Japan Met Agency issues dire warnings of potential cataclysms for Japan

April 11, 2011TOKYO – Japan’s Meteorological Agency on Friday warned the country’s 20 volcanoes has become alive due to the massive March 11 earthquake, and a study said earthquake over 9.0-magnitude might hit Japan. The Agency said volcanic explosion occurred after earthquake several times in history and people should maintain vigilance against this tendency. The number of earthquake above 6.0 M reached 77 on March. And 74 out of them occurred in quake-hit region, were aftershock. The number is 50 times over the same period last year. The largest aftershock on April 7 hit Japan has killed 4 people, injured at least 166, and caused a power outage over 2.61 million households, according to Japan’s police officials.  The Meteorological Agency warned aftershocks above 6.0 M like the April 7 earthquake probably would hit Japan again. Meanwhile, quakes of the country’s 20 volcanoes occurred more frequently after the massive March 11 earthquake, especially, the Fuji, Hakone, and Aso-San. Authorities in Japan on Friday announced a research findings which indicated chain earthquake over 9.0-magnitude might hit Japan and its offshore area. A massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit off the northeastern coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, triggering a massive tsunami which caused alerts to go up along the pacific basin. The National Police Agency reported at 10:00 a.m., April 8, the death toll rose to 12,731.  The number of reported missing declined to 14,706. –IB Times
On April 11, 2011 a 6.6 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan—-
Risks: Looking at the map of Japan taken by the Japan Meteorological Agency after the March 11, 2011 9.0 earthquake, we can see that the entire country is riddled with quakes. This shows the diffusion pattern of seismic energy intensity along Japan’s faults and crust displaying areas of weakest tensile strength. It is therefore reasonable to theorize that the island mass could fracture along three sections of the country during another massive quake set and subsequent volcanic convulsion. –The Extinction Protocol
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20 Responses to Japan Met Agency issues dire warnings of potential cataclysms for Japan

  1. Kim says:

    Wow I feel so bad for Japan and its so sad seeing that it is only getting worse. I know things around the world are getting worse, but its still quite shocking.

    Praying for them constantly all those around the world.

    God Bless.
    Christ loves you.


  2. ArieZ says:

    Its looking like the time Edgar Cayce Predicted has started…


    • rita says:

      I have had the same thought, regarding Cayce. And i also predicted that japan would be under water this year. It just felt obvious to me. I believe we are in the beginning of the next ‘phase’. Thank you for this site. I just discovered it.


  3. saishakti says:

    Mr. Alvin you are awesome just hours after you posted this report about japan a 7.1 quake has struck again with a 1mt tsunami but once again usgs has changed it to 6.6 why this double game


    • iodide says:

      There is a massive coverup going on not to panic or inform the public. The rad monitors are being taken down, falsified and offline if the numbers get high- lying all round. Intl community doing basically zero to help save the Japan population. Their whores, the MSM playing False Prophet to the nuke fallout fantasy “Its all safe, like a plane ride or a tanning bed or a day at the beach…”!

      They run endless ‘nuke dirty bomb drills’ “in case”-
      meanwhile- we have the biggest dirty bomb exploding in Japan for months- terrorists could never pull off this level of damage- and they down play it. Seize and withhold pot iodide, raise minimum rad esposures, label preppers as ‘terrorists’ etc.

      This was a HAARP-helped event. Stuxnet finished the job by incapacitating the cooling valves. Out of all this will come the One World Gov. Good luck folks, because these filthy vermin are the same who’ll be in charge later.


  4. Marshallrn says:

    How fast would Japan and or the west coast line go under. Are we talking in a matter of minutes, hours, days , or weeks?


    • Depends on the severity of the quakes. Some of these events will come in cluster eruptions of mega-thrust quakes, followed by a convulsive ignition of volcanoes and sea inundation. I don’t think it will happen in minutes or hours, but most scientists will downplay the apparent dangers thinking something of this magnitude cannot possibly happen- as it has never occurred before in recorded history but geological processes created the islands and produced the features of many coastal regions near subduction zones and these processes will reclaim many of them. The day a million or more people perish in such a disaster- the world, as you and I know it, will never be the same again- ever. These are unspeakable events, and I take no blithesome liberty in speaking of them. The loss of human life of any magnitude for any reason is disturbing.


  5. Marshallrn says:

    I only wish to hear of such horrifying topics because I’m about 20 feet above sea level in California and the ” river” in my town in the north is mapped on the coastal induction zone from San franciscos harbor or bay area. Most people who live here don’t feel there is anything to fear and my own family thinks I am going crazy. I’m stocking up on food and water and emergency supplies to help as many a I can. I know I can’t count on FEMA or any Federal government agencies. I have evacuation plans set for my entire family buy don’t know when I will need to invoke the full evacuation of California.


    • iodide says:

      You are sane and responsible. Best case?
      If nothing further happens- you should not be drinking any but safe bottle water until this mess is stopped. Also taping your windows.
      Dont try to convert others, too stressful. Just quietly go about your own preps w/ a few in support: It will provide some sense of control and peace. We cannot do everything, but what we can do, we should do.

      Worst case scenario? If Japan were to sink in a quick Mega implosion-explosion? 1000 ft tsunami hits all West Coast. These are the good-bad ranges and all reasonable, informed adults should take heed of them.


  6. kenn says:

    Those interested in this map probably would like this link
    It is an animated map showing the quakes in sequence since march 11, shown by size and depth.


  7. Logman says:


    I live in southern Kyushu. If Japan breaks up do you have any ideas where it could happen?


    • Many more tremendous events have to happen before that’s a possibility Logman, you’ll know when it gets critical by the pace of events. I would theorize where the 4′s start on the map on either side and the central point of the 7 would make my three points. I preface that by saying, this is just my opinion. The U.S., Indonesia, New Zealand, Canada and Central America all face similar issues…so I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. We’ll all know when the times comes.


  8. saisuji says:

    Hi Alvin , your website is truly the best . It gives us the most honest and authentic info. I am now aware of so much going on in our planet which otherwise is not made public in the media. Is your book available in Indian bookstores too? Also will India too undergo great geological upheavals in the coming days? Please reply. I will be ever so grateful to you. Thanks and regards, Saisuji


    • Thank you Saisuji, to God be praised…

      The Indian plate is one of the thinnest plates in terms of crustal density and it is being pushed upwards. There will be more and more seismic strain from the pressure exerted against it and we could see the inundation of the sea on land immediately around it- troubling signs are emerging from the sea around Pakistan and Indonesia as well as heightened seismic activity in Bangladesh. It has unique geological topography and tectonic forces and it will be interesting to see how SE Asia is rearranged during this crisis.



  9. christa loeser says:

    I am sorry ❤ please forgive me<3 Thank you ❤ Ilove YOU
    I wish i could take whole Japan in my arms, keep it warm and dry and put it down somewhere safe. I love these people and there Zen aproach to life . bless them ❤


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