Earthquake swarms could indicate eruption near Nisyros, Greece

December 5, 2012 GREECE A seismic swarm of 2000 micro-earthquakes near the island of Nisyros since 24 November could indicate a start of a or coming of a volcanic eruption near Nisyros. The quakes are located between the area of Simi Island (Greece) and the Bozburun peninsula of SW of Turkey. Information is still scanty, but seismic signals from this possible eruption are very similar to those recorded from current volcanic eruptions. If an eruption is taking place, it would form a new submarine volcano near Nisyros. No proof has yet been found to prove that an eruption may be taking place. Some sources think the swarm may be tectonic (as the Aegean sea is very seismically active). The Volcano Discovery alert will be kept at Green until further evidence is found. The island has a 3 kilometers (1.9 mi) to 4 kilometers (2.5 mi) wide caldera, and was constructed within the past 150,000 years, with 3 separate eruptive stages, ranging from explosive and effusive andesitic eruptions to effusive and extrusive dacitic and rhyolitic activity. Its coasts are generally rocky or pebbled, but there are also a few sandy beaches (mainly in the northeastern part). The volcano is currently active (but not erupting), and fumaroles are found at the craters. It has had four historical eruptions, all of which had a VEI of 2. Almost all of its eruptions involved phreatic activity. The latest eruptive activity was a steam explosion in 1888, after small ash eruptions in 1871 and 1873 and earthquakes are not infrequent. A period of seismic unrest in 1996–1997 led an international team of scientist to initiate monitoring of the volcanic unrest in the European Union sponsored Geowarn project. The entire volcanic complex includes the seafloor between Nisyros and Kos, the island of Gyali, and a part of Kos Island. –Volcano Discovery, Wikipedia
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Strange high tides & freak waves, Submarine volcanic eruption, Submarine Volcano, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Eruption. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Earthquake swarms could indicate eruption near Nisyros, Greece

  1. Bert Fannin says:

    Greece and her islands have always been under the regencies of Poseidon, god of the sea and of quakes.
    “Earth shaker, god of the sea and braker of horses,blue haired Poseidon, hear my mistreatment”

    Homer: from a hymn to Poseidon

    Right now, he does not see all that pleased, with the humans who sail his seas or walk his land


  2. Louise Page says:

    This is interesting info. In my blog I jot down weekly posts regarding ‘feelings’ I get about earthquakes, volcanoes etc….without (deliberately) studying in any depth what is actually occurring around the world…as I want to stay true to just relying on those ‘gut’ feelings.
    Now having said that, I am no psychic, see-er etc., my latest post refers to particularly water related activity, more-so than any of my other posts. I have noticed reports, like this article, noting more activity regarding various regions’ waters.
    Some may think I am a little ‘left-of-centre’ 😉 But I do feel that mankind is in a time where mother earth is teaching us much more than we already may know. Let’s hope that the ‘lessons’ are not hard hitting and we can reach a new level of understanding about how to care about each other and our precious planet.
    …..peace all.


  3. In 2001 I had my first dream related to a volcanic eruption and/or earthquake coming from the direction of Nisyros going towards the bay of Kefalos on Kos Island. At the time I had a windsurfing school in the bay.
    Since 2002 I live in India and I still had 4-5 more dreams about this possible event/prediction. I use the word prediction, because in one dream (2005) I saw an angelic being telling me that it will happen in the summer (July to September period), but he did not tell me which year.
    With what I have seen from the dreams, the devastation will be enormous, not only because of the earthquake but also because of the following WAVES/tsunami.
    God bless


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