3 Responses to British Chancellor says the ‘government has run out of money’- pain from austerity cuts are yet to bite

  1. seems the ALP is going to do the very same thing to Australia…….. I speculate it is a world wide thing also…. grred greed greed


  2. Moco says:

    ANd for world economies and human standard of living,’ SO it begins”. As the begun, was greece, this is the traders trading term. CONFIRMATION.

    For religious leaders, a biblical moment, perhaps.

    This duz not make my day, my month, my year or future.

    Being on this bleeding head wound for years now has not been a pleasant experience. I’ve prepped all I can afford without going total moonbat. The sick part of it is, that my only enjoyment will be from all the deniers who will “shocked”. Pitiful outlook.


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