Freak migration of jet stream baffles scientists

For unknown reasons, the jet stream has mysteriously migrated hundreds of kilometers south of where it should be and scientists haven't the slightest idea why

December 22, 2010The weather across the planet is in chaos. That’s indisputable…but the reason why the jet stream has mysterious changed course and the planet’s climate is descending into more chaos each day is mystifying to scientists. The dynamics of the planet is rapidly morphing- 4 major quakes in 2010 have altered planetary geology- Haiti, Chile, Baja and Christchurch, Nz. The planet’s rotation is slowing, the magnetic north pole is being nudged towards Russia and the planetary magnetic field is weakening as a possible prelude to a magnetic reversal. “The freezing conditions that have blasted Britain are being blamed on a series of weather patterns that are bringing Arctic temperatures to much of western Europe, California and even Australia. One of the main factors is a change in the position of the jet stream – the fast-moving current of air that moves from west to east, high in the atmosphere. Changes in the jet stream’s path can cause massive changes in weather conditions across the globe and may be why Australians are now shivering their way through summer and the current freezing conditions in California. In a normal British winter – when conditions are mild and soggy – the jet stream lies over northern Europe, at an altitude of between 35,000 to 50,000 feet. Right now, it’s warmer in Greenland than it is in Ireland or parts of Australia.”Mail UK
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2 Responses to Freak migration of jet stream baffles scientists

  1. tonic says:

    This is what is happening in Britain today and the country has flood warning all over. And still no sign of any kind, that the jet stream will move north anytime soon.


  2. Stu L says:

    If scientists are baffled by the jet stream movements, what chance of their computer climate models making sense?


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