What’s melting so many glaciers in Antarctica? Searching for hidden volcanoes under the ice

April 7, 2012 ANTARTICA Mount Sidley, the highest volcano in Antarctica, may have a lot of company lurking out of sight. Scientists are using seismographs to hunt for hidden volcanoes in Antarctica. Scientists have used radar and other imaging technology to uncover some astounding finds under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: A vast mountain range that rivals the Alps, and Lake Vostok, one of Earth’s largest lakes. Finally, seismographs can reveal hidden sources of seismic activity — little earthquakes that could be the signatures of active volcanoes hidden under the ice. “It’s really the first time we’re able to look at the interior structure of the mantle,” said Andrew Lloyd, a WSLU Ph.D. student who traveled hundreds of miles by snowmobile to help retrieve some of the seismographs — and the reams of data they recorded. “It will enable us to say something really definitive about the tectonics and geology of the region, which is something nobody has been able to do before,” Lloyd said. Wiens said that the data are already revealing a tantalizing picture of what is going on beneath West Antarctica, a place that is, in the words of one scientist, “hemorrhaging ice. We do see these big variations in the temperature in the mantle across parts of Antarctica that will have a big effect on the ice sheet,” Wiens said. However, he added, many months of work lie ahead, and it will be some time before scientists are ready to announce to the world what lies beneath the ice. –Live Science
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14 Responses to What’s melting so many glaciers in Antarctica? Searching for hidden volcanoes under the ice

  1. yamkin says:

    Alaska Has The Most Ice Ever Recorded

    Alaska has blown away all records for sea ice this winter. Four of the five iciest years around Alaska have been since 2007. Look for the MSM to respond by publishing stories about drowning Polar Bears who can’t find any ice.



  2. Andrew says:

    What’s causing the ice to melt? The same thing that’s causing the entire planet to be more volcanically active then ever before in our recorded history; the same that’s causing the massive quakes and the insane and extreme weather….our sun’s brown dwarf twin.
    Scientists specialize in one area…neither a climatologist nor geologist would know anything about astrophysics and would limit their search for answers to their particular field.
    The state of our world comes to no surprise to anyone who’s read the works of Velikovsky; over 60 years ago, he predicted everything we are now experiencing would take place in the first part of the new Millennium. His prediction was based on evidence he compiled that our planet is struck by a cosmic catastrophe every 3600 years.
    Velikovsky’s work has been the bible of the elite for decades. Thanks to him, they knew exactly what and when to expect the earth changes. This allowed them to come up with the global warming cover decades ago, that would ensure the masses didn’t panic and continued to pay their taxes.
    Anyone who bothers to take a look at man made global warming will see it is a lie. At this time the global average temperature is a degree and a half lower than what it was 3600 years ago. Fossil records also show that in the past that atmospheric carbon only rose after the temperature increased. Also, carbon only makes up 0.03 % of the atmosphere…its almost nonexistent and definitely not enough to cause an increase in quakes and volcanoes.
    One volcanic eruption puts on the equivalent of a years worth of carbon emissions in LA….. there are hundreds of active volcanoes at this very moment.
    One last piece of evidence…global warming/climate change is not limited to our planet…all the planets, with the exception of Mercury, have been undergoing massive changes.
    Its time people stop distracting us by dissecting everything as an individual problem and realize these are only symptoms and they are all tied together. Keeping all these things separate is the elites way of keeping us in the dark. .


    • mattrexx says:

      “Scientists specialize in one area…neither a climatologist nor geologist would know anything about astrophysics and would limit their search for answers to their particular field.”

      You do know that Velikovsky was a psychoanalyst and a psychiatrist right…..


      • Andrew says:

        Touche. Yes, you’re right, I was making a generalization. I should have said ‘often’ tend to work within their fields.


    • sweet1o1 says:

      Right on Andrew!!


  3. Carla Burgers says:

    Andrew, it seems there are a lot of sceptics in regards to Vikovsky’s theory but thanks for interesting comment. http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/pseudosc/vlkovsky.htm


    • Andrew says:

      If you can explain how Velikovsky accurately predicted the state of the world at this very time, be my guest.
      The link you provided seems to be making assumptions about the late Albert Einstein and his relationship with Velikovsky….considering the author didn’t know either man, this is nothing but speculation….one can easily produce a link to supporting websites, which there are many. The one I have provided contains a letter from Einstein, in which he tells Velikovsky his book has proven that a extraterrestrial source causes cosmic catastrophes.
      Einstein was a supporter of the pole shift theory and is often credited with coming up with the theory. He, however, was going on the work of his friend, Velikovsky. One thing he never agreed on was Velikovsky’s extraterrestrial source, Venus.
      When Velikovsky wrote his first books, the term brown dwarf was still 25 years in the future. Not knowing about brown dwarfs and binary star systems, Velikovsky, did his best to explain the cosmic source.


    • Paris says:

      I have a question for you Carla, have you even bothered to read the works of Velikovsky or are you just passing judgment on what others have to say about him?


  4. marcelle says:

    Hmmm I would say Fukushima and post glacial rebound is causing all the eq’s. Hope you have the best easter and thank you for all your hard work. 🙂


  5. angela says:

    This could be a simple explanation. It just makes alot of sense to me.


  6. Gordian Knot says:

    @mattrexx regarding Velikovsky. How many here have actually read any of Velikovsky’s book(s) cover-to-cover ? One can say the same for Darwin with his education in the various fields including: a stint in geology, theology, medicine (neglected his studies), taxidermy, entomology, but preferred horseback riding and shooting to education. It was by luck and cronyism that allowed Darwin to set sail on the Beagle.

    My point is that Velokovsky presents layers of sincere, thoughtful arguments on every single (requiring additional studying) page of his writings that leads you to various parts of the world chronicled with evidence challenging today’s (etched in stone) standards.

    At one point I considered Velikovsky’s writings far-fetched, but as I studied his writings page-by-page, footnote-for-footnote I discovered his writings sensible and coherent as I dug ‘deeper’ into sources providing more clarity to the world we call home.

    Many of us may have viewed the youtube video(s) of Carl Sagan discussing Velikovsky’s thoughts on Venus, but what I find interesting in Sagan’s (inflection) presentation was to a point of mockery which lead me to believe that Sagan may have read a page or two of Velikovsky’s writings for the sole purpose to discredit and discount everything Velikovsky has every written. It takes a man of character to admit his short comings and Velikovsky does so in his writings.

    “Rather than searching for the missing link, we should be searching for the broken links.”
    -Emmanuel Velikovsky-


  7. Rob says:

    It’s crystal clear to me that SOMETHING is causing all of this, what with the, IIRC, magnetsphere being repeatedly repelled from the oposite dirrection of our orbital path & in the oposite dirrection of the Sun. Why is it that we cannot get a clear & irrefutable picture of Planet X, or is it that TPTB are censoring such information as soon as it’s publicly posted? I WANT the Truth but in these days of lies & data manipulation it’s hard to know what information to trust & it’s going to take some pretty convincing evidence to swing my vote one way or the other.


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