Super fierce 165 mph winds lash Scotland- people warned to stay indoors

December 9, 2011SCOTLAND A fierce storm with winds of up to 165 mph has battered northern parts of Britain, with people warned to stay indoors, schools forced to close and  flights and rail links cancelled. Localized flooding has also caused major disruptions on roads – and more than 30,000 homes have been left without power. In North Yorkshire, a RAF helicopter plucked a couple to safety after their car was swept away in floodwaters near Aysgarth. They were flown to hospital with suspected hypothermia. A third person was also rescued from his car in a separate incident near the village of Gunnerside. Police have advised against all travel until at least 2am Friday, when winds are expected to ease. The Met Office earlier issued its strongest warning – a red alert – for winds in Scotland and warned parts of England and Wales to “be aware,”  as temperatures were expected to drop and snowfall was predicted as far south as Birmingham. It said the Highland observing station at Glen Ogle reported a gust of 104mph at 11am. The Met Office later tweeted that a gust at the Aonach Mor ski area peaked at 137mph. –Sky News
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18 Responses to Super fierce 165 mph winds lash Scotland- people warned to stay indoors

  1. kim says:



  2. Jake says:

    Could this be caused by magnetic shift?


  3. K says:

    Praying for those in Scotland. So scary. I agree Kim.


  4. Cammac says:

    That was 165mph winds recorded up on a mountain, The wind average at sea level through Glasgow etc was 80mph…


  5. Jamie says:

    I recall reading Art Bell and Whitley Streiber’s book, ‘The Coming Superstorm’, published nearly 10 years ago, and it reveals prescient information about 300 mph winds ( or 260 knots ) that could possibly ravage the Earth during a Polar Shift. There are many who have tried to warn the populace for decades ( starting with Velikovsky ) about the impending Polar Shift and the effects of such an event thereof. I have read some comments on the Yahoo newspages, in regards to weather anomolies, and the consensus is, from mainstream, corporate funded “scientists”, as well as the opinions of the ignorant masses, that this is normal and cyclical.
    My sister ( who is a card carrying “christian” ….the kind who does good deeds in order to secure a place in the fabled, external heaven ) insists that these weather anomolies are cyclical and that things will return to “normal”. In my heart I know that people who say such things are deliberately misleading themselves and those that trust them. It takes a certain amount of maturity and wisdom to face the reality of what we have created and the ramifications of leading a life out of balance with the source of all creation. There is a massive lack of maturity and wisdom on planet Earth….and it is painfully evident.

    Matthew 6:19-21

    “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


  6. Dennis E. says:

    Wow, if this was the USA, a Cat 5 Plus Hurricane ?


  7. Xavier says:

    Hi Alvin,

    FYI. Research study shows link between earthquakes and tropical cyclones



  8. PAT2 says:

    There has been too many extreme, damaging winds (100+ mph) all around the globe lately; this is becoming a great concern. How many countries so far since November suffered from these fierce storms and winds? My prayers to those undergoing this.


  9. luisport says:

    Climate change? Extreme weather records broken across the United States in 2011
    Though the year isn’t yet over, 2011 proved to be rough when it came to extreme weather and perhaps, environmentalists suggest, climate change is to blame. Records for extreme heat and extreme cold were broken in all 50 U.S. states, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, an international nonprofit environmental organization.
    The extremes at time have been disastrous, costing Americans an estimated overall $53 billion.In a conference on Thursday, the NRDC plans to release a map showing exactly how areas have been hit, including state-by-state analyses on weather extremes, record breakers, rainfall and snowfall.What’s causing the changes? Perhaps climate change, according to the NRDC. A Special Report on Extreme Events from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has already concluded that the effects of climate change will intensify extreme heat, heavy precipitation, and maximum wind speeds of tropical storms.–A streaming audio replay of the NRDC’s event will be available on the web at at 3 p.m. EST on December 8, 2011The extremes at time have been disastrous, costing Americans an estimated overall $53 billion.

    In a conference on Thursday, the NRDC plans to release a map showing exactly how areas have been hit, including state-by-state analyses on weather extremes, record breakers, rainfall and snowfall.

    What’s causing the changes? Perhaps climate change, according to the NRDC. A Special Report on Extreme Events from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has already concluded that the effects of climate change will intensify extreme heat, heavy precipitation, and maximum wind speeds of tropical storms.


  10. luisport says:

    Early heads up for strong wind in the south east of England, Monday(12th) & Tuesday (13th) next week.


  11. james says:

    Remember ireland is before england so ireland will be slammed first


  12. tellthetruth1 says:

    @Luisport: I was just thinking that I hoped today wasn’t like the eye of a storm. But if your link says what I think it says (I’ll look when I’ve finished scribbling this), then we’re in for it! My report yesterday actually turned out wrong. The wind did rip up somewhat later in the day. However, today has been very quiet; a gentle breeze and clear skies. Same tonight. I think my area is in for heavy rain on Sunday, then, we’ll see what Monday brings. Now for that link! God bless all here. Stay safe, keep praying, and may our Sovereign Lord protect us all.


  13. yamkin says:



  14. yamkin says:

    Thousands Of Homes Still Without Power On Coldest Day Of Winter

    Tens of thousands of people were left without power during the coldest night of the winter so far as engineers struggled to fix damage caused by storms earlier in the week.

    Engineers worked through the night to restore power after hurricane force winds cut off the electricity supplies to 105,000 homes across Scotland.

    On Saturday morning more than 10,000 properties were still without power as fresh snow fell in many parts of the country.

    Scottish Hydro said that 105,000 of its customers were left without power following high winds on Thursday, but that engineers had managed to reduce that number to 29,000 by Friday night.

    Properties in Tayside and central Scotland were worst hit.

    On Saturday morning 6,400 homes were still without power in Argyll, while another 1,250 homes in the Highlands and 424 in the Western Isles were still to be reconnected………………………


  15. Yamkin says:

    There is a very deep low depression heading towards the UK tonight 12th December into Tuesday 13th December which will bring strong gale force winds reaching 80 mph in exposed areas.

    You could say this is the starter and the main course follows so to speak.

    At present, there is yet another very deep low depression heading towards the UK on Thursday 15th December into Friday 16th December and it looks like the S/SW/SE areas will bear the brunt of the storm force winds which could reach +/- 100 mph especially in exposed areas. There is a slight possibility of a few wintry showers.

    Could the projected paths change, oh yes, but both are still on course, so I would advise everyone to keep an eye on the latest MetO alert reports to be on the safe side.


  16. Craig says:

    For those of you that don’t know we did name that stormy weather we had,


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