Birds accused of losing bearings in New Mexico and flying into trucks- 50 found dead

December 15, 2011 BLOOMFIELD, N.M. — A strange sight in Bloomfield where 40 to 50 dead birds were reportedly found along U.S. 64 last week. Some of the black and speckled birds were lying on their backs with their small feet sticking up in the air, and at least one was missing its head. The Daily-Times  reports about 30 dead birds were north of the highway and about 20 additional piles of flattened feathers were on the highway. Wildlife biologist John Kendall with the Bureau of Land Management investigated the cluster. He thinks they likely roosted in shrubs north of the highway Wednesday night and died when they flew into the side of a large truck driving the highway late Wednesday or early Thursday. It’s also unlikely the birds died from environmental causes because they were so close together when they died. –The Republic 
John Kendall, a wildlife biologist for the Bureau of Land Management, investigated the cluster and identified the species of bird. The starlings likely roosted in shrubs north of the highway Wednesday night and died when they flew into the side of a large vehicle driving the highway late Wednesday or early Thursday morning, he said. “It certainly is unusual,” Kendall said. “Usually birds are smarter than that.”ABQ Journal 
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39 Responses to Birds accused of losing bearings in New Mexico and flying into trucks- 50 found dead

  1. nickk0 says:

    Birds is stoopid.

    But seriously, I think the biologists are coming up with “plausible” explanations for some of these reports of bird disorientations, since they are most likely mystified as to what the true cause is.

    I am not blaming the biologists and scientists of incompetence – I think that we may be dealing with a new set of parameters or environmental conditions, that have not been experienced before.
    It is kind of unsettling, to admit when ‘we don’t know’, what previously used to be known.

    – Nick


    • SoundsBogus says:

      Plausible? Roosting birds all fly into a truck? If they don’t know, just say so. The starlings that fell from the sky in Arkansas were autopsied and found to have cooked/damaged innards. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture took credit, claiming they poisoned the birds, that was found to be untrue. These guys are just making stuff up, either because they don’t know the reason, or they DO know the reason and they’re feeding the public hogwash. Yes, this is very unsettling.


  2. Bobi becker says:

    I just really do not believe that these birds lost their bearings….like all the birds that recently crashed into the Walmart parking lot??? Yeah right…. It is amazing that the experts have to justify everything so simply when they have no idea of WHY. Makes ya wonder about our so called experts and scientists…..


    • nickk0 says:

      Bobi, I think they have an ‘idea’ why….. but their ideas, may be wrong.

      I don’t accuse them of being ‘wrong’, but perhaps they should preface their statements, with a disclaimer of some sort.


    • Donna says:

      I agree….being lost yes….commiting suicide no. Wonder what other colourful reasons they’ll come up with in the future?

      Bird’s falling asleep while flying.
      Bird’s sending txts to each other not paying attention.
      Or maybe they see what’s happening to the world and get so overwhelmingly depressed they just want to end it all?


  3. jennifer says:

    I live in Oregon ~ My family was out on an outing 12/11/11 coming back from a hike on Ramona Falls and stopped at a campsite close to the Sandy river. I counted approx 15 dead Chinook salmon close together decaying with tails missing. Thought this was quite disturbing and thought I would report this. I have Reported this to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and haven’t heard back yet. I have pictures of it too So sad not sure if this is normal


  4. Susan says:

    Alvin …does it seems like the natural disaster signs are speeding up a bit recently? Methane holes, frequent larger earthquakes, bird deaths, apples dropping, weird weather, winds…what is to come.


    • I’ve written about some of these things for some time but there was no appreciable context people could glimpse them in and some people thought I was crazy. The events are now coming to the public’s attention as they transpire over shorter frequencies of time but to answer your question these effects are being compounded exponentially by feed-back processes so things will move ever faster from here. As a matter of fact, one day soon, we’re going to wake-up to a world that is completely alien to us.


  5. Jack says:

    They are just keeping the truth away from civilization to not cause uproar with the real reasons. World’s coming to an end


  6. nanoduck says:

    Most animals, including humans, have a “sixth” sense which detect magnetic fields. While it is extremely weak in humans, the sense is very strong in many birds. They depend on it to find their way while flying. I believe that the magnetic field is fluctating rapidly in many locations, causing the birds to lose their bearing and crash, and also certain marine animals to beach themselves.


    • Scientists like Rupert Sheldrake go even further and talks about migrational patterns being transmitted down genetically through birds as an inherrent instinctual behavior by morphic fields and that parents do not teach their offspring migration routes- they appear to just know it. He talks about their collective intelligence and how they even appear to flock to food where other birds are eating even when the food appears to be beyond the line of sight.

      Crows are certainly exceptional…but this video does make a point about just how cunning birds can become to survive in their environment.


    • Philippino Bob says:

      Your response is so simple and yet so TRUE.


  7. Evo says:

    Cool cartoon!


  8. Scientists here in New Mexico are inclined to lose their bearings sometimes. When they do, we fly into worse than a truck.


  9. jade says:

    Yeah…got to remember though, they get paid for talking bs! Have done for years


  10. tellthetruth1 says:

    What’s the usual byline? Something like “We don’t want to cause panic”? Well, if people keep trotting out ridiculous statements instead of something at least a bit more plausible when the news is read, panic is exactly what’ll be caused. Wonder how I missed this post? Did I lose my way or something? I’m sorry, I detest silliness!


  11. Lucie Sinclair says:

    I was heartened to at least see ” experts ” call the stranding / beaching of of 3 green sea turtles in the last 2 weeks, along the BC Pacific Rim park coastline ” puzzling ” , and offer hypothesis as to why, I found that these statements were more plausible than were offered by the ” experts ” in this piece, although I still believe they missed the mark.
    There is evidence of ” puzzeling ” events daily from every corner of the planet, time to look at it as a whole instead of addressing each incident as a local phenomenon.


  12. Shona says:

    Birds are smarter than that. They can turn in a split second. There is no way this was ‘an unfortunate accident’ something is messing up birds’ ability to navigate. Its everywhere. This isnt a one off


    • Evo says:

      Absolutely correct. Look at the manoeuvres that migratory birds exhibit in autumn. Their might be up 300 birds in a group. All their movements are instantaneous, left, right, landings, and take-off. And they have done it for thousands of years. Suddenly it’s become very dangerous.


  13. Columbine says:

    Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if what the scientists think happened actually happened. I’ve seen with my own eyes a beautiful 4 or 5 point buck jump into the side of a semi-truck trailer on the highway, become impaled by something on the side and just hang there as the truck drove down the highway. I wondered how long it took for the deer to finally fall off. Another time in a different state, a friend was riding his motorcycle when a deer jumped out and hit his passenger in the leg. The girl’s leg was smashed but no bones were broken (would have been a ‘better’ injury if the bone had been broken). A deer jumped out and hit our passenger side door in town one evening as we drove down the street. Birds at my mother’s bird feeder have been startled and two at once have flown into the side of the house to get away from bigger birds or loud noises. I’ve seen birds fly straight into vehicles on the interstate highways. A flock of birds, roosting at night in bushes near a highway, startled by a loud noise, a preditor or whatever could EASILY fly into one of those long semi-trucks that travel our highways and dozens could be killed or injured. It’s a strange thing that happened, but not all strange things are impossible. (Someone should count the number of dead jackrabbits on the highways of Wyoming some day. Or the number of dead deer littering the sides of the highways in the West. The amount of roadkill is astounding and you seldom actually see the smaller dead birds lying on the side of the road because they are so small, just the occasional raven, crow or even golden eagle. It’s a real pity.)


  14. Gen says:

    If something is causing the jet streams to move away from their normal positions then it makes sense that these birds could be affected by the same process.

    Something appears to be going on out there or up there that we are not aware of. Birds and animals either know or they can sense it. Like the comment about the elephants and other animals that went for higher ground just before the 2004 tsunami.

    Interestingly, the morning of the 7.0 quake in New Guinea, my dogs were hanging around me and would not leave my side. Normally they lie down and sleep most of the day. I wondered at the time if we were going to have a quake here.

    Around 8.00 pm Sydney time on the night prior to the Christchurch quake my dogs started acting as though something was going on. After that hearing about Christchurch I went tlooking on the net to see if there had been a quake within a radius of where we live that they felt and I didn’t.

    That is when I found this site.

    Also on the day of the Japan tsunami, somewhere around that time and I wish I had looked at the clock, all of the birds we had in aviaries out the back and some in cages on the back verandah all in unison took fright flying and squarking. Seems there was a connection.

    At the moment we have a visitor. A small crane like bird that would normally live in wetlands. Don’t know what has bought it here. Never seen one here before.


  15. Terri says:

    Lots of birds from around the world dropping dead out of the sky. Wonder how they’re all linked? Wasn’t it earlier this year we had the same phenomena? What about the dead crows in India?


  16. Dennis E. says:

    Just a thought and a comment. Many you like I have heard or read reports that it has been alleged that the power of some of the Navy’s Sonar Equipment was causing whales to beach, to become disoriented,etc…..I was wondering if these birds had been exposed to a very high frequency of some kind?
    Just a thought………….


    • radiogirl says:

      Great point!Further deployment of vessels and use of sonar could increase these events…just me guessing ofcourse.


    • SoundsBogus says:

      They are being exposed to extremely low frequencies; elf waves. The US Military has been orchestrating weather experiments around the globe. They have already discovered that one of the consequences of the technology is that it can cause earthquakes too.


  17. Irene C says:

    So now it’s the fault of the birds that they can’t navigate? Give me a break. I do like the cartoon though. Nice touch.



  18. Donna says:

    I was talking about this to my mother today and we wondered if something is causing insanity in these animals. Maybe some intolerable pain in their senses that they rely upon, etc. that are causing this? Just throwing it out there….scientists like to think they know everything but they don’t know squat.


  19. Donald Sarty says:

    abovetopsecret has many shills trying to debunk poleshift, too bad, they need to get outside and look at some things and maybe get away from ATS and do some research before it’s too late, this is how many bird incidents now??, just too many and the plane crashes lately being suppressed, no doubt about it the poleshift is in full swing, it won’t be long now before the WINDS start leveling all of our infrastructure, all ignorance will be wiped clean and egos destroyed within the next 2 months WATCH


  20. Tina Marie says:

    Lol@Donna. As I sat reading this article, I swear the suicide thought crossed my mind. Although that’s not the reason, it helps in these uncertain times to keep a sense of humor about it. After all, it’s not like we can really do anything else but laugh about it. I do agree with the post about the magnetic field fluctuations. I’ve read up a little since some of these strange animal events started happening and the do use it to navigate, so to speak, their way around the planet. It would be like if we solely depended on our GPS systems to get us around and then one day they stopped working properly. We would be going the wrong way and running into buildings too. Unfortunately the scientists don’t really have any plausible explainations, or if they do, they aren’t sharing them with us. I also agree with another post, if they don’t figure it out or tell us if they have, and these things start happening even more, it may very well cause a panic.


  21. Tracey says:

    Birds have magnetite in their brains which enables them to navigate , my theory is …if the Earth’s magnetic field is disturbed by the supposed return of a certain planet , then the magnetite will surely be unbalanced too , resulting in flocks of “lost birds” , seems to be affecting other species too that rely on navigation senses….just my two-pennorth !


  22. Evo says:

    You will only see events like this in birds that flock.
    Imagine you are driving on the highway at 70mph. its rush hour, and someone takes your photo with a flash camera. For a split second during the flash you are completely blinded, and because sight is your number one sense your brain freezes, all it sees is white light. You lose control of your car because you have no “back-up sense” to take over.
    Its the same in migratory birds, during migration, sight becomes their secondary sense. The magnetic field becomes their primary sense, a blip in the magnetic field, leads to split second blindness, and unfortunately sometimes it happens while they are in mid air. Their outcome is determined by the direction they happened to be flying at the time.
    You will never see this happen with robins, pigeons, crows. They stay around us, and sight, like us, is their primary sense.
    BTW Be very wary of crows, they have facial recognition capability. Hurt them, and they will remember you.!!


    • SoundsBogus says:

      It has just happened with crows, in India — all dropping from the sky at once. They were not blinded. Their innards were damaged. Oh, and if you become blinded while driving your car, put on the brakes. If you have no back-up sense, use your common sense.


      • Evo says:

        I am very sorry for not writing my post properly. The events I am talking about are impact events. When birds drop out of the sky with their innards damaged I have no clue what happened. Sorry again.


      • Evo says:

        Please read the first line of my post. I am only speaking of impact events. Birds drooping out of the sky with internal injuries,I have no clue and will not offer one.
        The camera flash example, was from the point of view of a bird (did not realise that it would be taken literally. My fault) of what MAY happen. Our brains are much larger and can cope with most unexpected events. Sorry for not putting my post a little more clearly.


    • SoundsBogus says:

      Please do not take offense to any of my remarks. I need to lighten-up. I take these incidents very seriously and welcome all theories, even the funny ones.


  23. SoundsBogus says:

    Where’s the truck? Starlings? It was starlings that fell in Arkansas too. No trucks involved. I wish reporters would simply say they don’t know, instead of making-up bizarre theories.


  24. kimberly says:

    My brother called me to tell me there are 50 to 60 birds laying on the road, grass and in the woods all around, most were dead some still moving like it just happened. He took photo’s and a video. As of Today Dec 17 the carcasses still are lying all around. As far as I know no one has been out to investigate and no one has reported this incident. The locations is Ellis Mill Road on the border of glassboro and Harrison, New Jersey.


  25. Lori Leigh says:

    I think its because they fly into some volcanic gases or deadly gases from cracks in the ground from all the earthquakes and volcanic activity…that in many cases they are not admitting are in the process of erupting…so thats why they play dumb and say they dont know or make up some dumb story. Really? I’m not buying those stories. I want truth.


  26. MalachiYAH says:

    I sit and read all these things posted and also hear all over the news about these types of things… i.e. things falling from the sky… Well in addition to that can anybody put another peice in the puzzle and also take into account the hundreds of plane crashes that have been reported in this years alone? Many more this year than any previous year on record! (other than directly resultant of war) On top of that… We, humans, being “civilized” have to pin it all on human error instead of.. oh.. say… the fluctuation of the collapsing and destorted magnetic field lines of the earth. Hmmm, this is my logic does anybody elses concur? Or does anybody else have any better explanations?


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