45 Responses to Israel End Game: escalating conflict in Gaza, skirmishes with Egypt, looming threats from Iran

  1. Dennis E. says:

    Lets hope and pray that this doesn’t get any worse.
    But, September is coming and that could be a rough month.

    Just a thought


  2. The Wiseman says:

    Luke 21:20
    And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.


  3. Gen says:

    Apparently Israel will become desolate. It is AFTER this happens that God’s elect will then be gathered and return to Israel. If this is correct, someone needs to tell Israel it does not have an ace up it’s sleeve.

    Damascus in Syria apparently will lie in ruins also in the last days.


    • MIKR says:

      That is also a shame ,,Let us hope for a great outcome


    • nitewarlok says:

      im not so certain israel becomes desolate,,i know they will be surrounded by the armies of the world and that is when there will be a peace treaty brought in by the antichrist..it should be soon what with irans nuclear capability now.but what do i know.plus the gold dome needs to be moved and rebuilt.my recollection is quite bad and my bible is lost,but i also no it says no stone will be left standing,,this has also happened in the past but not all the stones were laid low so its debatable……however all that being said,God will never abandon his people as he has promised.plus they are doing animal sacrifices again to God and it isnt well known as of yet.that pisses God off as he doesnt want that.maybe israel gets flattened lol sorry Gen i have forgotten quite a lot.


    • nitewarlok says:

      also Luke 21:20 i believe refers to satan sitting in the seat in the gold temple and proclaiming himself Jesus Christ,,the abomination of desolation,,


    • Dennis E. says:

      Gen: Dennis E. Here.
      Isaiah 17.1 The Burden of Damascus. Behold, it is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap—-According to 1st fruit ministries exposition of Chapter 17, it occurs at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period. This city is the oldest inhabited city on earth, never been destroyed up to this time. Not specific how it will be destroyed.


  4. Dennis E. says:

    My Bad, Hamas has called off the truce with the enemy. Hamas announced on Saturday that they were no longer committed to a more than a 2 year de facto truce with Israel since the end of a war in early 2009—The Jerusalem Post

    And so it goes


  5. Luke says:

    Israel is every bit as guilty, as Hamas or Hezbolah. If they really are Gods chosen, then they really need to behave like it.


    • Luca says:

      You don’t live there you don’t fully understand. Put yourself in a normal Israeli citizen compared to the military government doing the strikes.


      • Luke says:

        Im not saying the Jews are wrong. Im saying that they both are. And so are we. Everyone of us are. Very few of us have behaved as Godly people. Israel is wrong in this as well. Im not speaking directly of the people. Im just saying that Israel does own some of this.


    • Luca says:

      I understand what you are saying and I am sorry for jumping down your throat.

      God Bless


  6. radiogirl says:

    Where does the the 7 years of peace come into play that the anti -christ is to usher in?


    • nitewarlok says:

      it is only 3 and a half years of peace and then 3 and a half years of utter terror,chaos,destruction and evil the likes as we have never known,,this all begins when there is a peace treaty signed in the middle east with israel and i believe palestine,,and the peace treaty is brought about by the antichrist.


      • Dov says:

        Don’t forget the second seal in the first half; wars and rumors of wars. Also earthquakes and famines as the third seal.


  7. Greg says:

    Luke, just so you know, it is Israel that has the Palestians surrounded. While God is still angry with Israel for rejecting His Son, they are still the apple of His eye. Therefore, He will NOT allow Israel to fall. IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!
    The Lord said, “This day…I set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19. The Israelis have chosen life; it is precious to them, but the Arabs have chosen death. They sacrifice their own children to satisfy the blood lust their culture craves. Israel only counter attacks. How would you like it if your wife, your daughter, your family were butchered in the night by a people that chose death?


    • nitewarlok says:

      even israel will be judged and they will be judged by the 12 tribes of israel and only those that lived a pure life,,i.e. never married never had sex and lived a chaste life.these holy men will be helping to judge the world,,this number 144,000 is where the jehovas got their number in whereby they say only 144,000 people go to heaven in their religion,,,goes to show you how one person can take one verse and make his own message and religion,,yes God is angry with us.gee i wonder why.we murder his son,we lie and distort his word for monetary gain and evil purposes,,even the israelites fall short of his grace and yes they are his chosen children,,but at least he has adopted all others as his children who ask Jesus into their hearts.after all a child is a child.and Gods love knows no boundaries.


  8. Stephen says:

    Israel is the core of the Eastern and Western hemisphere, and is a highly senstive region because of defense pacts among its allies, and likewise among its foes. One small spark in Israel and the entire globe is set ablaze. Another world war is looming.


  9. MIKR says:

    It is a crying shame, that the whole area of our planet, is controlled and dictated by the most maniacal Zealots in our times. The potential for our world to be a true paradise everywhere is not an oxymoron or some elusive pipe dream. It already is, realistcally, our whole planet is so spectacular!
    It’s a shame our world is being killed by Zealots and people who beleive that thay are so smart that they are actually maniacaly dumb..The people need to keep standing up and standing out.
    I am going to pray for a mystical and momentous event to change the fractions going on in the Middle East too many innocents being ruined and they deserve to know true peace and tranquility..
    Peace to all.. it should be this way..


  10. New Earth 234 says:

    Israel have a right to defend themselves. They has an right to hurl their weapons against the terrorists who harmed the Jews in a two days ago.


  11. nitewarlok says:

    ALL fall short of the glory of GOD,,,,,not some but ALL,


  12. nitewarlok says:

    even God demands that we protect our home and family from invders that wish to harm us.yet he would rather that we could turn the other cheek,but not unto death lest our wives are raped and our children put to death or worse.im not certain if God has allowed any palestinians to be put in any death camps,or to be experimented on,or to have their childrens arms or legs removed and replaced in different spots,,at least i havent heard about it as of yet.but i could be wrong.perhaps israel has set up death camps and an elite death squad sent out to kill all palestinian women and children so they cant breed.


  13. Gen says:

    Alvin, with our world unraveling before our very eyes I would like to share this song. Lynne Hamilton sang the original. But if anyone wants to they can get it up on google.

    These are the lyrics.

    VERSE 1
    He used to give me roses,
    I wish he could again;
    But that was on the outside,
    And things were different then.

    We’d built our world together,
    With a love so clear and strong;
    But that was on the outside.
    Where did i go wrong?

    On the inside the sun still shines,
    And the rain falls down;
    But the sun and rain are prisoners too,
    When morning comes around.

    VERSE 2
    Last night i dreamed we were together,
    Sharing all the love we’ve known;
    Til i had to face the nightmare,
    Of waking up alone.

    On the inside the sun still shines,
    And the rain falls down;
    But the sun and rain are prisoners too,
    When morning comes around.

    On the inside the roses grow;
    They don’t mind the stoney ground;
    But the roses here are prisoners too,
    When morning comes around.

    He used to give me roses,
    I wish he could again;
    But that was on the outside,
    An things were different then.


  14. zorar says:

    I know the blasphamy of them that say they are jews and are not, for they are the synagogues of satan. they are not the real jews, only saying they are. research it, they own most of the televisions stations, broadcasting stations, record labels, newspapers, etc….dont believe me, check it out.


  15. Thehope says:

    Many have misunderstood scripture and have fallen for a lie. Firstly the first beast that had the head wound and was healed is the new revived roman empire. After WW2 in 1949 and 1950 something was established whilst people were too busy having babies and celebrating life. 1949 the establishing of Israel by the Balfour declaration and in 1950 the establishing of the European Union by the treaty of Rome in the Vatican. In 21st December by the Lisbon Treaty the European Union was realized and all European boarders abolished. The EU is therefore the revived roman empire. In Matthew we are told that they will establish the abomination that maketh desolate in the Holy place Jerusalem. We have fulfillment of scripture and a revisiting of old times where Rome existed in Jerusalem along side King Herod of Israel. Remember that after the Jewish nation rejected Christ Jesus after 70AD the Roman armies destroyed everything except the whaling wall as a reminder of what was there once (Solomons temple). Remember that the Jews that chose Barabus said His blood is on us and our childrens children. Not to forget that the Jew after the flesh was cast out as a gentile and now the new covenant enlisted the whole nations of the world that now became Israel in Spirit. Israel being the children of EL = Elohim were coming into this new spiritual birth by being spiritually born again as Christ said you must be born again in spirit and that flesh cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven. So anyone that enters into a new spiritual life by being baptized by The Father The Son The Holy Spirit become sons of the Most High and of His heavenly Kingdom Israel. Those that purchase the oil of salvation that was paid by the blood of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ are therefore spiritual Jews circumcised in spirit and not by flesh as per the old covenant with ethnic Israel. So that leaves us with the important question who exactly is Israel and it’s inhabitants at this very moment. It is best left for scripture to define the state and it’s inhabitants. 1 John 2:22-23 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
    Sadly The AntiChrist is the very counterfeit of God’s Kingdom abd God’s people by calling itself Israel and therefore is declared the Abonination that maketh desolate setup in the Holy place Jerusalem. The AntiChrist is the counterfeit state itself and the inhabitants that openly deny Christ Jesus are Antichrists. The scripture tells us that in the latter times although that there are many Jews after the flesh not yet accepted the oil of salvation of Christ Jesus are not Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan. To reject Christ is to chose death and to use His name Israel is to use the Lord’s name in vein. We have the revisiting of the days if Ceasar and Harod and revelation tells us that God will send great Tribulation on these unrepentant Antichrists by bringing their enemies against them as was the desolation around 70AD by the very hand of the roman empire of those days.
    The Jews after the flesh have become Gentiles and must repent and purchase the oil of salvation paid in full by the shedding of Our Lord’s blood anything else leads to death and eternal shame. To be a spiritual Jew of the heavenly Kingdom of Israel and New Jerusalem you must bow down at Christ’s feet and plead with Him to redeem you and give you life for He is the Creator and life giver and He is Life. This is the Little horn that has risen out of the new revived Roman empire EU abd is The AntiChrist. So who is the false prophet or second beast of revelation? Who made all this possible in the last 100 years and who detonated two atomic bombs bringing fire to come down on men in the sight of men and has killed many in the name of peace and democracy? Who else but america where the whore sits holding the cup of abomination (most hated by God) and the beast that carries her has slaughtered the Saints of The Most High. America brought all countries by war to the worship and enlistment of the first beast that emerged after WW2 by the treaty of Rome and established a global centralized currency control over all nations that must have the mark in order to sell and it’s citizens must have the mark in order to be legal aliens and be afforded it’s privileges. Look up ISO 4217 foreign exchange abd you will see the no currency code is denoted XXX or 999 and this XXX is the mark of the beast in Latin. John in Revelation numbers the beast in Greek numerals 600 and 600 in Greek represents X in Greek letter. Triplicate of this is XXX and can be found in roman empire silver coinage.
    Remember when Ceasar said to Jesus where is your Kingdom Jesus replied my Kingdom is not if this world. Christ said I have come in peace but the second time I will come by a sword(war). You must understand that the world will represent a winepress from the judgement by God and no earthly kingdom will survive. In revelation it warns that those that receive the mark and worship the beast (patriotism) and worship his image (stand in front of the national flag with the right hand on the heart and make the pledge of allegiance) will receive the full wrath of God poured into the cup of their indignation. The Bible tells us that a person cannot worship two masters he will obey one and hate the other. Scripture tells us that as a Christian you will be hated by all nations for my sake and to bs faithful unto death just like all the apostles.
    By scripture already there will many Christians defined out of Christ’s heavenly Kingdom Israel therefore fulfilling tge Word that there are many called but few chosen. We are told that in the last days we all have the mark of the beast because we are legal citizens of s non sovereign country tied to the centralized foreign exchange and thereby all give homage to the beast that had the head wound and was healed the EU. The good Word tells us that there are those that overcome the mark and expose the deception by teaching one of their little brothers who have yet come to the understanding or realization. Those that teach these little ones to overcome this delusion are like the stars in heaven. So today I witness to you that there is only one Kingdom and that is The Kingdom of Christ and when he comes the earth and it’s kings, captains will be dead and all the earthly (owned by Satan) destroyed representing the burning down of Global Babylon and spiritual Sodom that today’s society represents. As Christ said it will be like the days of Noah and the Ark that will save you is New Jerusalem that will ascend from heaven and the faithful called up to it in their new spiritual bodies the same that Christ took on. Everything below will be like a lake if fire. I’m sorry to say this but there will no friendship or agreement be made with the earthly kingdoms not will any prisoners be taken all will die and stay dead until the 1000 or so years as deemed by The Lord are over.


  16. Dennis E. says:

    Third Adam: Dennis E. here: That is a tough call.
    Question: If during the Gulf War, let’s say 1991, if 10,000 Iraq-Americans left America
    and join forces with Saddam Hussian and fought our soldiers, should they be allowed to return to the usa?
    Well, after Israel’s rebirth, they were attacked by 5 Arab Nations. Prior to that, the Palestinian’s who live in the land given to Israel by the Balfour Plan,were told by the invading Armies/Arab Leadership to leave and once they defeated The Jews, they could return to their homes and even take the homes of the defeated Jews? I understand that they were asked not to do this. Well, they lost and Israel denied them reentry. Thus birthed the Palestinian refugee problem which ballooned to a world-wide criminal extortion crime controlled by the oil-bearing Arab Nations. If it was not for the oil, we would probably would not care. But since we need oil and can’t seem to use our own resourses, we have to post, Naval, Air and Land forces in the Persian Gulf and shed our blood for oil. Excuse that rampage please. There is plenty of Land for the Palestinians to live, such as in Jordan which seem to have a majority Palestinian population?
    Believe it or not, there are Arabs that are citizens of Israel.
    All Israel has done is denying reentrance (RIGHT OF RETURN) to a group of people who don’t have their best interest at heart or who could be called traitors.
    As for Israel treating them as the nazi treated them, I’m speechless.
    Having been there and seen it, priceless.


  17. Gen says:

    Thanks Nitewarlok. I am confused now because I can’t find where I read that. I have read a lot of conflicting accounts. I have always thought that Israel would be protected until I read that one very lengthy article. I will try and find it.


    • Dennis E. says:

      Gen: Dennis E. Here: Daniel 9:27 is what you are looking for.


    • nitewarlok says:

      i do believe israel will be protected,for the most part at least.but in the end all that matters is that we ask Jesus the Christ into our hearts for forgiveness of our past,present and future sins,he is our Lord ,Saviour and King amen,,good enuff for me,,but darn i wish i wouldnt forget stuff so easily,,,and i apologise to you dear lady.have a great stay safe stay loved the Lords Blessings to you.


      • Dennis E. says:

        Hi Nitewarlok: Dennis E. here: I sent gen a scripture reference Daniel 9:27.

        To put it in a story type format, Israel is getting ready to go through a series of conflicts.
        These conflicts are going to wear her down emotionally, military, economically.
        At the same time the world is going to be going through climatic weather changes, social changes and other changes. All of this is going to bring great stress and many will probably commit suicide or be murdered. Chaos will rule. Then, maybe out of the EU,
        a man will come saying he has all the answers and he will impress the world that leaders will give him their power. He will restore order and the world will love him.
        He will also affirm a covenant with Israel. Not sure if it’s one already made and not ratified? But Daniel calls it the covenant of death and hell. It will be for 7 years. He will assure their peace as I understand the scriptures. He will even allow them to start/continue the daily obligation of animal sacrafice at the temple. Something happens at the 3 1/2 year mark. I believe he turns against Israel/breaks the covenant at that time and goes into the Holy of Holies and declares himself to be god and stops the daily obligation. He is not accepted by the Jews who did not accept Christ when he said before Abraham, I AM and they tried to stone him. Someone is going to kill him and after 3 1/2 days, Satan will raise him form the dead and I think this is where he goes into the temple(Holy of Holies) and declared to be god and demands worship, but he is rejected by the jews and he starts killing jews. And they flee. Some teachers think some will flee to petra, in Jordan. He almost kills them, but an issue from the east hampers him but on or about at that time, Jesus Christ appears with the Armies from heaven and stops that killing and some other stuff.

        Left out a hold lot of stuff, but that is the general picture, abstract type.

        Sorry about the lengthy article—-
        Peace and Grace


  18. Dennis E. says:

    As of 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, 80 Rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza killing at least one Israeli and injuring several others since Thursday. Most of the Rockets fell into
    open areas and didn’t cause any damage but one hit a Synagogue in Ashdod Killing that one person. According to sources(Jerusalem Post) Hamas Military Wing is the component calling off the 2 year cease fire and wants other terror factions to conduct strikes from Gaza. There seems to be a conflict among the other Hamas Leaders (A house divided) of backing the Israelis/Palestinian peace process or not.
    Also, the missile defense system, Iron Dome did intercept one rocket before it hit Ashdod.
    There was a report by Fox news that Egypt had not recalled its Ambassador to Israel but as of this posting, there is no report to confirm that.

    I ponder the thought that if terror strikes become more deadly and frequent, could we see a IDF
    land invasion to take Gaza back?
    Just a thought….


  19. Thehope says:

    Isaiah 28:9-11 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
    Daniel 12:1-4 12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
    Everyone dies at the coming of the Lord except the remnant who are chosen to occupy a destroyed and unlivable earth. These 144,000 remnant will then be called up.
    The war is against all earthly kingdoms and none shall escape. Revelation 6:15-17 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? The remnant of God’s Kingdom Israel on earth representing spiritual Jews circumcised in spirit and baptized in the name of The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit.
    This fulfills The Lord’s prayer “thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in heaven”. As all the earthly kings hide themselves underneath mountains the remnant will stand above their burried corpses on top of a mountain awaiting the calling up after the Lord sounds the trumpet of God and declares time no more.


  20. Gen says:

    Thanks again Nitewarlok and Dennis E. Yes I am familiar with the Book of Daniel. (gee, Dennis you make me feel really old – but then again I always say my computer skills are not up with it because after all I learned to type on a typewriter that came out of the Ark..

    The article I refer to was rather a lengthy one. The writer had gone back through history and also Bible prophecy. I usually print out articles I really like or otherwise write down the internet address. But I did neither. Once again I guess I was thinking I would remember where I found it.

    He (or she) mentioned 2 or 3 temples being built and destroyed before the final one.

    The one that King Solomon built and that was destroyed by Titus I think, was the first wasn’t it.

    I am pretty sure another one was built and destroyed also. But I might be getting the abomination of desolation mixed up with the country becoming desolate. Pretty heavy stuff this Israel thing.

    At the end of the day, our salvation is what counts. But being human of course we want to put a time on things. I know for years, every time there has been conflict around Israel I have thought this is it.

    But there are a lot of things that have to take place.

    In the meantime something I did write down.

    The seven seals in Revelation began with Adam and Eve. Each seal represents 1,000 years from that time.

    1st seal first 1000 years Enoch white horse.
    2nd seal second 1000 years wars and flood red horse.
    3rd seal third 1000 years famines black horse.
    4rh seal fourth 1000 years empires pale horse.
    5th seal fifth 1000 years martyrs.
    6th seal sixth 1000 years restoration and natural calamities.
    7th seal seventh 1000 years millennium.

    So there is something to keep everyone busy.

    God bless humanity.


  21. Gen says:

    Sorry Dennis E. I meant Nitewarlok when he called me dear lady.


  22. Gen says:

    Kept putting in different key words and found that site. It is an article written by an American, Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum of Ariel Ministeries concerning the Jewish nation.

    Not to say he is correct, but nevertheless sheds some light on what to expect concerning Israel.

    Click to access mbs189m.pdf


  23. Dennis E. says:

    I’m sorry Gen. For some reason for the past three days, I’ve had the blogging bug but this subject interests me very much and I like to share it with others.

    Have a nice day.


  24. Dennis E. says:

    Gen, There was the Tabernacle in the wilderness as explained in the Exodus Chapter.
    Then, after a period of time, David’s Tabernale, Then his son Solomon built The first Temple to house the Ark. This Temple was destroyed by the Babylonian invasion and rebuilt 70 years later
    when some of the jews returned from exile and was expand on and enchanced later by King Herod and it was this Temple The Lord ministered in. IN AD 70, this temple was destroyed by the Romans as you wrote and today in Israel, you can still see the same boulders that the roman soldiers burned and those they pushed off the top which left deep impressions in the concrete below. The Third Temple(as the Jews call it), is ready to be built once allowed. They are ready. This is the temple the anti-christ will sit in.
    hope that helps


  25. nitewarlok says:

    hi dennis.e,,,, yes that is about right as far as my teaching has taught me..satan always copies what Christ has done,,also the two prophets that are slain and lie dead for 3 days then rise.plus im sure much more as u say.however the end is no where near now,,the birth pains will take a while longer i think..God never rushes things,,as he says a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day,,meaning do not let anything in scripture become a contention among his believers.especially where time is concerned.and i thank you from my heart for straitening me out as man i need it preciously.MaY His Grace always find you.


  26. Dennis E. says:

    nitewarlok: Dennis E. Here: You are welcome and you didn’t need straighten out, we learn from one another and each day is a learning experience.

    You have a bless day.


  27. Gen says:

    hi Nitewarlok. I wasn’t at all offended. I read it as dear old lady and thought whoops after I posted that comment. Then got you and Dennis E. mixed up. It is just that when I subtract the date I was born on from today’s date, I sometimes get a big shock – especially when I look in the mirror. It is not you, I am just a bit quirky. I hope I am older and wiser.

    To quote a man in his 80’s that I worked for when I was about 18: “aint life grand”. I would put smiley face symbol here but don’t have a clue how to.

    Oh Alvin. I love this site.



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