37 Responses to 2012, restless new world: protest movements march across the globe from Yemen to Moscow

  1. rita says:

    I felt that the very name, “Love Joy” was deeply symbolic for the deeper meaning of this season. And the fact that is survived the burning heat of the sun, when all the experts predicted it would be annihilated, and came out the other side – mystifying said experts – is actually one of the very few hopeful omens i have seen in a while………….

    Peace and Blessings.


  2. luisport says:

    russian_market russian market
    por zerohedge
    FLASH: Mikhail Gorbachev calls on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to resign
    há 57 minutos


  3. cammac says:

    Merry Christmas to all…..


  4. Martalien says:

    those who waiting for this 2012 date is ignorant coz the shift is already happening wordwide one event after another and the events are happening verry fast it just not arrived in some part of the worlds yet who have big time entertainment and tv BS to keep the sheeples and masses asleep, it will be an insane wild ride new years those who didn’t saw this coming are completely blind


  5. Elizabeth says:

    Something about the words of Rigord St Denis made my blood run a bit cold. I usually don’t let prophecies, no matter where they come from, scare me; I believe that if things are going to happen, there isn’t much we can do to stop it, so I would rather ‘go with grace, than with fear’. Something about that one really bothers, though.

    I don’t know about you guys, but for me and my husband, our dreams and the occassional nightmare are getting really interesting. This year is going to be the start of when things really become manifested in the daily lives of all of us, even those who currently still refuse to believe anything is wrong. 2011 was the real start to the manifestation of the actions taken in the past (by people, governments, companies, countries, and nature and God) , but thru out 2012 it will become apparent to everyone. 2013 is when it all blows up (both figuratively and literally) and the battle takes firm hold. After that, it will eventually settle into another civilization. The question is, what kind?


  6. Dennis E. says:

    Merry Christmas Alvin and to the EP Family and friends.


  7. Philippino Bob says:

    While there may be some trouble spots in the world the rest of us are still fine… at least for a few more years.
    Happy new year to everyone here.


  8. Irene C says:

    So true, 2012 may not be the end of the world, but it will be an active one. All of the signs are there for anyone to see (if they don’t have their heads in the sand, that is.)

    As for me, I have to tell you that I may not be commenting as much as I have been for awhile. During this time of economic turmoil, I have been blessed with finally finding employment (after a year and a half). I will no longer be dealing with the government whims concerning unemployment pay.

    I also want to wish a very Merry and Blessed Christmas to all of my EP family. I will continue to pray for all of you. And I also pray that one day soon, the words “Peace on Earth” will no longer be a trite saying. Much love to all of you.



    • Elizabeth says:

      Congrats on your job, Irene! I know the job market it really hard, and I’m glad you found yourself one. Have a wonderful Christmas!


    • JerseyCynic says:

      Irene!! This is the best news I’ve heard in quite a while. Maybe your luck will rub off on me — I threw the towel in a while ago — I’ve been searching for 2 years now that my kids are in college. I’ve always been employed in various part-time positions, all around my family’s schedule. I’ve never NOT gotten the first job I applied for through the years — always had to pick which offers I wanted to take. It’s almost as if EVERYTHING changed overnight.

      Best of luck to you. Your new employer is very fortunate to have you!



    • SC says:

      So happy for you Irene! I love reading your posts. Many blessings to you in your new role! God Bless You. Love, Shari


    • PAT2 says:

      Congratulations Irene on your job.


  9. Mike H says:

    Well I am beginning to see the 5Ws, so to speak, of bible study, when associated with meaningful interpetation of heavenly coincedences.
    I do try to keep a light, but happy heart with some of these witnesses, certainly does take prayer. Thanks GOD!
    It is with a good thought to all of you here, for how you bring a peticular clarity, to the holy scriptures. Thanks.
    Well its nice to have the power of prayer for all of those who need it in our times!


  10. kathrin says:

    did anybody see this. I did, it was amazing…


  11. Gen says:

    I looked at the faces on these people and thought imagine this happening all over the entire globe at the same time. The way things have escalated over the last couple of months I don’t think it is too far away.

    And the bigger proportion of the world are eating, drinking and being merry without a clue what is coming (unfortunately that group includes my son and I can only pray that his eyes and mind will be opened). Those of course are the ones that are not starving or homeless from famine, floods and earthquakes. etc.



  12. Cris says:

    Thanks Alvin for the updates in 2011.
    Do keep it coming in 2012.
    May God’s peace surround us all in the upcoming year.


  13. luisport says:

    Merry Christmas to you Alvin and your family and friends! Merry Christmas to everyone!


  14. Signs in heaven
    The timing could hardly be more spectacular: On Christmas Eve at around 17.30 clock watching people in many parts of Germany a bright trail of light in the sky. Also on Belgium and the Netherlands, the phenomenon was visible, woke up associations with the Star of Bethlehem, some also mentioned a speeding Santa Claus in his sleigh.

    Was it a meteorite that has entered Earth’s atmosphere? Or provided to a Russian Soyuz rocket parts for the lights? The rocket was on Wednesday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan lifted – she has released three new crew members to the International Space Station, where it docked on Friday. google translate



  15. Me says:

    Have been unable to rid myself of the feeling of foreboding/dread for months now. Trying hard today to put the feeling aside and just enjoy my family and the holiday. I don’t understand it. I do understand the occasional bouts of fear i have that my immediate family will be at various locations when “whatever is coming” hits and we are unable to reunite. I feel that fear when i think about a separation. The feeling of foreboding is simply with me all the time.

    Merry Christmas to all of you here at EP. and thank you so much for the valuable information provided herein.


    • Thank you Me. All the best in the coming year…


    • Sunnie says:

      I used to have these same worries, ME. Make a plan. We did not discuss in great detail with our young children. Thats pretty heavy stuff for little ones. We made it part of our fire safety talk. In the spring we will cover it again when we talk about torandos. We covered where to go, what to take and where to meet if we are not together in the event of a natural disaster. It is a little easier for us as we homeschool, so our children are with a parent a good majority of time. My husband does work a long distance from home. There are always “glitches” but figure out what works best for you and yours and find some comfort in having a set plan or two.


    • PAT2 says:

      Me, I feel the same way. Whatever comes, I hope I am with my immediate family. God Bless.


  16. sealed says:

    Even with foreboding signs all around, there is comfort for God’s children. As world leaders call for world peace, real peace on earth only comes through the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ! In Him alone is that peace that surpasses all understanding. He is Emmanuel, God with us! He is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. What comfort to be found in His last words on earth when He said, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end.” May His Kingdom come and His will be done on this earth as it is in heaven!


  17. Roberto Lupe says:

    Martalien said everything!! Wise and relevant words! The sheeple are being enthusiastically entertained while the events are growing faster and faster! New Year shows and Carnival are at the time of the day, here in Brazil! Happy 2012!


  18. Gen says:

    By the way, Alvin may God bless you with much strength at this time. I am sure you are going to be very busy.

    To all on EP with 2012 on our doorstep, may God encircle you with his everlasting love and hold you in his arms and give you comfort. If anyone is going to make new years resolutions I think maybe the first one should be: “Pray often” and give thanks for one’s blessings, however small and ask for guidance in all things.

    Irene congratulations. Please try and find 5 minutes each week to stay in touch. Otherwise we will miss you greatly.


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