Category Archives: Desertification

Large dust cloud from Sahara heads for US bringing ‘worst air pollution in 50 years’ after swamping the Caribbean

AN ENORMOUS plume of Saharan dust, nicknamed ‘Godzilla’, is heading for the U.S. bringing the “worst air pollution in 50 years.” The Saharan Air Layer (SAL) first appeared on satellite images captured over Africa in June according to the National … Continue reading

Posted in Black Swan Event, Desertification, Drought, Dust Storm, Earth Changes, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, Erratic Jet Stream, Extreme Weather Event, Health guideliness issued, High-risk potential hazard zone, Pollution and Waste, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced | Tagged | 7 Comments

Massive dust storm sweeps across Xinjiang region of China

May 2016 –CHINA – The residents of the Chinese city of Kashgar were shocked to see their roads and houses disappear under the dust cloud within minutes of the storm’s arrival. Many locals began suffering breathing difficulties from the eerie … Continue reading

Posted in Climate unraveling, Desertification, Drought, Dust Storm, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, Extreme Weather Event, Gale-force winds and gusts, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration | 1 Comment

Farmer suicides soar in India, as deadly heat-wave hits 51 degrees Celsius

May 2016 – INDIA – India has set a new record for its highest-ever recorded temperature – a searing 51 degrees Celsius or 123.8F – amid a devastating heat-wave that has ravaged much of the country for weeks. Hundreds of … Continue reading

Posted in Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Desertification, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, Extreme Weather Event, Food chain unraveling, Health guideliness issued, Heatwave, High-risk potential hazard zone, Pest Explosions, Pestilence Watch, Time - Event Acceleration | 2 Comments

Vast underground river system discovered in once-vibrant Western Sahara – climate collapsed rapidly

November 2015 – AFRICA – A riveting mystery is unfolding in Western Sahara, as scientists discover a massive ancient underground river system with the aid of satellite imaging. It confirms that only about 5,000 years ago, the Sahara was an … Continue reading

Posted in Black Swan Event, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Desertification, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, Extinction Threat, Extreme Weather Event, Food chain unraveling, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration | 14 Comments

Massive dust storm blankets the Middle East: ‘It seemed apocalyptic’

September 2015 – SAUDI ARABIA – A massive sandstorm that enveloped much of the Middle East on Tuesday sent Jeddah into total darkness at 6 p.m. The storm lasted for 40 minutes, with sand-laden winds so ferocious that one could … Continue reading

Posted in Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Desertification, Dust Storm, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, Extreme Weather Event, Health guideliness issued, High-risk potential hazard zone, Human behavioral change after disaster, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration | 3 Comments

Week-long heat wave kills 1,233 people in southern Pakistan – deadliest in country’s history

June 2015 – PAKISTAN – A devastating weeklong heat wave in Pakistan’s southern port city of Karachi killed 1,233 people, an official said. Nazar Mohammad Bozdar, operations director at the Provincial Disaster Management Authority, said about 65,000 heatstroke patients were … Continue reading

Posted in Black Swan Event, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Desertification, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Electric power disruption & grid failure, Environmental Threat, Extreme Weather Event, Hailstorm, Health guideliness issued, High-risk potential hazard zone, Human behavioral change after disaster, Infrastructure collapse, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Record high temperatures, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration | 6 Comments

‘The water table is dropping all over the world’ – NASA warns we’re on the path to global drought

June 2015 – WATER CRISIS — Drought-stricken California is not the only place draining underground aquifers in the hunt for fresh water. It’s happening across the world, according to two new studies by U.S. researchers released Tuesday. One-third of Earth’s … Continue reading

Posted in Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Desertification, Disappearing Lakes, Drought, Dust Storm, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Editor's note to readers - policy, Environmental Threat, Erratic Jet Stream, Heatwave, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, sinkholes, Time - Event Acceleration, Water Crisis - Conflict | 31 Comments