Are we headed for a solar doomsday in 2012?

April 26, 2011FLORIDA – Could a super-storm generated by the sun destroy civilization as we know it in 2012? No less than NASA thinks it’s a distinct possibility. In a remarkable move the normally conservative US space agency has taken the extraordinary step of warning the world. The headlines reverberating around the world speak volumes: ‘Leaks discovered in Earth’s magnetic field,’ Solar storms to wreak havoc,’ ‘The end of life as we know it,’ ‘Magnetic shift to cause global super-storms. Can such things really happen? NASA and the European Space Agency say yes. Among all the countries with exposure to the solar devastation, the United States is the most susceptible. As The Daily Telegraph recently observed: “National power grids could overheat and air travel severely disrupted while electronic items, navigation devices and major satellites could stop working after the Sun reaches its maximum power…” Experts on the sun are very concerned as they see the sun awaking from its unusually long slumber with a violence unseen for generations. That violence could be in the form of mammoth magnetic storms. Those storms hitting the Earth will be like a giant’s fist slamming into the fragile electronic technology that runs the world. Hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis pale by comparison. “We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Dr Richard Fisher, the director of NASA’s Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. “It will disrupt communication devices such as satellites and car navigation, air travel, the banking system, our computers, everything that is electronic. It will cause major problems for the world. “A menacing electronic Doomsday. A giant solar super-storm would lead to martial law, mass starvation and eventual societal collapse. “Systems will just not work. The flares change the magnetic field on the earth that is rapid and like a lightning bolt. That is the solar affect,” Fisher added. Since the sun’s last upheaval caused worldwide disruption and destruction in 1859, civilization has rapidly advanced a society based on a technological infrastructure that can be whisked away in moments by a severe geomagnetic storm. During 2008, the National Academy of Sciences issued a dire report: “Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts.” The report outlined, in excruciating detail, the potential demise of America’s 21st Century technological base. Cities will be left without light and water and food will run out. Civil unrest will surge as society collapses in a matter of days. The US federal and state governments will be hard-pressed to restore order amongst 300 million people as mass starvation sets in and sources of fresh water dwindle. One billion could die. –Helium
This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Prophecies referenced, Solar Event. Bookmark the permalink.

34 Responses to Are we headed for a solar doomsday in 2012?

  1. Ynot says:

    As I have said in a previous posting we are preparing for electronic failure of all systems, we are already experiencing magnetic fluccuation in New Zealand (dizziness and a tingling sensation). I assume all military electronic systems will fail also?? – watch out for rogue nuclear weapons. Try to see the positive side of the experience, we can throw away all our bits of useless technology and start enjoying the world the way God created it ! – not hooked up to a computer for your daily bread or missing the moment because your mobile phone is glued to your ear. I give you a clue, don’t wear anything made of iron on your body – think of your microwave oven and what happens if you put anything metal inside it. Second suggestion, don’t live in a city – move to the country and control your environment, grow your own food and get off the grid. You already have a biological super computer attached to your body, it communicates way more effectively than your mobile and keeps perfect time as well –

    I think you can safely assume living in densely populated areas completely reliant on a “government” body to save your bacon is an irrational idea and not very clever. Be free and be happy, its your choice.


    • gerald says:

      Agreed. Many people have urged me to leave my rural home in Mexico especially in light of the violence in the country, and return to the US. I have absolutely no intention of doing so, because I can live off the land quite well here, and disappear into the vast desert area if necessary. The door is open to all friends and family when the coming disasters turn our world up-side-down. I envision a mass exodus of people from the cities and they will be totally unprepared for living without their precious technology. The only thing I will miss is the constant flow of information about what is happening, but can certainly survive without it.


    • jamie says:

      Well said.


    • Maiden PEI says:

      Do you mean only ‘iron’…or are you referring to ANY metal…even gold/silver?



      • Ynot says:

        Hello Maiden PEI
        to answer your question re: metal(s) is more specific to iron. To test your metal” use a magnet and pass it over the object, if it moves to the influence of magnetic field then you know it will be affected by solar storms effect at ground level. Silver and Gold are deemed safe but they will still conduct an electrical current so consider this when wearing them. Hope this helps you in your answer – regards Ynot


  2. NJRealThinker says:

    Perhaps the Myans with their incredible knowledge of the solar system foresaw this event thousands of years ago. I was amazed to learn that their knowledge of the solar system is still 10,000 times greater than what we know today. This despite the fact that they didnt have any of the technology that is currently in use, simply astonishing to say the least. I am convinced they knew of something and 2012 could be the end of human inhabitation on planet earth.


    • Maiden PEI says:

      Even if it IS the end of Human inhabitation on planet Earth…all that means, to me anyway, is that our temporary stay here is at an end, & we are merely moving on to the next stage/step of our evolution…& that all is good & as it ‘should’ be, in the grand scheme of things & according to the plan of the ‘Big Kahuna’…whoever/whatever that may be!

      The way I see it, this is an exciting, wondrous, awe inspiring time to be alive!



    • The Mayans were more than likely looking in the past more than they were the future. Their own cultural demise is perhaps the best testament of that. The compendium of their achievements in astronomy, architecture, and calendric time scales are in some ways unrivaled. Yet much of their astronomical knowledge was inherited from the Olmecs. We can almost speculate the Mayans probably saw the arrival of something into the solar system, possibly an explosion from a large star cluster and the subsequent gamma ray burst would effect this Sun and this solar cycle time period due to its distance in space and rate of travel. They then started at 2012 as a finale point and counted their history backwards based on astronomical time periods involving Earth’s precession as their point of origin. In a year, (2012) we may, at last, fully discover why they did this.


    • Helen Parks says:

      If one applies the logic of “Occam’s Razor” to the mystery of the Maya, the simplest answer is : they had access to a stage gate. This is the name given to what we know as a stargate, by Nostradamus in the Hidden Texts. This also explains how Nostradamus (and Enoch, Ezechiel etc) had the knowledge of what we call “prophecies”.
      Interesting that Dr Michio Kaku also used the term “stage” when positing the time travel scenario.
      The STAGE GATE – STARGATE forum is one yet completed so is not on the site. It is a huge chapter as one would expect. Other forums in the web site HIDDEN TEXTS OF NOSTRADAMUS do describe using the stage gate. Nostradamus says that he was “cogent” despite being “aggregated” through out his (guided) use of its technology, and that it also had a “looking glass” as an option to full body travel.
      This can be read about in the chapter “LOST THING”
      My favourite description he gives of its use is “BRETON AQUAINTS NORMAN” – A difference of 600 years!
      Many years (decades) ago I read of a Roman Centurion who mysteriously appeared out of the Belize jungles. Just last week I saw on a 2012 documentary that there is an engraving of a Roman Centurion on the walls of the Great Ball Game arena of the Maya. If that Centurion was poking his nose around the Sphinx (in B.C.), then he could well have tripped the mechanism of the stage gate there only to find himself arriving at the stage gate of the Maya. Go see the Maya Pilot on the sarcophagus under a Maya pyramid.
      Helen Parks


  3. Marcel says:

    “Life as we know it”…. such thing never existed. Take the word “knowledge” out and every thing makes sense… “Life as it is”


  4. pastorken171 says:

    Amen! working toward that goal. How much time do we have? I feel early 2013.


    • The Sun reaches its maximum between 2012-2013, and sometimes the worst flares can occur even 3 years after the maximum- so we may not be out of the woods until 2015; provided the world survives that long. Now comes the rub- mid latitude coronal holes are already showing up on the surface of the Sun- something that typically happens at the solar maximum. That only leaves us with two possibilities- either something is speeding up the solar cycle or solar mechanics is already intensifying before it should- which could amplify the effects of a bad maximum, potentially making it one of the worst in recorded history. I’ll leave this for you guys to decide which.


  5. Sparky says:

    Could someone clarify or specify exactly what type of electrical circuitry is destroyed by these storms? Is it only circuit boards, or is point-to-point wiring also in danger? Is something as simple as a portable generator in danger? Some practical knowledge alongside the catastrophal would be most appreciated.


    • If it’s electrical, has circuitry or generates an electrical field- it could be toast in a major ionization of the planet’s atmosphere by a major Sun storm on the caliber of the 1859 Carrington Event. This also includes electronic ignition and electrical circuitry systems on cars, trains, ect. Anything not encased in a Faraday cage or has solar-shielding when this happens will be fried. You can browse Faraday cages to buy on-line. I think even Amazon sells them now but may I suggest you read up on them prior to purchase here:

      P.S. – make alternative plans to live low-tech off the grid; applicances, even if they survive, with no electrical grid are still useless.


      • Maiden PEI says:

        Not much point in saving our electronics with a Faraday cage if there’s no juice to run them anymore & not many others with Faraday cages to connect with either. 😦


  6. chuck says:

    Major cities possibly have more electricians, plumbers, mechanics, per sqaure mile than any countryside. There’s people who know how to build things and there’s tons of tools and supplies in cities, people will go through a panic period, but eventually calm down and attempt to make things work. The use of an armed marshall law approach my quell the stunned public and gangthugs who will not have modern cars and will trip on the cuffs of their pants. There will be a culling of the herd as people do foolish things, thirst and hunger will also take a toll. But, attemps at reforming a social order would be attemped on very local scale. Tools will be very desirable as will books. Consider all forms of non-electonic entertainment for a possible job in the “aftertime.”


    • Xavier says:

      Chuck, you say “….Consider all forms of non-electonic entertainment for a possible job in the “aftertime.”…..”. Now how about the job of preaching the Good News. Many at that moment will find themselves helpless and wont know what exactly is happening around them and why, they would be searching for answers. Their lack of getting any answers would make them more restless. The Good News of Jesus Christ would certainly go a long way. It would at least calm the spiritual storm of insecurity that would arise in their hearts.


    • Ynot says:

      Hi Chuck
      I recently watched “The Colony” series with the senario of viral outbreak sending everybody back to the caves and fighting to stay alive – they seemed hellbent on “rebuilding” civilisation (electricians, plumbers, mechanics and a New york model thrown in for good measure). They built motors, tractors and motorcycles to get around on plus a windmill to generate electricity for light, they prioritised food gathering almost last. By the sixth week they were starving and had to be rescued by the programme directors sending in SAS man to feed them and teach them to hunt and gather food before they ate each other. The message is food first in a catastrophic event along side clean water – thats not easy in a city.


  7. Kartik says:

    I don’t know..but this is just a hunch… try summing up these facts:
    1.The Mayans considered SUN to be the supreme deity.
    2.They had advanced way ahead in astronomy than any other civilization did in their era.
    3.They propose the idea of DOOMSDAY in 2012.
    4.The Mayans were not connected to any other civilization in the world, when this theory was propounded and thus giving us no doubt of their ideas being “influenced” by other civilization’s notion of DOOMSDAY!


    • Just a Hunch says:

      I recently read some history about the Myan and Aztec cultures, and as I found out: 2012 was not seen as a “doomsday” but as the end of a cycle. This cysle is believed to have come and passed previosly in their calander and it was seen as a time for celebration according to the articles I read. It was seen as a sort of new year celebration. But I am with whoever said how smart could they have been if they are extinct???


  8. swimtaximama says:

    Fascinating…supports with historical facts, solar outburst issues….


  9. Tina Marie says:

    I don’t think the Mayans ever said it was “Doomsday”. It was simply the end of a cycle and begining of a new one. Much the same as the Buddists or Hopi Indians spoke of the time of great change and spiritual awakening. I believe life as we know it will change. We may be forced to live without technology and modern conveniences and the ones with the best chance of survival will be the people who can live off the land and grow their own food. IMHO those who live in big cities will be all but doomed. They may have tools but from my understanding it could take yrs to get the power grids up and running again. The best we can all do is store food, prepare and pray for now.


  10. APAK says:

    Does all this solar activity have a connection with the sun turning red someday?


  11. shane says:

    I’m in the way of thinking its gonna be a cataclysm like the one at the end of the last ice age. A goegraphical poleshift I think, caused by the suns natural cycle of destruction to earth our civilisation will be the next Atlantis.


  12. Chuck says:

    Population reduction is always going on across the planet, people alive this day in one part of the earth may “suddenly” experience a major event, mudslides in California, wildfires, tornados, floods, etc. are common in the USA, but the leveling event of a giant solar flare demands prepared people at least gather handtools, canned foods, freeze dried, smoked and salted foods as well as a generous stock of water and water purifiers. Probiotics are essential, as well as general first aid, as one would be prepared. I think the event will not completely destroy society forever, it will set things back to the 19th century–think Amish style living. The lawless “oh wow, let’s get what we want” crowd may succeed in their ruthlessness pursuit, but they will turn against eachother, in the mean time it would be wise to become invisible to them but ready to resist them if need be. Sometimes I think our mass conceited opinion of our society will be tested when “mother nature (papa sun)” yells. Yep, food and water figure that out firmly for six months…I think Tina Marie is on to the truth.


  13. K says:

    I think things are changing but just think about those who are dealing with hunger war and disease what can they do? People always talk about getting off the grid to be safe and maybe it will work but most of the people out there are off the grid they don’t have the Internet they don’t have the stuff we do and yet they struggle with what I stated before. You can gather food, store it, farm the land, and than a storm comes and takes it away, what than? You can’t do much and than you will need help but if the world keeps on as it is no one can help you because they can’t help themselves but than a man will come to make peace and all will seem ok for awhile anyway. Oh the times are changing. Ive had dreams Christ was in them and the times they are a changing.
    God Bless


  14. Enwelu Hananayah says:

    I read the articles with interest. They are indeed exciting and also serious. However, I want to use only one authority to make my comment. This authority is the prophecy given in the Bible. The Bible is clear as to how our world will end. The events of the end will not be random contrary to what is happening presently. Events of the end will be acts of God Almighty. It is well we know that end of the world will not happen in a day or in a week or in a year or in three years. God has designed series of orderly events which must transpire all over the world. These events will affect every person. During those 1260 days of the first seven trumpets, end time gospel of Christ will be proclaim and inhabitants of the earth will hear it and take decision. The sheep will then be separated using the mark of the beast. The entire events suggest that the end of the age will not even take place in 2014. However, if the events begin 2012, it will last until near 2016. The current random events will continue and may even be severe. They are not means to the end of the world. Thanks and Yahweh bless those who understand Revelation’s story Rev 1:1-3


  15. Chuck says:

    Human’s desire to survive, at least healthy humans do. Having a spiritual grounding in Bibical-understanding is worth the time and practice, while some will find solace in other traditions. Christ’s care and concern can be made manifest if we desire to survive. Getting ready will be important, would you rather not have the “band-aids” if you knew thorns were expected? Band aids are material things we will find them helpful; but our spiritual foundation, no tornado can blow away.


    • Stephen says:

      Amen Chuck. I don’t believe this is the end of all things, but it seems we are certainly entering perilous times. After all our feeble efforts to save ourselves fail we need a powerful God to help us through it and start life again. A different style of life I pray.


  16. Chuck says:

    Hello, the MAYANS are NOT extinct! yes, they live and still thrive, the collaspe was multi-factored ecological, social, and spiritual…


  17. Stephen says:

    Speaking of avoiding metals – aluminium has the opposite effect than iron in the presence of a magnetic field. Would it be beneficial to wear something of aluminium? What about sleeping in an emergency blanket and keeping it nearby ready for when the solar pulse front strikes. Anyone know whether this is a good or a bad idea?


  18. Chuck says:

    The kindness of the LIGHT of Christ the Holy REDEEMER of the pitiful human race, just blesses us, even when we are not asking–but in our core we accept and believe–his love, I wish we had shelter for all, thank you Alvin for the platform you have here as we all face the changes.


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