Oklahoma disaster zone: tornadoes, drought, weather extremes, earthquakes and now sinkholes

December 1, 2011 –  SAYRE, OK.Residents in Beckham County near Sayre say a massive sinkhole suddenly appeared overnight. They say it’s so big a small house can fit inside it. Jack Damron cares for the property and says the hole formed just two days after Oklahoma’s last earthquake about two weeks ago. Experts say it most likely isn’t related. Either way, the hole is still growing day by day. “Kind of spooky. You don’t want to mess with it today,” Damron said. Because whatever lies beneath the flat Oklahoma soil, isn’t quite finished. “We’ve got to let it finish settling, because we don’t know how deep it’s going to get. It’s still growing,” he said “When it first formed you could actually sit here for 30 minutes and see stuff just move.” Damron has been farming the land where the sinkhole formed for nearly 20 years, but overnight he says the hole suddenly appeared. It’s a pretty scary scenario considering he’s been driving tractors over this exact spot, never dreaming the ground beneath him could give way and collapse. “You can see the tractor went right over it. It would have swallowed the tractor,” he said. “We had a lot of onlookers.”The sinkhole is about 40 feet deep and 40 feet wide. Sinkholes are not uncommon in western Oklahoma, but how this one got here is still unknown. Geologists at the Oklahoma Geological Survey say several things could have caused the sinkhole including salt or rock formations dissolving or a drought. –KFOR
contribution Sue
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16 Responses to Oklahoma disaster zone: tornadoes, drought, weather extremes, earthquakes and now sinkholes

  1. Suzanne says:

    I just watched a video on a sink hole in Georgetown South Carolina that is 4 blocks wide. The narrator of the video said he believed it was caused by pressure being applied from the east to the north american craton. It feels very unstable all over these days.
    Blessings to you Alvin.


  2. I had one of these in the street in front of my house a few years ago, but mine was only about ten feet wide and nine feet deep (just guessing). The county fixed it the next morning, with eleven vehicles (I did count those), and gave me a new front of my driveway in the process, without ever saying one word about what they were doing or why it happened.


  3. nickk0 says:

    [“Geologists at the Oklahoma Geological Survey say several things could have caused the sinkhole including salt or rock formations dissolving or a drought.”]

    This may be a stooopid question, but how would a drought, facilitate the creation of a sinkhole ?

    – Nick


    • nanoduck says:

      It could be the depleted aquifer underground. Without the water pressure to support the upper layers, it can cause the upper layers to weaken and fall.


    • SC says:

      I had a dream on Monday that showed me Oklahoma and Texas. A huge black spot covered the area where Oklahoma and Texas connect (due west of Oklahoma City). As I looked at the huge black spot, a voice kept saying to me “death and destruction.” The dream freaked me out and I woke up very upset. I fell back asleep and the dream started again. This time I asked if this would impact the entire US in some way and the answer I got back was “yes.” I don’t know if this is to be taken literally or figuratively, but frightening all the same.


  4. Son of a mason says:

    Nick, i thing drought can create a sinkhole when a water just under the ground dissapers and the ground dry`s up leaving a hole whit a crust on it that will collaps.. Ps. Storms keep hitting south of Norway, my house is litteraly shaking and crakling.. wind speeds up to 23 meters pr sec


  5. Irene C says:

    They don’t know how it got here? Isn’t related to the earthquakes? **sighing** Really not sure what I can say. The “experts” have spoken.

    @Nick – my guess would be that, with a drought, the water table would diminish and weaken the support the ground above it had. Just my opinion though since I didn’t do good in geology when I was in college. (very boring class, or should I say instructor)



  6. Erica Gregory says:



  7. Teddy says:

    @ Niccko> According to my theory, when there is less and less rain or river water seeping into underground reserviors, a hollow is formed with time(where the water volume was contained initially). When the hollow forrms, the upper surface weakens due to natural and man-made weight contributors. When the surface is unable to hold a certain mass any longer, we get a sink-hole.


  8. @ Nickko In a drought the water being pumped out of the ground is not replenished leaving a void which them would collapse forming a sink hole.


  9. will says:

    It almost looks like it was dug. Does it not look fake. I am sure it isnt but kinds looks too perfect.


  10. Guide Fleury says:

    There was this native Elder in Canada long ago, he told this young boy who is now a man today, ‘You will start seeing holes in the EArth.’ So it begins.


  11. PAT2 says:

    Just to many sink holes all over, scary! Was Oklahoma on the list of mysterious booms and rumbling?


  12. bj says:

    that looks like it is dug, way too perfect. Exactly like one we seen in South America months ago earlier this year….EXACTLY the same


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