6.9 magnitude earthquake strikes seafloor northeast of Taiwan

November 8, 2011TAIWAN –  A 6.9 magnitude earthquake rattled the sea-floor just northeast of Taiwan. The earthquake was deep- 209.5 km or erupted 130.2 miles below the surface. The epicenter of the earthquake was 497 km (309 miles) ENE  from T’ai-Pei, Taiwan and 1140 km (708 miles) S (186°) from Seoul, South Korea. A low tsunami alert was issued but is not expected to be a threat to the mainland. –The ExtinctionProtocol
 NEW DELHI– An earthquake of slight intensity, measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale, was felt on Monday in Haryana, Chandigarh, Punjab and J&K, a senior official of the meteorological centre said. The mild tremor occurred at about 5.30 PM. The epicenter was near Hindukush region, near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. There were no reports of any injury or damage to property from any part of north India. There was panic in Srinagar as people were celebrating Eid. –Times of India
contribution Xavier
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to 6.9 magnitude earthquake strikes seafloor northeast of Taiwan

  1. Although I know that not all under water earthquakes cause tsunamis, I was surprised this one didn’t, unless that status changed.



  2. Susan says:

    Interesting obsevation:
    WORLD WOBBLE ALERT-occurred the same time as the 6.9 Taiwan EQ
    In the world:
    In the US:

    There is no going back from this point on…as quakes are on the rise…and the result of those quakes will reveal itself in catastrophic ways. Stay positive in the minutes of your everyday…the encounters with family and friends…it may be all we have.


  3. Kenny Stacy says:

    Matthew 24 earthquakes in diverse places Come Lord Jesus


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