19 Responses to The nightmare before Christmas: EU summit proposals fail to calm global financial markets

  1. luisport says:

    Things Are So Bad That The € Has Become A ‘Funding Currency’

    Read more: http://inpursuitofvalue.wordpress.com/2011/12/12/the-e-is-becoming-a-funding-currency/#ixzz1gLZTwpNY


    • Quote from article: “But wherever you sit, Friday’s EU summit was yet another all-too-small step towards finding solutions to the problems of too much European sovereign debt. The markets are now left to wait and see if the ECB will find enough to like in the commitments of the other 26 nations towards fiscal discipline so that it can become a significant buyer of high yielding sovereign debt. One has to assume they will do so if needed.”

      Once again, the solution falls on the Central Banks to print more money…


  2. nickk0 says:

    Alvin – What do you see, as the ‘best possible outcome’ ( assuming there is one), coming out of this crisis ??

    Is it possible, that the Euro may completely break down, with each country going back to their respective ‘original’ currencies ?? ( Greece back to the Drachma, Germany back to the Mark, France back to the Franc, etc. )

    – Nick


    • I think globalism won’t be reversed because I think financers and banks want an international arena to manipulate current, spread risks and trade off debt…it’s actually rooted in all these problems. What no one has factored into the mix is the record string of disasters which will be more dramatic in 2012. I think that couple with the condition of banks, a potential conflict in the Middle East may be enough to break down modern civilization. I think the next push will be for a global type financial system —- but the Euro except could end up collapsing as this crisis worsens. Many have said there is a deliberate push by the West to destroy the Euro…so it may get more interesting before it gets even worst.


  3. Good Luck says:

    WEll, we’re probably a few day to a week out before they crash..
    There are all kind of silent bank runs going on in Eruorp, and slovic countries as well, that our vile scum bag liberal media dileberly refuses to cover and report.


  4. Martalien says:

    This is best site of the genre covering econnomic through weather change and wars and politics from around the world ! thank you verry mutch Alvin for your hard work, may god and the universe gives us tools for these dark days ahead of us, have a great holydays brothers and sister we will need mutch love as possibles.sincerly from canada Martin.


  5. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    So a downgrade is imminent? RT @ChrisAdamsMKTS: Sarkozy plays down France’s AAA status http://on.ft.com/vBMC2p
    há 2 minutos


  6. Gen says:

    Video. Max Keiser talks about silver, gold for Japanese bonds, and with Sajyajit Das on European debt crisis.



  7. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Guest Post: The Ghost Of The Bundesbank Haunting The Halls Of Brussels http://www.zerohedge.com/node/441625
    há 5 minutos


  8. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    The European Death Spiral http://www.zerohedge.com/node/441627
    há 7 minutos


  9. Irene C says:

    Never let a good crisis go to waste? (As we sit on the sidelines and watch helplessly.)



  10. So what can we do to make money during this crisis besides gold and silver? If we do want to buy gold or silver – what is the best site and best ways to purchase safest? Also if you are in the USA buy your bulk food now as they are working on making it illegal to have food stored beyond 7 days. http://www.naturalnews.com/034371_food_storage_federal_agents_customer_list.html and it is illegal to collect rainwater to drink in many states now – it’s getting crazy – http://www.naturalnews.com/029286_rainwater_collection_water.html


    • Ronni says:

      Wow. This is so scary. No. More like terrifying. So not only do we have to worry about stocking up for whatever may come, but also figure out how to do it inconspicuously, and then hide whatever we gather.


  11. Please verify : the US government and Goldman & Sachs, which are essentially the same, are paying the rating agencies to attack Europe even more now, as Europe now discards the US influence through the classical means, namely the UK and Poland.

    This is of course a less US-centred view of the financial-economic war going on. Europe opposes the predator capitalism and this is not pleasing, I’m afraid.


  12. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    há 1 minuto » zerohedge zerohedge
    EUR Tumbles To Lows On Report Merkel Rejects Raising Upper Limit On ESM Bailout Mechanism http://www.zerohedge.com/node/441669
    há 7 minutos


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