600 birds found dead in Christchurch being blamed on botulism

February 10, 2012NEW ZEALANDChristchurch City Council is investigating the death of more than 600 birds found along the banks of the oxidation ponds at the city’s wastewater treatment plant. It is working with National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research and Fish & Game to determine how they died. Dead birds have also been found in other wetlands in the east of the city. The council says initial diagnosis indicates the birds died from avian botulism, a natural phenomenon. –Radio New Zealand
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10 Responses to 600 birds found dead in Christchurch being blamed on botulism

  1. marilyn says:

    Seems to be an awful lot of birds dying in every country, I think there has to be one cause that relates to all of them, otherwise it seems unusually coincidental.


    • dave says:

      birds, fish, cows,bees, seems like who ever is responsible, is also trying to create a massive famine, as told in the bible. millions of fish that nobody will get to eat,and other bigger fish will starve, causing dolphins whales to beach themselves, bees and birds which pollinate fruit trees and all other plants ,which will cause lack of plant growth, cows, look at india thousands of dead animals, all these events and others to come are infact leading to famine world wide, the worst is yet to come, could this be done by man ,with the chem trails being sprayed world wide, could this haarp thing be responsible, or is it something to do with the break down of the earths magnetic field caused by the the suns flares and massive solar tornatoes that are happening right know, why is so much information about this being hid from us, i dont know. but i,ll bet its man made, oil spills another thing ,these spills kill krill and all kinds of microbes that most marine life feed off, its worse then we can imagine,or then we let on , the people of the world are in denial, when ever someone brings this to the attention of world, they are called conspirators or anarkist, or just plain crazy. but soon were going to realize these people had it right.but unfortunately it will already be to late by then to do anything, so my suggestion to anybody reading this is to get to know jesus, because he is the only one who can save you and your family and keep you safe from whats going to happen in the next little while. god bless,


  2. Ken says:

    Volcanic gases in the atmosphere?


  3. radiogirl says:

    Alvin,what is the best source for earthquake data on the web?Are governmental sites not printing or removing data?I realize that it maybe a matter of site management or my imagination that this appears this way.Thank You and happy weekend everybody,R


    • USGS, EMSC and the individual countries are the norm. If you want a lot of the data, may I suggest an app which gives you just about everything. It’s called
      IEarthquakes and its available on ITunes. It’s one of the best I’ve found.

      Quakefeed is free


  4. Darlene LaMar says:

    Sure Fireworks….. Oh wait we’re going with botulism this time. Ok. Sure Botulism… Right.


  5. Rose says:

    On this same day my electrical equipment went haywire, internet went down, daughters computer crashed and a bird flew straight into my front window stunned – all at the same time. Look to the use of the EMR technology being forced on the City of Christchurch. ENOUGH of the war games!


  6. Ingrid Adler says:

    what happens to our planet right now????


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