12-year-old girl in Ghana died of something else other than Ebola

April 2014AFRICA Blood tests have shown that a 12-year-old girl in Ghana who died of viral fever with bleeding did not have Ebola, Health Minister Sherry Ayittey said on Monday. The girl was the first suspected case in Ghana of Ebola, which has killed more than 90 people in Guinea and Liberia. Another suspected case has been reported in Mali. Medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has warned of an unprecedented epidemic in an impoverished region with weak health services. Samples from the girl, who has not been identified, were brought to the capital Accra from the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana’s second-largest city. “The report from the Noguchi Memorial Institute says categorically that the samples of the blood they analyzed is negative ID Ebola virus and also negative of any common viral fever,” Ayittey told a news conference.
“We would like to allay the fears of Ghanaians that the Ebola virus has been detected in Ghana,” she said. Ayittey said Ghana, which borders Togo, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast, has stepped up its health surveillance since the Guinea outbreak. It has trained port and borders workers to detect signs of the disease, set up a national committee, restocked testing equipment and established a telephone hotline, she said. –Reuters
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4 Responses to 12-year-old girl in Ghana died of something else other than Ebola

  1. Irene C says:

    “This is to allay the fears of Ghanaians”, however, if it wasn’t Ebola or any common viral fever, what was it? That would be my concern.


    • shriram says:

      Testing kit for Ebola will detect the virus. But if it has been recombined with some other genes which are over active, even though those genes may be few, but in such cases the PCR kit fails to detect that. It seams from the report that this might have happened, as the signs with the dying girl were similar to Ebola. If this has happened then this is nothing new but much more dangerous and every care should be taken to curb it. theses added genes if they are from the gmo in which promoter used is double enhanced ,then this Ebola can cause much more damage than the old strains.


  2. niebo says:

    “. . . Negative of any common viral fever.”

    For some reason I am reminded of Robin Cook’s “Contagion”, wherein a viro-terrorist resurrects certain pathogens (plague, Spanish flu, etc.) and, in essence, throws them at the population until something sticks.


  3. Upadhyay Rathi Raj says:

    Who knows. Might be a new virus test by US over the Third World country.


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