34 Responses to Iran claims warships have entered the Mediterranean- Israel’s navy put on alert

  1. Dingaling says:

    It’s more likely that Syria will come into the play out first..then Iran..so dont be misled or distracted..
    It’s also possible that Iran’s play in this battle could come into view within hours or days of the leveling of Damascus.
    Be vigillant


  2. Mary Lou says:

    Meanwhile, back in the real world, this is a sobering reminder of biblical prophecy. All eyes are upon you O Israel! Pray for the peace of Israel. She shines brightly in His eyes. It is His promise from forever


  3. Dennis E. says:

    Just another example of the US decline. With a close ally in the white house, Iran seems to act
    invincible and downright arrogant………….
    just a thought…………..


    • As Spock once said on Star Trek, ‘There is some belief that time is like a stream; sweeping events and people together in the same current.’ Consciously, I don’t think anyone wants this but the world is stuck in a eddy, and the longer they wade in the water, the less chances they will have of turning the tide on this before disaster strikes ‘suddenly and unexpectedly.’


      • Lucie Sinclair says:

        It’s strange to be quoting Spock, and yet the words are so fitting in this time we find ourselves in.


      • I think we’re going to be shortly overwhelmed by the escalation of crisises on the planet.


      • Dennis E. says:

        It is too late.


      • S

        In some ways, yes. If we think war, bloodshed, persecutions of the innocent, wars in Tibet, intifadas, Armageddons, Jihads, and Arab Springs are needed to produce Caliphs, Messiahs, and Mahdis- then yes; it is too late.

        Humans have failed the elementary principles of love. The planet is out-of-balance and is now tilting to the extreme. Masculine, agressive, dominant energy is hastening the planet’s motion towards ruin. Masculine and feminine concepts of equilibrium are not Eastern idealogies. The concept was found in every ancient culture, including the Semetic culture but most have wandered so far from the spiritual path; we don’t know what right and wrong is anymore- least of all, what it is to live in harmony with nature, man and God. Sin is a disease and the planet is infected. The weeds have overtaken the garden. Sadly, it’s no longer about saving the world but about perserving it long enough to pull those out of it who yearn to be spiritually pure. The final misteps will come quickly. The consequence will be unforeseen, and soon the planet will reach its limit from its human hosts and will work to eradicate them from existence.


      • ELFINSONG says:

        Let us call humans what they are………… the earth is actually the host…………… humans are but parasites that have gotten out of hand and now are killing their host if for no other reason because of sheer numbers and lack of caring…….. We the parasites care so little that we would rather destroy creation than to cooperate with one another in love.

        Love, Light and Blessings,



      • Hosts: 2.A large number of people or things

        -Webster Dictionary

        I wasn’t referring to a biological relationship gone bad…it never existed.


  4. Karl says:

    Its all to do with a joint exercise with Syria apparently… We shall see. The tension is as nearly as bad as actual war breaking out.


  5. Shellee says:

    WW3 is about to begin….which means Rapture is very soon. Praise his name can’t wait! Hope it happens in the next few minutes! May God Bless and protect you all. See ya on the other side!


    • pagan66 says:

      I pray war does not break out anytime soon, neither would you if you really thought on it’s implications – Rapture or no Rapture.



    • ELFINSONG says:

      Rapture was never once mentioned in the Bible


    • Shellee says:

      Adam please read your Bible.The Rapture is BEFORE the tribulation. I also pray that you will be rapture ready. I don’t want to see anyone live inder the control of the Anti-christ. It’s going to super bad my friend. And no I don’t want war to break out because a lot of innocent people will die. No matter their race or religion I still love them , because JESUS wants me too. But the Bible says all nations will come aganst Israel and the way it’s looking that could happen at anytime.

      Peace and Blessings to you all in the Name of JESUS CHRIST!


    • Shellee says:

      Adam please read your Bible.The Rapture is BEFORE the tribulation. I also pray that you will be rapture ready. I don’t want to see anyone live inder the control of the Anti-christ. It’s going to super bad my friend. And no I don’t want war to break out because a lot of innocent people will die. No matter their race or religion I still love them , because JESUS wants me too. But the Bible says all nations will come aganst Israel and the way it’s looking that could happen at anytime.

      Peace and Blessings to you all in the Name of JESUS CHRIST!


      • elijahsmom3 says:

        I am very curious as to your thoughts on “the rapture”. I have heard many theories, from the rapture being a “modern” teaching and not actually in the bible, to various opinions on when it supposedly happens. Before, during, or after the tribulation.


      • ImG

        “Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.” Revelation 1:7

        The 2nd coming of Christ is the most dramatic event in Earth’s history, outside the creation and the death of Christ on Calvary. Here, the Bible leaves no room for doubt that the event of the 2nd coming will be universally seen by all living on the Earth simultaneous. “All kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him,” the Bible says. Christ does not appear in different parts of the Earth nor is His 2nd coming a secret.

        As lightning spans the sky from horizon to horizon, so shall Christ’s 2nd coming be

        Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth; behold, he is in the secret chambers believe it not…For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:27

        The Bible says the timing of Christ’s 2nd coming after the Tribulation

        Immediately, after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give here light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then, shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the Earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:29, 30

        1. It is after the Tribulation
        2. And then, shall he appear
        3. All the tribes shall mourn – meaning all, the tribes of the Earth, so it is a universal event
        4. They shall see or witness the Son of man; so there is no secret rapture

        The Bible text is so plain, none need error on this point. It is the goal of Satan to appear on Earth first, claiming to be the Christ and that the real Christ soon to return in the clouds is ‘really the imposter.’ All should be forewarned on this point so they need not be decieved, as there will be appearances of a majestic being of light in different parts of the Earth claiming to be the Christ and that he has come to bring peace to a world ravaged by disaster and torn by the very wars he helped instigate.


        The fallen Lucifer will masquerade as a Christ being: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 11:14

        God bless you,


      • elijahsmom3 says:

        Thank you Alvin. I wanted to make a point, and I knew you would do it much better than I ever could.
        Grace in Christ my friend,


      • Thanks, same to you dear one.



      • ELFINSONG says:

        I believe the term Rapture was first used in the 1800s…………… seems like 1881


  6. me either,this is starting to look really bad.


  7. ELFINSONG says:

    Gather jugs of water with 2 drops of bleach
    Gather clothing for all conditions
    Learn about your region’s edible wild foods
    Learn about edible mushrooms and how to identify those poisonous one to remain safe
    buy a compass
    magnifying glass
    waterproofed matches
    gasoline containers filled and keep vehicle topped off
    Fishing line and hooks
    a shotgun to hunt when necessary with plenty of shells

    anything you can think of that should be included add here please

    I expect the attack will begin by spring or summer of 2012
    I fully expect Russia and China will respond with force
    There will likely be nuclear exchanges…………. governments have gone MAD and will respond terribly with destructive results………….

    I believe these are unmistakably “The end times”

    May Love, Light and Blessings be with us all,



  8. Jdubb says:

    Seems like people want the second coming here right now i try not to think like that due to how many innocent people will die my hope is we work this out for the kids not poison the water supply to make it happen faster christians are becoming extremists


    • Peter says:

      Expecting Jesus is what we are told to do … Look up ..
      That Hope does not make us extremists just true followers of Jesus Christ. …
      Do you know Jesus today?


    • ELFINSONG says:

      I have no doubt that some want the end to come now.
      I hope reason prevails and that we can arrive at peace as one humanity.
      I , however, see little chance of seeing that happen as long as politicians of all involved countries remain rabid in their approach to this situation.


  9. ELFINSONG says:

    I would like to thank you for keeping us abrest of current events that few others dare to report.

    To all at The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond…………… I raise my glass


  10. Irene C says:

    Jdubb – it’s not that Christians “want” all of this to happen, we don’t. We don’t want to see millions of people die. We see that these millions of people are probably lost without the saving grace of Jesus. But many of us take Biblical prophecy to heart – what God has said would happen, will happen. My prayers is that this is just a minor upheaval and that all will calm down. We’re not extremists – we’re realists. Although there is a part of me that worries about what will happen, I’m not afraid for myself nor my family. We are prepared and know that the Lord is still in control.

    To Alvin, I also thank you for all of your posts and keeping us informed. To all those who comment on here, I thank you for your comments, opinions, and beliefs, whether I agree with you or not. This kind of discourse is necessary in this insane world. My prayers are for all of you through the coming turmoil.



  11. wayne says:

    as the Lord says wars must happen,,seems to me only fair that Iran is allowed to have nuclear energy if most other countries are allowed to have it,,we must rely on God and His will to watch over us and to protect us and guide us against those who will bring war to us as we never know what is the hearts of others.to pick and choose who gets what and who has certain rights is not true freedom,,if Iran cannot have nuclear energy then noone should have it,,and if one should have it then all should have it if they wish to have it.freedom of choice which GOD gave each and every one of us at the time of His creation of us.if Iran uses nuclear energy for war or terrorism same as the u.s. did on japan then they should be stopped,until that happens they have the same rights as anyone else.all countries are just as guilty of crimes of terrorism as any other country including canada and the united states.and including israel. may the Lord bless us and may His word remain in our hearts for eternity. amen. just my opinion.


  12. David says:

    The Israeli military will on Monday deploy a battery of rocket interceptors from its “Iron Dome” system in the Tel Aviv region, a military spokesman said on Sunday. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.6ef3ef0f8ff2b7a81306fd0c8cadcac4.af1&show_article=1


  13. elijahsmom3 says:

    I would like to know how anyone on this site, or anywhere else, can speak for Christians as a whole. Or Muslims, or Jews, or any religion for that matter!! There are extremists in EVERY group, in every walk of life! For anyone to say, “we as Christians……..well, you’re speaking for an awful lot of people!! I personally can not picture Christ himself saying that he hopes the devastation and horror will be upon us quickly. I can only picture him reaching out to each and everyone of us with love and hope. One thing that I have found on this site is that many people who think they know Christ, truly don’t.


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