Anak Krakatau Volcano – Small Eruptions – 7th April 2012

On the morning of the 7th April 2012 Anak Krakatau started to produce small eruptions from the southern part of the crater. The eruption clouds only reached a height of 100-150meters and only contained small amounts of ash and only a little rockfall, the eruptions was not of a explosive character. The rest of the crater and its fumaroles are producing a continuous white cloud of steam/gas, rising to greater heights than the eruption clouds from the southern part of the crater. Additionally the southern/southwestern part of the outer part of the crater does now have fumaroles, indicating that magma is trapped under this part of the cone. –Youtube
contribution Yamkin 
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors, Volcanic Eruption, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Anak Krakatau Volcano – Small Eruptions – 7th April 2012

  1. K.J. says:

    Kind of makes you think it is building up to do something fairly significant.


  2. Irene C says:

    If I remember correctly, I believe that this is how the father started out.



  3. Pauly says:

    That’s one scary looking location on Planet Earth.


  4. tary says:

    i was planning to go there for a couple of days, i hope nothing happens

    check this out also:
    adventure travel website


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