Solar system wide changes- scientists find recent volcanic activity on the Moon

July 25, 2011SPACE — Analysis of new images of a curious “hot spot” on the far side of the Moon reveal it to be a small volcanic province created by the upwelling of silicic magma. The unusual location of the province and the surprising composition of the lava that formed it offer tantalizing clues to the Moon’s thermal history. The hot spot is a concentration of a radioactive element thorium sitting between the very large and ancient impact craters Compton and Belkovich that was first detected by Lunar Prospector’s gamma-ray spectrometer in 1998. The Compton-Belkovich Thorium Anomaly, as it is called, appears as a bull’s-eye when the spectrometer data are projected onto a map, with the highest thorium concentration at its center. Recent observations, made with the powerful Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) optical cameras, have allowed scientists to distinguish volcanic features in terrain at the center of the bull’s-eye. High-resolution three-dimensional models of the terrain and information from the LRO Diviner instrument have revealed geological features diagnostic not just of volcanism but also of much rarer silicic volcanism.The volcanic province’s very existence will force scientists to modify ideas about the Moon’s volcanic history, says Bradley Jolliff, PhD, research professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, who led the team that analyzed the LRO images. “To find evidence of this unusual composition located where it is, and appearing to be relatively recent volcanic activity is a fundamentally new result and will make us think again about the Moon’s thermal and volcanic evolution,” he says. The work is described in the July 24 advance online issue of Nature Geoscience. Lunar volcanism is very different from terrestrial volcanism because the Moon is a small body that cooled quickly and never developed rock-recycling plate tectonics like those on our planet. The Moon, thought to have been created when a Mars-size body slammed into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, was originally a hellish world covered by a roiling ocean of molten rock some 400 kilometers deep. But because the Moon was small and had no atmosphere, the magma ocean cooled quickly, within perhaps 100 million years. –


Change sweeps the Solar System: Recent volcanism discovered on Venus in 2010, a raging planetary storm fueled by an atmospheric energy exchange on Saturn, and global warming discovered on Neptune’s moon Triton in 1998, changes in the Sun’s rate of radioactive decay, and resonate geologic, volcanic, and metrological changes on Earth all appear to be rooted in the same causative agent- an entropic process has been ignited throughout the Solar system from some irradiated stellar source. This process is irreversible and will increase exponentially as solar activity wanes and as the Sun’s heliosphere continues to decrease in size.The Extinction Protocol
Sun 1
Venus 2
Triton 3
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24 Responses to Solar system wide changes- scientists find recent volcanic activity on the Moon

  1. gandyjs says:

    “an entropic process has been ignited throughout the Solar system from some irradiated stellar source. This process is irreversible…”

    ^^What kind of irradiated source? Is there sufficient information about this source to draw a conclusion yet? Has a new, rogue body entered our solar system?


    • Planets or comets are not capable of emitting the amount of energy needed to affect the entire Solar System as it has. It would have to be greater than the mass of the Sun to do so. This is likely the remnants of a supernovae or dead star. This has absloutely nothing to do with fables of Elenin or Planet X. Changes began occurring on Triton as early as 1998.


      • Scott Taylor says:

        the irradiated source could simply be the fact that our solar system is moving into alignment w/ the galactic center of the Milky Way. due to this it’s understandable that we would have more energy coming into the system than usual, which could likely cause these changes. you could see evidence of system wide changes that would account for this also:


  2. Gordon James Gianninoto says:

    Now we are talking. This is true but the cause is not named so I will name it. Planet X was first spotted coming toward the solar system by the IRAS satellite in 1983. Then it entered the solar system in 1998, laying on its side so its north pole pointed ahead of it like a flashlight. As it approached the planets the increased magnetic fields warmed them up, and causing the sun to erupt massively, hence the coverup lie of global warming. Then in 2003 it came from behind the sun to face the earth directly. At this point it is approaching the earth and the moon 30 million miles away, heating both from deep within their iron cores. Read or listen to my interview on Coast to Coast AM on Youtube. As PX goes by it will cause poleshift. Run for your lives! This is real. Now if only NASA would discuss PX, but notice how they won’t? Change your posting rules so I can post photos of it, but search on Youtube to see some taken by ordinary people with their digital cameras. Do not look at the sun directly yourself. It is to the left of the sun at sunrise and to the right of the sun at sunset. PX is an atmospheric, oceanic, volcanic planet 4x the size of earth with 23x the magnetic field, and is inhabited by 12 ft tall selfish human aliens who created us. They are the giants in the earth in genesis in the bible.


    • A_lad says:

      Interesting Claims….. I do believe in PX but I think it is farther out than 30,000 miles. I don’t believe that these Alien Hybrids reside their, but anything is possible. It would make for an interesting embarkment however. Man meets Alien during his final days. The Nephilim!

      I also believe that God created man…. In the likeness of his image… Not the image of a reptilian…. However this fallen seed has tainted the blood of man and continues to do so in the field of genetics….


    • Rick says:

      Oh Puleeze, Lead by that crazy Nancy Lieder woman? The same woman who insisted there would be a pole shift back in 1998? Come on, Gordon, get real!


  3. After the release of the movie “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” , is reality merging with imagination and creating a altered reality.


    • Laurie says:

      From a quantum physics perspective, this is really how the world works. Its really mind bending to wrap one’s thinking around it but it makes a lot of sense. Brian Greene writes in a way that helps those of us without the background to understand… I do all my reading at this level from a spiritual perspective as I don’t have the math background to understand it scientifically.


  4. Afsal Ismail says:

    With NASA’s space shuttle missions coming to an end it’s time to make bolder steps. Deep space exploration. We must make it happen!


    • Sounds like other nations are poised for the task. It would be refreshing to get a new perspective on space exploration, Afsal.


      • J.M says:

        Alvin, one question, do you really think it´s possible that we are experiencing the passage of the so called planet X or a failed star going through the solar system? I’ve heard so many nonsensical things and now you say the causative agent behind these changes is some “irradiated stellar source”.


      • That means a supernova remnant which is emitting cosmic rays or a gamma ray burst. In a galaxy of 400 billion stars; stars run out of fuel, collapse and die more often than we realize. Whatever this energy source is, it is likely working in concert with the magnetic density and gradient of the Local Fluff in dimension with the Local Bubble.


      • J.M. says:

        Thank you very much Alvin, let`s just wait and see.


  5. LA says:

    1.) What do you mean by “recent” volcanic activity? How recent is recent??

    2.) If there truly is a visible planet as described above, wouldnt thousands of amateur and hobbyist astronomers be yelling at the top of their lungs? If there were such an inhabited planet here in our solar system i would think we would know by now, wouldnt we? Whats prevented this knowledge? Are these “selfish humans” more selfish than we are? I find that difficult to believe, since self-gratification is our species’ number one pursuit.


    • skywalker says:

      the red dwarf star and its planets, one of which being nibiru, is very tricky to see , you need a very big telescope that can see into the infra red spectrum, and as far as i know there is only 1 telescope on this planet that is capable of viewing it. this telescope was built at the south pole and only a few select individuals are allowed to use it. it has been speculated that this telescope was built for the purpose of watching this visitor , because of the knowledge obtained from the sumerian cuneform texts from Iraq, which gave precise details of where to look in our sky and when to expect its arrival . there is a you tube that i provided further up this page which shows the only pictures of this visitor which were leaked just after the telescope became operational, as far as i know there havent been any other leaked pictures yet, and there probably wont be anymore unless the object gets close enough to warrant a press release.


  6. Tomwe says:

    This is very interesting. If so, the moon is not as “dead” as has been assumed. It could be useful to help make a viable moon-base in the future.


    • skywalker says:

      there are a few problems with living on the moon, have you seen the film called ” moon” its a lovely film and it puts these problems into context


  7. Tina Marie says:

    I have seen many of the Youtube videos and read some about Planet X, Niburu and Elenin. I like LA have a difficult time believing that with all the amature astronomers out there that nobody is making a fuss about it. I know scientists have their motives for keeping info from the public but why would ordinary citizens not speak out? I had never heard of your hypothisis about the Supernove remnents but it seems perfectly plausable to me and not a planet coming at as with giant aliens. No offense Rick. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have always had a theory based on alot of reading over the yrs, that aliens did visit our planet many thousands of yrs ago and gave us great knowledge. The pyramids and other stuctures like it, that can’t even be dupicated today is an interesting possible example. I believe in God and know he created us. I just think we were helped along a little somewhere in the ancient past.


    • curtis says:

      Tina, You made some excellent points and for the most part you and I agree. I wanted to add one thought to yours. Considering the inexplicably phenomenal growth of technology mankind has known since the beginning of the industrial age (compared to previous eons), I suspect we’re still being helped by advanced civilizations.


  8. tyroneb says:

    Nibiru/Wormwood is coming. anyone who cares to see the truth can look into the night sky ans see the moon is nothing following it’s ‘normal’ orbit.
    One simply has to look.


  9. val says:

    My husband and I are both smokers, but never smoke in our house. So, we have spent alot of time outside at night, smoking and star-gazing. We both know that this planet has tipped because the Big Dipper has in the past always been over our neighbors house. We told ourselves maybe it was a different time of the year, we are out in the winter too. It is still not over their house, this we know for a fact. It is still in view every night, but never where it was, over their house. So Nibiru, Planet X, or comet Elenin, something has happened.


  10. nickk0 says:

    This is fascinating….. Especially when one considers that astronomers and scientists have considered the moon to be ‘dead’, geologically speaking…. at least, until now.

    – Nick


  11. alvin says:

    its the torsion wave coming from the galactic center nasa already confirmed it just look up energy bubbles coming from center of galaxy in google. its the extra radiation needed to cause these effects


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