When worlds collide: the synchronicity of earthchange events on December 7th and 8th

“These are the orbits of five objects that hit Earth on the night of Dec. 7/8. NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network recorded the meteoroids as they disintegrated in the atmosphere over the United States, each one producing a bright fireball. Note how all the orbits converge on a single point–our planet.” –Space Weather
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:26
December 11, 2011SPACEThis may be just the beginning of many soon-to-be synchronous occurrences where deep space, the planet’s atmosphere, and the Earth are  simultaneously affected by multiple events. In the late hours of December 7-8th, a mini-fireball storm converged on Earth, an earthquake struck a remote stretch of coastline in Chile, and there was an unexplained spike in cosmic ray intensity on the Russian neutron monitor.The Extinction Protocol
contribution Evo
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17 Responses to When worlds collide: the synchronicity of earthchange events on December 7th and 8th

  1. SheilaS says:

    As I was watching the eclipse early this morning with my family we were also treated to several “shooting stars” going right by the mostly eclipsed moon. Like a shadow of the blood red moon and the stars falling from the sky in Revelation. It seems as if it is becoming the norm for so many things to happen at once. Thank you for trying to keep us all up to date – looks like it is becoming a bigger job every day.


  2. Mark says:

    Thanks for the post.
    Always appreciate them, check ’em twice daily.


  3. nickk0 says:

    “These are the orbits of five objects that hit Earth on the night of Dec. 7/8. NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network recorded the meteoroids as they disintegrated in the atmosphere *over the United States* …”
    That is very odd, considering that the meteors were all on different orbits.

    – Nick


  4. -uygracias says:

    i find this very informative … thanks!!


  5. Pastor Ellsworth IV says:

    Wake up everyone!!! We are entering the galactic rift!!!!


  6. According to Space Weather (http://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=09&month=12&year=2011) on the evening of Dec. 8/9 SEVEN objects converged on earth and ‘disintegrated in the atmosphere over the United States, each one producing a bright fireball’.

    “CONGESTED INTERSECTION: Ranging in size from microscopic space dust to mountainous asteroids, trillions of meteoroids zing through the inner solar system on a daily basis. What are the odds that seven of them would cross the same point in space? Pretty good, actually. In fact, it happened just last night. Regard the following orbit diagram, then read on for an expanation:

    These are the orbits of seven objects that hit Earth on the night of Dec. 8/9. NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network recorded the meteoroids as they disintegrated in the atmosphere over the United States, each one producing a bright fireball. Note how all the orbits converge on a single point–our planet.

    Every night the network’s cameras scan the skies over the United States, forming an inventory of what hits the atmosphere. Combining images from multiple cameras, network software rapidly calculates the basic parameters of each interloper: orbit, speed, disintegration height, and more. At the moment, cameras are located in only four states (New Mexico, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee), but the network is expanding to provide even better coverage. Soon we’ll see just how congested our intersection in space really is. Stay tuned.”

    If these really are two separate events on two separate nights, it is unlikely to be ‘coincidence’ and we must be prepared for anything – ‘expect the unexpected’.

    The increase in cosmic rays is interesting, as cosmic rays are thought to be instrumental in causing biological evolution.

    Thanks for your outstanding work, Alvin.

    God bless you.

    Messenger Spirit


  7. Anonymous says:

    These weren’t meteors.


  8. Irene C says:

    This is truly fascinating. I wish I would have seen one of the fireballs. (As long as it doesn’t land, of course.)



  9. Loquamur says:

    The Great Peshtigo Fire in northern Wisconsin, on October 8, 1871, happened the same night as the Great Chicago Fire, burning a much large extent of territory. Many other fires in Michigan & Indiana also on Oct. 8, 1871. Get the picture? Sounds exactly like a mess of meteor fragments all landing in & around Lake Michigan in a planetary moment. Oddly, nearly all modern scientists discount the theory, although they know the earth is getting pelted constantly!


  10. NrCharlest says:

    Wow! Just wow.


  11. MrCharlest says:

    This is more the nature of true “events” Unexpected and overwhelming.


  12. Joseph t. Repas says:

    Could these have been an early prelude to the Geminid meteor shower of December 13 – 14 ?
    I wonder how long it will be though until a sattelite is hit and destroyed by one of these larger pieces of rock.


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