Dec. 10, 2011 Eclipse: Large blood red moon to loom over North American skies

December 7, 2011SPACEWaking up before sunrise can be tough to do, especially on a weekend. On Saturday, Dec. 10th, you might be glad you did. A total eclipse of the Moon will be visible in the early morning skies of western Northern America. The action begins around 4:45 am Pacific Standard Time when the red shadow of Earth first falls across the lunar disk. By 6:05 am Pacific Time, the Moon will be fully engulfed in red light. This event—the last total lunar eclipse until 2014—is visible from the Pacific side of North America, across the entire Pacific Ocean to Asia and Eastern Europe. Not only will the Moon be beautifully red, it will also be inflated by the Moon illusion. For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging Moons look unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects. In fact, a low Moon is no wider than any other Moon (cameras prove it) but the human brain insists otherwise. To observers in the western USA, therefore, the eclipse will appear super-sized. Why the red color? Earth’s stratosphere is the key: “During a lunar eclipse, most of the light illuminating the moon passes through the stratosphere where it is reddened by scattering,” he explains. “If the stratosphere is loaded with dust from volcanic eruptions, the eclipse will be dark; a clear stratosphere, on the other hand, produces a brighter eclipse. At the moment, the stratosphere is mostly clear with little input from recent volcanoes.” –NASA
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29 Responses to Dec. 10, 2011 Eclipse: Large blood red moon to loom over North American skies

  1. Irene C says:

    Oh I wish I could see this in Ohio. Saturday is my birthday and this would make a wonderful present. I hope those in the Western U.S. will take the time to enjoy it. I love watching lunar eclipses.



  2. wendy robbins says:

    Doesn’t it say something about a blood red moon? Is it about this red moon?


  3. tellthetruth1 says:

    Wow, thanks for the news. I came home late one night some years back. When I got out of the taxi, I wondered what all my neighbours were doing outside. The night was really frosty. I happened to look up and saw the most gorgeous bronzed moon. It was later on that I realised what was happening. The news came in of a lunar eclipse. I wished I could have stayed out to watch. I did for a bit, but it was freezing! It’s a beautiful thing to see. Wonder if Patrick Moore has anything on this? I’ll go and look. God bless and keep you.


  4. Paul says:

    And what is the spiritual significance of this blood-red moon over the northern America


  5. MalachiYAH says:

    America and world brace yourselves! OMG i cant believe this! I saw this in two dreams about 4 months ago! this marks the beginning of a sequence of huge climatic, and natural desaster event. Im not intending to scare anyone but brace yourselves for the possibility of a quick escape. Have you survival packs loaded and safely stored in an easy to locate area in order to escape easily and survive should something happen in your area. Soon their is going to be a massive earthquake during the night. Day unknown but pay attention to the animals and how they are reacting and if it is out of the ordinary… they will be able to tell upto 12 hours before it happens. Do not be caught unprepared or your chances of survival greatly decrease.


  6. clem says:

    Very informative…interesting to watch. Thanks for sharing.


  7. MaRiA805 says:

    Very Excited!!! My children can’t wait to see this moon. I had to tell my relatives and close friends on facebk and made some phone calls. Yes, we are living in the End Times… Pray… Pray & Pray…
    God Bless…


  8. Penny says:

    Yes the end times say about a BLOOD RED MOON …oh dear very freaky!!!


  9. susan says:

    They did a piece on Perth Now (news website) for West Aussies to watch this one. apparently it will start around 7.30pm and last for 5 hours. i plan on taking a blanket out the back and watching it on Saturday night. the odd thing is that the photo they used for the article showing a blood red lunar eclipse also included a shadow of a cloudlike image of a celtic cross in the foreground. heaps of the comments picked up on this anomaly but now i cant locate the article on the website anymore.

    I feel more and more strongly like i am living in two worlds right now and they are getting further and further apart in perspective and nature. one is the world where i raise children, do school runs, shop, chat to mothers, pay bills, work. but in my mind, i am continuously talking to God, looking at everything from such an … alter-realistic perspective. I see other people living in a world where none of this is happening, none of this exists. And while i sort of envy them their vision of the world and the future, which is (in West Australia still) really positive and optomistic – which is great ! I am in my own way, ‘walking with God’ and its a conversation i just cant tear myself away from 🙂


    • Irene C says:

      Susan – It’s amazing that you mention feeling like you’re living in two worlds now. I feel the same way. On one hand I am watching the signs and season, feeling like God is ready to make His big move. On the other hand I’m discussing and planning my retirement in a couple of years and figuring out next year’s vacation. It’s like there’s two of me, one waiting for everything to collapse around me and the other who is blending in, acting like everything will go on as normal.

      Regardless of what we know is coming, I think there is a part of us who sometimes needs to act like everything is okay so we stay sane. Yes, we need to “walk with God” now more than ever.



      • susan says:

        hi Irene,
        yes, I have this great faith that everything will unfold exactly the way God wants it to, and that we will all be in the right place at the right time. If ever there was a time to find Grace in the present, and hope in the future, it is now. over the last year, all of my 4 children (aged 9 to 15) have come home from school and asked me if the world is going to end in 2012 – even in primary school they are aware of these global events and natural disasters and the chatter of their friends. I keep telling them that the world will always be here, and that we never, ever die, but the world is going to change in many ways. My oldest sons peers are struggling, as their parents struggle. On some intrinsic level, every living thing on this planet has a biological primordial understanding that changes are happening, that we cant see, or identify or comprehend, but psychologically, everyone is responding to it. There is great conflict in children as this conflict in their parents seeps through into daily life through some unconscious osmosis. But this struggle is necessary to help people find their way back to faith, for eventually the only help left available to us, will be by turning back to Deity. When people are down on their knees, begging for help that no person can provide, this is when we remember that God walks with us, and always has. This is an internal conflict, a spiritual / psychological armageddon as well as an external one. As above, so below. the patterns repeat from the smallest molecule to the mightiest galaxy. Our world is on the threshing room floor right now and all the chaff will be shed by these momentous world changes.


    • Jae Pardo says:

      you are a twin! Here in the US….i am the very same way. Blessings to you….


  10. APAK says:

    I woke up at 6 when it’s still very dark, yet I had no clue about the moon, so I missed out. 😦


  11. RC Thompson says:

    I”m looking forward to this!


  12. Gen says:

    The eclipse will be visible to all of Australia starting just before midnight Saturday night (10 December) and to part of Asia.


  13. Kate says:

    Couldn’t see the eclipse because of fog; very sad…was looking forward to it


  14. Gina says:

    Since I live in Calif I made a point to be out watching this and I seen nothing…there are some clouds but not that much or thick…was disappointed: (


  15. Tim says:

    Watch the eclipse live from around the world on Slooh’s website

    I wonder what Galileo would say about being able to see the event from different vantage points from around the Earth.


  16. Bella Lite says:

    it was lovely. 🙂 ps the man in the video predicted right it was red with a little bit of white/turquiose at the bottom ! 😀 God Bless . and remember to share the Lord with everyone – even if they don’t accept Him the first time you try 🙂


  17. Sarah H. says:

    Wow, it was beautiful… And yet somehow a little eerie… I didn’t know it was happening until I googled it (it was so intensely red). From Alberta, Canada.


  18. crystal says:

    i did not see anything and i stayed up till 6:00


  19. Dida Kingston says:

    i was told it was happening tonight into tomorrow now i’m kinda pissed I missed it..


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