that will move “every mountain and island” out of place (6:14).

        Sure, there have been freezes before. Fish and beasts have died before. Sure they have. But not in the context of ALL THE EARTHQUAKES and ALL OF THE VOLCANOES that are spewing ash while the WIND AND WAVES CRASH AND ROAR while ARMIES SURROUND JERUSALEM. The CONTEXT of events is worldwide, Roger. Please, lift your eyes to see your redemption.


  26. rob says:

    VERY interesting mother nature is the bigest influence ever we only interupt it HOPEFULLY not to extinction !


  27. manich says:

    Sorry but this is a Galactic event, not a Christian event. All will experience it, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddists, atheists. Those who face the catastrophes without fear, but can let go and surrender with their faith, will ascend.Those that face the coming events with fear, will not be “left behind”, but will pass on to another material world, to try again in another life to return to the Christed Spirit.


  28. Its seems that there have for at least the last dozen centuries false prophets and folks who truly believed that they where indeed living in the end times spoken of in revelations. And guess what ?they where all incorrect! I suggest doing things in moderation. Prepare for food shortages or whatever you think but dont go to extremes. Dont believe everything you see and hear on the TV & internet ect. Shure the planet & climate is changing. And it appears to be doing so very rapidly. However It has happened before. That dont mean the end of humans or the world. Now they clain the last end of an age killed the dinosaurs. Well it didnt get them all. the alligators crocks turtles & fish survived. Its quite possible parasitic insects and rodents killed the big land dwelling dinosaurs. The rodents ate the dinosaur eggs. The rodent couldnt get the gator eggs because the gators would eat the rodents. Remember anyone who claims to know for certian is blowing smoke. Beware of false prophets.


    • Jean says:

      Yes, but we have never lived in an age as evil as this one. We really do have to beware of false prophets, of which there are many, but we also have many true prophets. Beware of throughing them all out. What did Jesus say about that? Just pray and discern.


  29. Moco says:

    I spend my prayers seeking truth, wisdom and deliverance from evil. I am often frustrated from the complacency and denial that others are showing. They are more interested inBS politics and critical of others who have fallen on hard times. TPTB know what is possibly coming. They’ve known for a long time.
    I’ve felt a bad vibe since 2007. I’ve prepped as much as I can see fit for emergency action. CME, EMP, civil unrest, but not planning to bug out with no where to go. I think my neighbors think I’m a moonbat for trying to get them to at least store some food and essentials. I think we shall soon find out.


  30. Moon says:

    Those who have said they wish people would wake up, What do you want them to do!!. If our planet and solar system is having particulars, there are few among us who will be able to do anything….. the marble we stand on is expanding, tilting and the core is whirling. the sun is radiating us and the evidence is clear . hold tight to your loved ones and hold on!!!!! we and every creature on this planet are witnessing the universe!!!!!!!!!


    • tonic says:

      Moon, If people woke up,then everything would change. Nuclear weapons would be discarded. Banking would disappear, as would all the “things” we carry with us.
      You, me, would be important, but not as important as our children. Because the very existence of “us”, is what this is all about.


      • mabrili says:

        I am with Moon. We need to wake up and open our eyes, our ears, our brain then go inside and awaken our consciuosness to be able to see more deeply inside each other. We need to start loving each ourselves: I love myself with a real love no with an ego love, with an altruistic love then as leve is learn the love to others come out from me without any effort


  31. Yes there have been periods before so taxing to mankind that people thought they were at the End. One of these was when Isaac Newton lived, famine, natural disasters. Another was the 14th century when the majority of Europe was killed by war and pestilence. Nevertheless there are Biblical signs of the true end, such as those portrayed in Daniel the Prophet. I listened to one announcement about the end of our US Civilization last night, by an online pundit, but the strong sermon ended with a plea to buy gold and get “prepared”. How silly can you be–after telling us the merciless forces which would now come against us, what will we do with “gold” and stored food which could be confiscated or robbed? We have only our Blessed Hope to really depend on.
    My attitude about the rapture is not to just “believe” or not believe, but to pray “Deliver us from Evil”, and Deliver us from the Time of Trial.” The words in translation of Jesus.


    • Phyllis says:

      I thought about that,everywhere you look,buy gold and silver,silver and gold,we must be at the end cause the Bible says their silver and gold will not save them,why does it say that and thats all we hear?so yes the Bible is pretty spot on,if you ask me.


  32. tonic says:

    “All of this has happened before” is what most people say to me when I bring this subject up. When I reply “Yes but we were technology independent then” they just shake their heads, and the conversation ends.


    • I

      The world has its head in the sand…it’s warm and comfy there and people are not concerned with anything unless it touches their world, their bank accounts, they material possessions or their big screen televisions. They don’t want anything to erupt their ‘perceived bliss‘ regardless of how many other people in the world are less fortunate than they. They compartmentalize because they can’t deal with any reality that is not of their own mental devising. If most had their way, the misery would go on this planet forever just so long as it erupted in someone else’s backyard. Let them sleep on and walk away in love.


    • Phyllis says:

      yes that is all they keep saying to me too,all has happened before we just hear about it better now,so sad that they want to be that way.


  33. Sharon Holmes says:

    Thank you for posting this video. Very eye opening!


  34. John Kilby says:

    Hi Columbine and Roger, the things happening now have been happening since Jesus was here before, remember the earthquake when He died, the sun darkened for no apparent reason, the things listed down in Matthew 24 are all coming to pass NOW. I have been writing for years about biblical facts but it is hard to get people to read these facts, if anyone is interested the site is http://www.witwit.org The so called rapture and 7 years of tribulation is very false, while the people are waiting for this to happen the tribulation of the last days will overtake them and they will be lost to the Lord. Thank you Alvin for the chance to wake people up. My wife and I study at home and do not trust the ‘modern day’ churches. Be glad to hear any comment on my site. Keep up the message Alvin and God bless all.


  35. Brandon says:

    You honestly believe this will last two decades???


    • The periods of catastrophism in Earth’s past extinctive periods, according to geologists, spanned thousands of years in some cases. These events reach a scale of violence the human mind can scarcely comprehend. The Deccan eruptions, of the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, when nearly 40% of India’s total land area was volcanic lakes, is said to have erupted for a period of 30,000 years. These natural events, where the planet overturns, are extremely agonizing and traumatic events in nature.

      Christ said unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved alive but for the elect sake (those chosen) the days would be shortened. Matt 23:22 We’re are going to learn exactly what that means before this is over with…


      • Ann G. says:

        Doesn’t it seem like the days have already gotten shorter? Times seems to be moving so quickly. Like it’s been compressed.


      • C Reyner says:

        Yes…I, too, have studied the catastrophic extinctions you speak of which occur every ‘so many’ centuries. In fact I have written about them. I had planned to do another series about them this next week since I felt I had a pretty good handle on them. But, I don’t think I will. It wouldn’t convince the skeptics. and I would rather not make the believers fearful. It is seeming to me at this late date people have pretty much made their decisions for or against the Truth.
        Great site, my friend. May the Lord bless and keep you for your testimony. I’ll be seeing you soon, with all my other Christian friends. Can’t wait to meet them all, but especially my Savior. God bless you all. Maranatha!


      • Same to you, friend.

        God bless you, Maranatha


  36. Maggie McC says:

    Another thing that Jesus said is pertinent now: that before the end there would be a “great falling away.” Apostasy. Look around at all the atheists and apathetic. I have never seen anything like it. Along with the perverted immorality, it makes way for chastisements if not the end. We are getting plenty of warnings and have time to repent and cry out to the Lord for ourselves, our loved ones, and the blind or hard of heart. Pray with all your heart and mind and soul.


    • Sam says:

      I agree with you, Maggie!


    • tonic says:

      I lived in London for a short period during the eighties. There was a little church I would pop into a few times a week, for no particular reason. It was very old, walls 4 foot thick, in the warmest summer day it was always cool in there. More often than not I would be the only one there. There was a silence there, like time out, surrounded by beautiful statues, and cut glass images of our Lord. For me it was a place where I could visit God, just to say hello.
      Then one day I seen a “for sale” sign outside it. Broke my heart. I was so naive, that I thought a church could never be real estate. Got turned into offices.


  37. Brandon says:

    Well, since some people are STILL going to bury their heads in the sand by saying all these things are normal and have happened in the past (which by the way is a direct fulfillment of 2 Peter 2:3-4) I want to wish God’s hand of blessings on you Alvin. You seem like an amazing man with a God given gift to warn mankind of what is SOON coming. Not two decades or thousands of years away. Keep doing what you’re doing and God will bless you. The Lord warned us that people would deny these things. They laughed at Noah. God bless you Alvin.


    • IMG

      God bless all who carry the last message of truth to a dying world. Yes, they say ‘all things continue as they were since the beginning of the creation.’ 2 Peter 3:4. Which means “cycles” which is exactly the argument the Bible prophesied they would use. They don’t realize they are fulfilling God’s word even with their unbelief. We are told these events are ‘only the beginning of sorrows‘ For the 161 people of Joplin, Mo., who were killed by a EF5 tornado last year, the end of the world has already come and gone and it came with little warning. The sun was shining on Tuesday morning May 22, 2011 and there were not many clouds in the sky on that ill-fated day. Who would have ever believed later in the evening, the winds would howl at speeds of up to 250 miles per hour and reduced such a huge portion of Joplin to ruins? Is this not the case with the world today and its naysayers who rail while the sun shines?

      Herein, is a dire warning and lesson for the world. “For as it was in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them away; so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man.” Matthew 24:38, 39

      While the world is engaged in merrymaking and frolic, while the stock-market is precipitously rising and men are hatching schemes for plans to be laid well into the future, when the sun appears to be rising on a future crowned with splendid technological achievements, the Bible warns us, ‘sudden destruction‘ will come upon the world and they shall not escape. 1 Thess 5:3. The final calamitous events that will sweep across the world will come with blinding force and speed.

      Keep your eyes on Christ and stand strong in your faith



      • Phyllis says:



      • Sign

        It’s waking up to reality that’s the issue here. If people have lived their lives without religion up to this point; why choose it now out of fear? God is not recruiting cowards. One serves and follows Him out of love in one’s heart or one doesn’t. Take the scriptures out of the video and the events still happened.

        In the final analysis; we can fool a lot of the people in the world with our circular rheterotic but we can never fool ourselves.


  38. Eve says:

    Is it just an optical illusion? In your video at 3:40, the screen shows the words January 3, 2012. There is an airplane flying over a house with white smoke and a very large man or woman on top of the house. The human in this scene seems out of place, too large in relation to the plane and the house. Was that scene real or a computer generated one? Maybe that is not the point of your video, but I just wondered. Thanks.


  39. Simon T says:

    My only concern here is that tour graph could arguably relate to increased monitoring, communications etc – we may have had more actives years in the past but just didnt have the equipment in java!


    • V

      Well, Simon- Geology has hung itself with its own elaborate rope because every volcano carries a label which describes its geological age. We are now in the Holocene period which spans roughly about 10,000 years, so volcanoes are either Holocene or they are not. So we know exactly what has erupted and what has never erupted. There is no guess work. Nabro volcano erupted in Eritrea in 2011. It’s not a Holocene volcano so it had never erupted before in the last 10,000 to 12,000 years. Sign! Chaitén volcano erupted in Chile in 2008 and the eruption is still on-going. Prior to 2008, the volcano hadn’t erupted in 9,500 years. Sign! Sinabung in Indonesia erupted in 2010 after being dormant for 400 years. Sign! Fuji is stirring this year after being asleep for 300 years. We could go on all day….I’m curious if anyone could explain to me the geological process that wakes up a dormant volcano after such a long time if the Earth has been experiencing nothing but normal cycles.


  40. Elizabeth says:

    We are all here to learn to love. Trust in God and pray to understand the signs of the times.
    Most of those signs are in place for the return of The Lord but the Antichrist has not yet been revealed.
    Therefore the end is some way off as scripture does not deceive. Great tribulation can come before this happens but the world has still to live through the time of Antichrist before it ends.
    Jesus said that only The Father knows when this will be. Let us spend our lives for others as Jesus did. Thank you for your site.


    • niebo says:

      “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and EVEN NOW ALREADY IS IT IN THE WORLD.” I John 4:2-3 KJV


  41. Jean says:

    Yes, it is going down fast, but please know it is not the end of the world, but the end of an era. It will get much worse so fasten your seat belt’s. There is no need to fear, God is in control. PRAY!!! When it is all over we will have the thousand years of peace. Something great to look foreward to. Trust in the Lord. Evil is working but so is HE.


  42. Betsy Weggesser says:

    Great video Alvin !!! Been watching all these goings on for the last couple of years !!! Quite frankly, I first noticed an uneasiness within myself, knowing, just by the way people have lost their way in the way they live their lives. Love of everything that is not of God !!! Then I noticed the sky and unusual streaks in the sky, Chemtrails, Tornadoes. Devastating winds coming out of nowhere and weird sunsets with luminescent qualities!!! If this doesn’t wake people up!!! I don’t know what will !!! Just gotta keep on PRAYING !!!


  43. BillybonesIII says:

    Staggering job done on this recap.
    This can’t be found in any other religious book or writing be it Moslem, Hindu, Buddist or what ever.
    Our alloted time is about up – and that doesn’t mean finding a safe place to wait it out!
    Anyone who read the book or saw the movie, “On The Beach” – read it or find a copy of the movie. At the conclusion is a scene with a banner blowing in the wind with discarded newspapers. It reads, “There’s still time brother.”


  44. mabrili says:

    with great respect to all the believer of what is happening on earth. We human being (?) are suppose to sustain life on earth as long as we are aware of our responsabilities. we have forgotten these responsabilies and we believe that the natural caos facing right now are due to some quire forces which are attacking us without no reason. we are completly wrongh. It is due to our lack of responsabilies toward us, all of us. we got rid of what suppoted uis on this beatuful globe which is called LOVE. we have chosen to love things (money and whatever comes out of it) insted to love me ( I love me before learn tyo love others) so i can love my brothers and sisters


  45. If things proceed as is suggested by this video, I guess we won’t have to worry about our mortgage any longer. That’s a good thing!


  46. John Kilby says:

    It is a very strange world now, what do you make of the crop circles Alvin? Or is that too large a can of worms! Another thing as commented before is the strange behaviour of folks if there is a looming catastrophe like a plane going down or something, all on board will start praying for God to save them,why is this if they deny that God exsists all of their lives. They have had all their lives to repent and be saved, this life is unimportant if you beleive.


    • They’re in the same camp as UFO’s….it’s not science; it’s paranormal and I deal with the Earth sciences. People can see earthquakes, storms, the collapse of ecosystems- things that affect their lives and they can know from these events that the planet is changing.


  47. Louise says:

    It is clear that something strange is going on but I do not think that the Christian judgement day is approaching. This has nothing to do with anyone’s religion and everything to do with science. People are entitled to view these unusual events through the filter of religion, but those views are not shared by everyone. We’ll just have to stay tuned and see how things turn out.


    • I agree with Louise. These events are not caused by mans activities. They would still be happening even if man had never set foot upont the planet. A far as religious superstition? I happen to be a Agnostic who believes the theory of reincarnation has some merit.


  48. Renata says:

    Please go vegan
    Carobon, methane, greenhosue emissions, water shortages, land abuse, pollution, pollution from removal of trees.


  49. Stephen Ho says:

    Alvin, may I know where you obtained the information : “ 7.2 Indonesia, 7.1 in Vanuatu 7.4 earthquake in Mexico and 7.1 in Chile on March 25” ?


  50. James says:

    I want to thank you for sharing this. I got the link to your blog from my mother and then later saw it up on Steve Quail’s website. I hope you don’t mind me sharing it on my blog as well. I don’t have a lot of readers because I am new. That is fine. I am just here to tell the truth, in the love and grace of the most high God. It is not about how many readers I get. It is about sharing the truth. I do want to thank you though for posting this up.


  51. jodie says:

    I am new to all this and started to look for signs that were not right. Just a gut feeling or call it instinct. I have been looking to the sky for quite sometime.
    Where i live we had a mini heatwave one week and then the next week a drop in temperature of 20 degrees. Now im no scientist just a single mum with the worry of what’s in store for my children in the future. God help us all.


  52. Jeff says:

    Could it be possible that these natural phomeno have been occuring throuout time? But due to the hype of December 21, 2012, many have started looking for the so called “signs”, making note of them and giving them merit? Just a thought.


    • We did some research to see if this really was the “Time of Sorrows” in Matt 24, and we found that for the last 100 years, there have been less than five per year worldwide earthquakes over a 6 on the Richter scale. In 2001, there began to be 15, 17, 22 and in those increased numbers per year worldwide, at over 6 on the Richter scale. Then in 2011, Japan changed it to thousands, and 2012 likewise, it has maintained to at least hundreds. So though we haven’t done in depth study on other climate catastrophes, Jesus spoke of earthquakes and that was what we found, the earthquakes ARE increasing.
      From my superficial understanding of tornados and other storms, they are becoming huge, in ways I certainly never grew up with. They used to take out towns not states.


  53. bev says:

    And just for some balance from the other side ….

    Recent devastating earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and China, as well as magnitude 7+ earthquakes in Indonesia and California, might give the impression that earthquake activity is increasing.

    In fact, a quick look at earthquake statistics over the last 20 years shows that this is not the case.

    On average there are about 15 earthquakes every year with a magnitude of 7 or greater.

    As with any almost random phenomena, the number of earthquakes each year varies slightly from this average, but in general, there are no dramatic variations.

    So far this year, there have been six magnitude 7+ earthquakes, in keeping with the annual rate.


    • Stephen Ho says:

      Bev, you said that there have been six 7 + earthquakes so far this year (April 19, 20212), You also said that the average is fifteen of such earthquakes (magnititude 7 + or more) per year. QUESTION : Please let us know if the average is to have six of such earthquakes before the end of April , with almost eight more months to go, annually. ALSO, do not forget to factor in other things like swarms of smaller earthquakes, aftershocks, small periods of intense seismic activities, earthquakes rare to certain areas, etc.


  54. Probably many ot these events are happening for ages. There weren’t so many devices to record them at the time. Media has a huge impact on how we think, not so much on what is happening in the world.


    • Stephen Ho says:

      Veterinarios, please refer us to an independent, objective reliable source for us to verify, as what you have said proceeds from your own subjective perception of the matter.


  55. Rey Yap says:

    Imagine if the date is 100% certain and people start to prepare for the end of the world. I hate the idea of “PREPARING” because of the end of the world. Shouldn’t we act accordingly because it is what is being taught to us ? I think “REPENTANCE” and “CHANGE OF HEART” should be the words and not “PREPARE” !


  56. Owl01 says:

    Very simple, the fireworks frightened the birds and they hit everything in their path because they can’t see at night, fish were oxygen starved, volcanoes happening for millions of years, most of Australia is a desert. Ufo’s…….. Please use common sense. Nothing overly strange, nothing to do with the bible, world wide web makes it easy for stories to spread fast and gather together.
    There won’t be a second coming, (there wasn’t a first) Some of us will live to a ripe old age. All good.


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