9 Responses to Contingency plans: Kim Jong-un promotes nuclear and missile chiefs to inner circle in preparation of rocket launch

  1. dannrivera says:

    Would this act precipitates World War IV?


    • Well, he’s surrounding himself with the people who can push the button in the event of an incident. I’m sure U.S. generals in the USPACOM theater won’t be sleeping much this week.


      • Artoro says:

        It is interesting how the Korean peninsula is shaped similarly to New Jersey although not quite as long or wide. But, it is a good point of reference when looking at distance between the two capitals of both North and South Korea.

        The distance between the two is about 118 miles. It’s pretty much the same distance between Newark and Atlantic City 117 miles. It would be like Newark bombing Atlantic City.

        So if Kin Jong un desires to nuke the capital of South Korea he creates a big problem for himself because the yield of a nuclear bomb (if they really have one) would seriously destroy his country just as well.

        As far as the North starting a ground/conventional war, they can’t afford it. Although they have adequate troop strength and or maybe necessary equipment, it takes tons of food (which they don’t have) to march an army. Many battles and a few wars were lost due to the lack of food.


      • I don’t think we can assign a logical response to a nation who irrationally starved millions of its own people to build these weapons of mass destruction in the first place. Now, you think a different rationale tempers their threat to use them or iniate a war? The only one thing predictable about insanity is that- it’s circular.


        Spock’s reply to Kirk about why Lazarus would want to meet to kill his anti-matter opposite at the risk destroying the entire the universe in the process.

        Jim, madness has no purpose or reason. But it may have a goal- annhilation.” – Spock.


  2. JoeMozden says:

    Alvin- peace and blessings to you on this beautiful Easter morning.


  3. tonic says:

    Unfortunately, love and goodwill, is a concept only available to those, who already possess it.


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