6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes Kyrgyzstan

July 19, 2011BISHKEKA 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck the country of Kyrgyzstan at a depth of 17.9 km. The earthquake was centered 42 km (26 miles) SW of Farghona (Fergana), Uzbekistan and 60 km (37 miles) SE of Quqon (Kokand), Uzbekistan and 404 km south of Kyrgyzstan’s capital, Bishkek. As the earthquake occurred during at 1:35 in the morning. There are no reports of damage. The earthquake was followed by a 4.4 magnitude aftershock which occurred at an even shallower depth of 1 km according to the EMSC. –The Extinction Protocol.
AP WIRE: No casualties or serious damage were immediately reported from the temblor, which hit at about 1:35 a.m. local time in an area some 35 kilometers (22 miles) away from the Uzbek city of Ferghana, which has a population of more than 200,000. In Andijan, the next largest city in Uzbekistan’s Ferghana Valley, roughly 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the epicenter, residents told The Associated Press that many people had left their homes in panic and were standing in the streets. One 40-year-old woman said the quake appeared to last several minutes. “There was a really strange and weird sound,” she said on condition of anonymity. She said there were no immediate signs of damage to buildings, but that city dwellers have taken provisions and are spending the night on the streets. –AP 
(left) Sesimogram reading from China and seismic wave registering in neighboring Kazakhstan (right)
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6 Responses to 6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes Kyrgyzstan

  1. Wiseguy says:

    Stronger quake near Puerto Rico, huge and deep fault that could ignitiate a large tsunami on the east coast. We are expecting West coast, New Zealand, maybe it will be closer than we think.


  2. This looks like a potentially very important story. I’d love to hear your take on this issue. It seems to me the two biggest events impacting us are the shrinking of the heliosphere and the increased cosmic ray exposure as a result. As a side note, is the heliosphere still shrinking? I am having trouble finding reliable information on it.



    • Joseph, I’ve written quite extensively about the effects of cosmic radiation on the planet in my book and yes, it affects the entire solar system. The heliosphere is still shrinking and with solar activity lower than expected during a ebb period- that means we’ll be innundated with more cosmic radiation. The heliosphere is offering less and less protection from a an environment (space) that is 99.99% inimical to life conditions as we know it. We take too much for granted on this planet but are about to learn some very painful lessons in the months ahead. The idea that life could have randomly popped up all by itself in this highly-irradiated and isolated little arm of Orion’s belt is ludicrious. See last two posts on Earth and cosmic rays…



    • NickK0 says:

      Thank you for posting that, Joseph. I’m saving that link ‘for future reference’.

      – Nick


  3. Sorry I should have been a little more specific. I’ve read your book(tore through it actually). I agree with your hypothesis about the heliosphere/cosmic ray/solar system heating link. I was mostly curious about the more current activities since you finished writing the book. That article was the first major new article I’ve found since reading your book.

    We differ a little on the later portions of your book. I agree that there is certainly a spiritual aspect to what is going on today. I just think current religion has been so deformed by man and that civilization is so much older than modern science is willing to accept, that what we call religion today is a mutated form of the concept passed down to us eons ago. I’m not sure if God is an actual entity you can find once you’ve attuned yourself to the concept of universal energy or if God is that actual universal energy which you can tap in to if you learn how to open your mind. What I am certain of is that man has lost something very important which used to be universally accepted and sought after and that times are changing and this “something” is returning to those willing to look for it.


  4. Desilk says:

    You can track the cosmic rays here
    Its still fairly high at the moment.


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