Southern polar region status: 5.4 magnitude earthquakes shakes Scotia Sea

January 26, 20125.4 magnitude earthquake strikes Scotia Sea near tip of Antarctica. Maybe soon we’re discover the skyquakes, the cracking of the magnetosphere, the magnetic pole migration are all rooted in the same growing dilemma of a hastening planetary magnetic field reversal. –The Extinction Protocol
New Chinese seismic equipment finds Antarctica being riddled with earthquakes
BEIJING, January 6, 2012 (Xinhua) — Surveillance data on the size and frequency of earthquakes in Antarctica collected by China’s Great Wall Station show that the continent is not earthquake-free, a Chinese seismic expert said Thursday. “China’s newly-built seismic observatory in Great Wall Station has documented a hundred-odd earthquakes occurring in the region over the past year,” said Chang Lijun, a member of China’s 28th Antarctic expedition team. The discovery challenges the prevailing notion that the Antarctic has no earthquakes, as many earthquakes have gone undetected due to lack of seismological observation in the region. However, thanks to technological advances, scientists have discovered that the continent is still subject to some minor tremors. Chang, also an associate researcher at China Earthquake Administration’s Geophysics Institute, said last year’s earthquakes ranged in magnitude from 0.5 to 4, scales which are usually undetectable to common people. The tectonic movements of Antarctica, which sits on two plates that pulled away from each other in the northern Ross Sea between 28 and 40 million years ago, but later converged, fascinate geologists worldwide. At the end of 2010, Chinese scientists set up a new broadband seismic observatory in Great Wall Station, greatly increasing China’s ability to measure tremors and tectonic movements on the continent. –Xinhua
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Magma Plume activity, Mystery Boom & Shaking, Planetary Tremor Event, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

36 Responses to Southern polar region status: 5.4 magnitude earthquakes shakes Scotia Sea

  1. Debra says:

    Wow Alvin. Things are really happening fast and furiously this year. As always I appreciate the time, energy and dedication you put into your blog. This is the only place I check out for news. Anything else I hear/read only happens as a result of daily life. It would be awesome if some of the television “news reporters” had the courage to step up to the plate as you have. With love and gratitude, Debra


  2. Sean says:

    I have been following your posts for about 8 months now.. My question is.. obviously you have been following this for a long time.. Do you see a above average rise in quake in the southern pole area? And in your expertise..would this be the first sign of a pole reversal…??


    • A

      It would appear the quakes are breaking out on the periphery of the Antartica tectonic plate and the reason for the destabilization could be from momentum stresses on the planet as it rotates or it could be related to the reversal and northern polar migration. I would say the former moreso than the latter because the quakes are breaking out in linear fashion in inverse fashion with directional rotation. It will continue to destablize the Nazca plate which borders South America…and the destabilization of the Cocos plate along Central America will follow. Where is all of this leading is the million dollar question?


      • Reema Sandhu says:

        Hi Alvin,
        I want to thank you too for the updates here. Our main media is hiding all the news on earthquakes. What you really think on the harmonic sound we are hearing globally,,,,I witnessed it now recently someone reporting it from the Vancouver, B.C. as well. May I know your qualification/ where you are based at/do u work for public sector or private etc. If solar flare (CME) get bigger in intensity in upcoming months, what is the probability of it knocking our power grids (I am sure no one is using any surge protectors). It’s the secondary effect from it that could bring havoc. Time dosen’t seem right as I am dreaming some geotic stuff getting sucked up (vacuum suction) by something in sky. I hope it is only negativity of this mundane we are the players of. But we will survive is my belief. Oh well, let’s Keep meditating…….Peace!!!!!!!


      • You;re wlcome…sorry it has just taken me so long to respond..

        Blessing to you and peace,


  3. Thera says:

    Alvin…….and anyone else who’s interested here is a world map consisting of current emergencies around the world including earthquakes, floods, biological hazards, etc.


  4. pamela says:

    I love your blog and post links to your articles almost daily on my blog.
    thanks for all your hard work and diligence. It’s really appreciated.


    • Thanks Pamela. Glad you found us…

      peace in love,


      • Brandon says:

        Not to take the glory away from God, but you are like a modern day Noah trying to warn the world of its coming destruction. I sure hope we (human race) have alot more time left. Do you think God will spare us, Alvin? Earth doesn’t seem to be in a good mood as of late.


      • God is full of love. It’s His character. Even when the wicked are removed from the Earth- it will be a strange act for Him. He suffered long with the world of Noah until they had completely defaced the image of God and man and filled the Earth with abomnible creatures, violence, and war. When the rights of the innocent few are contravened; He acts swiftly in justice to avenge His moral law. We have to remember God is a Creator. He has always created life. That’s all He ever knew. What would happen if a doctor that spent His entire life delivering babies was suddenly thrown into a ER trauma center? Until Lucifer’s rebellion and man’s fall, we have to remember, death was unknown both in the universe and to God. Taking the life of anything was a foreign act to His creation. All He had done prior to the rebellion is create life.


  5. Irene C says:

    I have been following your blog faithfully since August of last year. I was drawn to your blog because of my own interest in all of the Earth changes. What really caught my attention this weekend, was the tornado outbreak – in January. Alabama had an EF3 tornado, which was a first for them for January. Now I know that tornadoes are not rare down south in January, but it makes me wonder what the rest of this year will bring.

    As for the destablization of the South Pole, I know that the magnetic poles are shifting, but how destablized is the North Pole becoming in comparison to the South Pole.



    • I

      It’s actually worst. Earthquake swarms are rountine off the coast of Norway and Siberia where permafrost in already in an advanced stage of sublimation. In 1999, the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic experienced very deep explosive earthquake swarms to the like of which scientists had never witnessed before. The volcanic explosions were so intense, they were producing glass on the Arctic sea-floor. There are many volcanoes along the Arctic sea floor. Add to this, the jet stream migration and the magnetic north pole migration and you have an increasingly unstable situation developing. For more than 150 years after Ross’s measurement, the magnetic north polar movement was gradual, generally less than 15 kilometers per year. But then, in the 1990s, it picked up speed in a big way, bolting north–northwest into the Arctic Ocean at more than 55 kilometers per year. Note the over-lapping time frame of the polar migration speed increase and the volanic swarms in Gakkel.


      The Earth is now a weeble and is bottom-heavy. If you put most of the weight in the trunk of your car, what happens every time you go over a bump- you eventually damage the rear axle. Everytime the planet has a major earthquake, it’s shift the planet’s gravitational signature in rotation like moving the weight on a tire, which increases vibrations in REM’s. Eventually, the rotational stresses began to unsettle the structure and since the tectonic plates are being pulled outward by centrifigual force, any flucuation in cyclical rotational momentum, will unsettle the tectonic plates and cause catastrophic quakes on a scale we have not seen. It’s easier for the South Pole to spin because it has all the mass and weight (ice on the Antarcica shelf is 2-3 miles thick in places) but it’s also has more mechanical stress from any forces impeding rotation, like large quakes which redistribute planetary mass. I’ve theorized this for some time but scientists are beginning to prove it in the latest research.


      • Irene C says:

        Wow!! Thank you for the information.

        I’m a big fan (addict?) of disaster movies, even the hokey ones. I’ve seen the movie 2012 several times. (I told you I’m an addict.) Originally I chuckled at their scientific explanation of earth crust displacement. Now I’m not so sure. There might be a measure of truth in that theory.



      • Brandon says:

        Could we be headed for a physical pole shift? I have heard that the earth can go through a magnetic pole shift but there is no such thing as a physical or axial pole shift. Do you agree? The Horizon Project believes we will see a possible physical pole shift.


      • E

        I think its physically possible as Albert Einstein said. I think Dr. Charles Hapgood’s theories of how the crust can be displaced are intriguing and could certainly explainly how such a large land mass, with volcanoes, mountains and valleys ended up at the southern pole especially when ancient maps surfaced which shows Antarctica relatively ice free. I read a report by a geologist which stated that during the Great Flood, the earth was shaken and tilted over six times and that these shift events happened in history in quick successive fashion. We have a large tectonic plate at the bottom end of the globe that becomes a drag as the weight of the Antarctica sheet increases and it happens to border Chile, or the Nazca plate, one of the largest subduction regions on Earth and the one capable of producing some of planet’s largest quakes so close to a landmass —so the question is, will the ice shelf slip from the stress before the land that’s under it give way in some catastrophic fashion that is altogether unthinkable because it would devastate the globe. The Antarctica Ice shelf is estimated to have a weight of about 5 trillion tons according to Richard Noone.

        We are already seeing fragments of the shelf starting to collapse. The rivers and lakes are moving, A massive rift has occurred in the shelf, and massive earthquakes already rumble under the ice. Now word comes from Beijing as of January 2012, that China has found Antarctica is being riddled with earthquakes. See updated post.


      • Tom says:

        Something just occurred to me. In the Bible it talks specifically about people will be in fear when they see the stars fall from the sky. And all the modern day scoffers laugh and chuckle that that can’t happen. However, fathom this. If the earth were to wobble and then suddenly flip on its side or upside down while in orbit around the sun, then at once, parts of the earth in sunlight would be plunged into darkness and vice-versa, back and forth, as the wobbling occurred – and the stars would appear to be moving quickly, swirling, as if falling from the sky. So it might be that the stars will fall from the sky one day, if the earth actually wobbles and tips over or changes its axis of rotation suddenly and noticeably.


      • That would give the appearance if the planet experienced a sudden shift.


      • Maponos says:

        In 1999, the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic experienced very deep explosive earthquake swarms to the like of which scientists had never witnessed before. The volcanic explosions were so intense, they were producing glass on the Arctic sea-floor. There are many volcanoes along the Arctic sea floor.

        Where can I find out more about this?Another question,is it still occurring?


  6. noaid says:

    “Where is all of this leading is the million dollar question?”

    Things are definitely starting to heat up under our feet as it seems that also underwater volcanoes in many places are catching up large earthquakes. So, why are volcanoes activated all around the Earth? I don’t believe that post-glacial rebound effect could be the only cause. Rather I’d say the internal temperature under the crust of the Earth is rising and causing more and more volcanic eruptions. Why? Probably no-one knows.


  7. maya3Ahau says:

    Destabilization seems to be happening on the macro and micro levels. I can feel it. Thank you 🙂


  8. Korinna says:

    I love this page. I’m on the website and facebook page daily. I’ve only just discovered it but I’m almost addicted to it even 🙂

    Thank you for all the work you put into this!


  9. prayntongues says:

    Hi Alvin, i’m going to add my gratitude and appreciation to you and your site also. Like others here, I come here first and return several times to check on updates. I’m intrigued by the recent increase of volcanic activity, especially in Central and South America. Can I assume that eventually the dormant volcanoes in California’s Sierra mountain range will also awaken or show activity?


    • MR

      I think some of the larger one will awaken in the latter stages of this crisis and their awakening will come in concern with a dramatic increase in the planet’s internal temperature and increased movements along tectonic plates. There is a thermal threshold for terrestrial volcanic activity and we don’t know what it is, as there are only so many strato-volcanoes on land and they are not numerous enough to reverse a catastrophic heating trend, even if all of them erupted in concert. For instance, there are traps under landmasses that have erupted in the past – they are the equivalent of lakes of fires spanning hundreds of miles. The one in Siberia was said to be responsible for a past extinction event- the Permian which nearly wiped the planet clean of all vertebrate life. Coincidently, the Permian Mass Extinction was also a time of a magnetic reversal similar to what we are experincing now. If these traps don’t activate; chances are super-volcanoes will because they represent a larger exothermic process. The Deccan Traps in India is another and is the largest volcanic feature on the planet. It originally covered about 1.5 million square km, about half the size of the country of India. In these extreme cases, what the planet is looking to do is dissipate heat in the fastest way possible to keep the Earth from splitting open like an egg. The question is what pushes the Earth to this critical thermal stage where it overheats and is this process a one-time event or a cyclical change related to the core and geomagnetism?

      Glad you like the site and thanks for the support PNT

      peace and love,


  10. Steve says:

    You talk like you know and your my no.1 source of info…

    Please keep up this brilliant work right until it really happens…

    I have never believed in religion but find myself praying every night with the amount of problems on earth…

    One thing I am happy about is the fact the if extinction is coming let it be natures cause and not man made(war)!


    • Steve, always good to hear from you. I thank that your opening your heart in concern for a world in crisis and that is such a wonderful thing.
      I’m delighted you are praying. We need more people concerned with human and planetary welfare. What you’ve shared is inspiring. I think there are some hard lessons to glean at the cost of much pain to the human race if we continue wandering down estranged paths. Keep shinning.

      peace and blessings to you,


  11. radiogirl says:

    Kids watched 2012 the movie last weekend and it has a ring to it to me now that before was mindless entertainment that went well with popcorn.What a difference a few years makes.


  12. SC says:

    Alvin, as always you are spot on! A few months ago I had a vision that Antartica would move to the West (pole shift fashion I speculate). A few days later, the seismic activity began. My intuition is consistently running high from last year to this year and getting stronger as time goes on. Thus, I believe something is brewing, and it is consistent with what you’ve been saying all along. So happy that I am synch with your research and revelations. Blessings to you as alway – no reply is ncessary. You are eternally blessed.


  13. Michael Barnett says:

    When I was around nine years old, my mother was talking about the ring of fire and about Washington state becoming the same as Alaska in my life time. Wow! who would have thought I would be reading about it today. Extrodinary days and Extrodinary events Praise God!


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