One dead, as shallow 5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes up southern Italy

October 26, 2012ITALYA magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck north of Cosenza in southern Italy early on Friday, and police said a hospital had been evacuated after cracks were found in its structure, but there were no reports of injuries. The quake hit at 1:05 a.m. (2305 GMT on Thursday) about 3.8 km (2.4 miles) underground, north of Cosenza in the Pollino mountains area on the border of the southern regions of Calabria and Basilicata, according to data from the Italian Geophysics Institute (INGV). It said on its website that at least 14 other tremors followed the initial earthquake. An Italian police official told Reuters a hospital in the small town of Mormanno had been evacuated as a precautionary measure because some cracks were found in its structure. Italian news agencies reported scenes of panic in the hospital and said many inhabitants of Mormanno and surrounding towns had come out in the streets. At least one death has been reported due to the quake. –Jerusalem Post  Courier Mail
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9 Responses to One dead, as shallow 5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes up southern Italy

  1. coldcanuk says:

    Oh no another eathquake in italy and someone died
    Will more folks go jail for not predicting it?????
    what a sad joke


  2. A Quebecoise says:

    Who are they going to blame for this one?


  3. Jeff Menos says:

    Hey Alvin, Did You Hear About The Small 2.5 Earthquake In New York?


  4. Flo says:

    I think that God is trying to get our atttention to reform our lives: turn to Him in prayer and get right with HIM because we should be ready for whatever is coming, be it health issues, finances, relationships with others, etc. <Live according to "The Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you".


  5. Irene C says:

    I wonder if any scientists (or judges) predicted this one. Just saying…


  6. Kat says:

    And this come on the heels of the charges of the scientists from the last quake! Talk about poetic justice. Wonder who theyre gonna blame this one on!


  7. tonic says:

    Who could have predicted this.?


  8. More shaking in the Bay of Naples area… The quake activity in this part of Italy seems to be picking up, which to me is pointing to a major eruption of Vesuvius in the near future.


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